The world is beyond fucked

I don't trust anything anymore.
I don't know what is fact or conspiracy.
Was this all a hoax? Is this all part of a plan?
Why are world leaders unable to come up with a solid plan?
I'm going crazy.
Everyone is going crazy.
What the fuck is going on with the world.

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The world is just evil but the world stands no chance against me.

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All this shit happens only because man is inherently fucked species.
Whether you believe man has fallen from godhood (like Christcucks) or man has arisen from beasthood (like pagays) it makes no difference.

God is dead, the old gods are dead, all gods are dead and have abandoned us. We have fallen. It's over.

All you can do is take solace in the fact that everything and everyone will eventually fade into nothingness and be forgotten forever. And it's all we deserve, for being fallen creatures. Anything else is pure COPE. But COPE is what man does, whether it's with christcuckery or pagayism or whatever.

And that, is the final redpill.

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He cute...

Answer: who cares

Enjoy your life user, try not to worry about it too much. Get drunk, try to get your dick sucked etc. There isn’t much more to it than that.

>What's going on
An unknown virus is circulating doing minor damage
>Where are all the plans
To tell you to avoid people is the plan, otherwise starve because farmers aren't allowed to work
World is acting pretty normal desu, just over panicky retards are fucking everything up

Cringe and gay defeatist logic.
Fuck off with that pussy shit.

At all times, no matter what is happening in the world remember DEER
These things objectively better you, and are within your control. You will drive yourself crazy worrying about everything. So, instead of caring about the world, care about yourself.

God is alive and still very much present, faggot.

there's nothing defeatist about it.
It's however you want to look at it. Pic related.
Sorry friend. You're coping. But you'll have to face the truth one day, as all mankind will have to.

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>Enjoy your life user, try not to worry about it too much. Get drunk, try to get your dick sucked etc. There isn’t much more to it than that.
>t. big nose

The greatest tricked the system ever pulled was convincing you that you needed the system to survive.

Whenever you feel that way just think of these words said long ago by Voltaire: "Fuck a opp, we send shots nigga"

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anime posting faggot leave the board

>nihilist sodomite buttfucking retards
get a load of these fags
I worship Christ and will have plentiful children, unlike this loser sodomite faggot nihilists, who will just sob and bitch until their final breath
>waahhh wahh marriage hard
>wahhh wahhh life hard
>people bad time to kill myself nothing matter XDDDDDD

final redpill is to HAVE WHITE CHILDREN you fucking faggots

your children will serve only as worker drones in the worldwide communo-capitalist consumer empire. why the fuck do you think the government gives tax benefits if you have kids, lol, you think it's out of the kindness of their own hearts? no, they know it'll come to pay back when your kids grow up and toil and work and pay taxes just like you. the cycle continues.

you're just trying to justify your animalistic need to breed. no more. it's pure COPE. Nothing ever happens, and nothing ever changes. especially after the 1940s.

Don't worry too much about it. You will understand when you die.

this is the new 9.11

DONT FUCKING TRUST ANYONE. This shit is all planned. It always is. Tell your family you love them. Let them know with all your heart. Even if we survive this, reminder its just a matter of time before some dirty bomb detonates in some city. You are on borrowed time. Expendable blood sacrifices. This country is one giant transmutation circle. Dont waste any fucking time. Tell your loved ones how much they mean.

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tl;dr kike
you are a biological nonfactor if you don't wish to reproduce. Why should I care for what you have to say if you wish to take yourself, and your lineage, out of existence?

extremely ironic statement since 1488 get

you still don't seem to understand that in the end, all your progeny will be dead and forgotten. this is eternal truth. there's nothing you can do it about it.


pure COPE.

Its a textbook case of overshoot and collapse, just this time its not lemmings doing it, its humanity.

Everything else is just a side-effect of resource depletion, the competition is getting desperate and deadly.

I feel sick.
I am going to help.

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return to tradition. go outside and make a community. dont care about the ongoings of the world.


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Not that user, but it seems like your objecting cuz for him (from what it seems and the very least for me personally) it’s about carrying on the life of my own to somebody who I can make as much better than me as I can. Nobody has to be remembered considering this life is temporary, but I’ll have the memories of my children, and they’ll have the memories of me at the very least and that’s what matters to me. I don’t need everything in the world

Seems like you’re projecting*

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that's just your cope then. Everyone has their own cope, even me. but let's at least call it what it is and not glorify it.

nobody gives a fuck that you're a religious fuck, okay?