HAPPENING - Democrat plan for white genocide revealed

New footage of would be Biden-VP Stacey Abrams on tape in 2014 plotting post-Census RE-DISTRICTING in 2021 to stop "WHITE" people from governing.

Video: youtube.com/watch?v=oVmvXAITuH4

These people are playing for keeps.

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Really wish they'd just force a balkanization already. Let Commiefornia and Jew York split off, let the south go back to Antebellum if they want, let the white midwesterners establish their ethnostate and cut off the food chain feeding major urban areas. This is a quick and effective train straight to separate ethnostates, anyone advocating for union of a hopelessly multicultural state is an actual retard. There is only collapse possible at this point.

Important shit bump

I have to wonder how kikes got such power in the US
With their history being hated by everyone in Europe for thousands of years, it makes you wonder how anyone formed a deal with them and let them fuck their country up willingly
What the fuck happened? Are they that good at infiltrating and subverting?

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KYS Chang

Trump literally increase the amount of Indians coming over here to replace whites in tech

Literally what the fuck is wrong about she said? A majority non-white population being governed by a minority white conservative government IS unjust and dangerous, and primarily achiever through voter suppression.

These fucking commie parasites aren't getting one grain of fucking sand.
Their blood will fertilize our soil to make up for everything they've already stripped and stolen to support their completely worthless lives.

Not one grain of fucking sand.


You're retarded. Do you think white people have a better chance governing their own states, or do you think they're better off ruled by and loyal to a government that's actively moving to displace and genocide them?

Because every country that isn't governed by whites is a total shit hole with the exception of Japan I guess? And SK? Why would a black person want to live under a state similar to one in Africa? Do you really think they prefer living like tribals to being fed and entertained by white inventions?


Kek, good luck. A bunch of domestic terrorists wouldn't stand a chance against the US military.

>a majority minority population
Is xhe quoting Cartman from South Park?

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No, no it fucking isn't.

Georgia isn’t a majority minority state YET you fucking kike. Like all white genocide fetishists, they wank over “projected” demographics aka actively seeking to lower the white birth rate and population growth. They’re prophesying their own rule before it can even be achieved.

The military is almost always the source of all right-wing coups and power plays. The vast majority of soldiers and higher-up officials are much more right wing and conservative than the average American. Don't know why people think a civil war would be civilians vs military, it would be civilian and military right-wing coup versus government officials and much weaker civilian loyalists. Look at what happened in Chile.

She's from the south retard

USA looks more and more like South Africa.

Indians are dark white.

Yeah it actually is okay, because racism was defeated in 2008

Yeah, and the south is also full of niggers. It was never a "white" state. The last bastion of white states is the mid and southwest, somewhat the PNW and the less urban areas of the east coast. The south has been half nigger since 1800.

>let the white midwesterners establish their ethnostate and cut off the food chain feeding major urban areas
I've been dreaming of this since I first went to college in Chicago.

Allahu Ackbar yourself.

Yeah and? If you get rid of niggers instead of simping and trying to sell them on tax cuts, you don't have this problem. But you're a republican faggot who spends all day dreaming of how many White men you can displace from the work force and then make them think it's their own fault.

The difference here is that the US military is quite racially diverse, and would NEVER go along with explicit white nationalism.

Because anglos and specifically evangelists are larping as Jews hence your "judeo-Christian values"

>let the white midwesterners establish their ethnostate and cut off the food chain feeding major urban areas.
bro, they've already planted the seeds in the midwest with all the fucking muslims they've imported

They threw a Civil War, sank the Titanic to take out their opposition to the Fed Res, buried Tesla's work, had a World War, threw a Depression, had another World War, and poisoned everyone from birth in their Sabbatean Frankfurt indoctrination centers, and Hollowood mass MK Ultra mind control operation.
Some of us survived with half our wits intact.
You wanna burn it all down with me, kid?

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Bump. Whypipo dangerous even though niggerinos commit most crime. How dare these piece of shit niggers expect to constantly shit on and disadvantage white people while relying on white people to should their burden. Ungrateful shits don't deserve white people

No, but they would go along with a balkanization scenario - that is, the bolstering of local states' rights beyond the power of any federal body. This is the catalyst, and the most optimal way for humans to govern themselves.

Best to wipe them out before they've bred too far huh? This scenario would certainly help with that.

Does anyone even need more proofs? I mean there's 100 years of it nobody just bothered to look at it or care and for the most part they still don't. The plan hasn't changed and wont change just because it's in the open.
If anything it's just going to make her more electable and that's the reality unless a full breakdown can happen we're not getting out of the current status quo. Also Biden admitted he thought white minority was a good thing, AS THE ACTUAL VICE PRESIDENT.

Is it okay for black interests to be represented by white people? If not, why should white people ever vote for non-white politicians?

Indians have the gold standard qualities of
You couldn't invent a better bulwark for the failing jewish neoliberal project and American empire. Their wounded pride vis a vis China and America's collapsing tech sector means just like the jews they'll fight to the last White man.

Well Japan was governed by the US after ww2 and they modeled life after the us but the culture stayed mostly the same

Going off their performance in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan, I'm not worried about the US military. They're ready for a shove.

good fucking luck. midwesterners are cucked


YOU are the terrorists, nigger.
I stand by my Bill of Rights, and the Founding Documents of my Nation.
You take one more fucking step over my Civil Liberties, and we'll start practicing one of our favorite Amendments for a change.
You ready, I presume, for what you've created?
You can't stop it now.

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>federal govt forces Islamic people into these areas
>the midwesterners are cucked

We simply have to rid the authority forcing this so that the consequences to resistance are eliminated. How do you do this? A collapse.