>one of the most prestigious awards in the history of humanity

Well is it?


Attached: (((clintonite33))).png (1198x776, 219.39K)

It's a jew award for jews

>oh no a ton of anti trump threads!
>I know, I'll counter them by posting some literal nobody responding to trump on twitter

More prestigious than anything trump's been awarded

Okay, cool:
You can have your "Noble Prize"
He can have the Presidency.

Nobels in non-sciences are illegitimate. Prove me wrong

fpbp every FUCKING time


Nobel prize is literally a "good job!" Sticker you'd give a kindergartner

Honestly Obama killed any clout that prize ever had, even liberals think so

I got an award. What do I spend it on?

Even the physics and chemistry ones have turned into political jokes.

Nobel prizes are actually a joke because Obama won the Nobel peace prize for fuck all even though he used drone strikes on civilians.

He didnt actually win it but whatever you say lol

No dude, it comes with a huge monetary stipend. You also get a massive salary boost if you're in the university system

He's in the white house as you type.

Give a peace prize to someone who then goes on to bomb 5 more countries,

Attached: hislegacy_1530405462.jpg (254x211, 17.47K)

Noble board committee is 40% jews, they infiltrated it. It's now worthless indeed.

And why the fuck is he rambling about this now?

>and so you see, this is why these advancements in inorganic synthesis prove there are 687 different genders

Besides Obama bombing children after he got one, didn't they give one in "economics" to Paul Krugman?That dumb fuck thought the internet wasn't going to amount to anything and that stock market was going to crash the second Trump would win the nominee.

If you dont get that tweet you are a literal brainlet and should be gassed for humanitys sake

Haha good one Shlomo

Ding ding ding. Jews like to pretend they are smarter than everyone by saying, "hey, look at how many more Nobel prizes we have won", but it isn't shocking considering who is giving them out.

Attached: autisticJQresearch.jpg (2600x1976, 780.53K)

No it's just swedes pretending they matter.

>caring about ((awards)) on /pol
whatcha doin rabbi

the only respectable award left in the world is the fields medal in mathematics
everything else is a jew psy op

You still dont know how Trump works. Do you?
This is him manipulating media in real time.
This is overloading the media machine.

So now the media has two options.
1. Stop the oxygen from bleach narrative and actually "correct" these facts but that takes away airtime from bleach narrative
2. Ignore this and let people be redpilled as they see the media's silence as agreement with Trump.
Either way Trump win since he calls them fake news so if they "correct" him, they're re-inforcing it. If they don't, then leftists will riot thinking it's true.

All the science awards go to anti-science political bullshit too. Our entire model of physics is fucked beyond redemption because of this shit


Why the fuck is he tweeting about this shit? He’s so goddamn retarded.

Even the science ones are way biased toward Jews

would rather have a big wreathe of roses around my neck, like a horse
im a fucking horse of a writer
surround me with jews smiling next to their horse for the photo

How is this different than just saying something dumb every ten days or so? Because it’s been 3 fucking years. And the lack of character is really building up.
I will definitely still vote for him, btw. His re-election is 100% necessary.

The Nobel Prize is worth shitting on.

Obama was given the award before he even got in office. Trump should have gotten it for what he did in North Korea.

They're all jokes nowadays.

I think the real problem is that no one seems to notice that in his first tweet he was alluding to the Pulitzer prize but called it "noble prize" .

ive never heard of it, no one I know has ever heard of it, so no, just regular leftist anger