Ok, let’s get down to brass tacks. Is this thing bio-engineered
Ok, let’s get down to brass tacks. Is this thing bio-engineered
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If it it, this geezerkiller doesn’t impress me in the least.
well it WAS made by china.
It's Bullshit engineered. Yes it is!
>Ok, let’s get down to brass tacks. Is this thing bio-engineered
This is not my area of expertise, maybe it was natural and keep secret?
It's a bioengineered nothing burger. It was literally designed to be non-lethal. It was supposed to be a vaccine. The fact that we're treating it like a pandemic is laughable.
It is a mild modified strain of coronavirus.
It was selected because it already had a similar structure to HIV.
Although the extra junk DNA is just to neuter the virus and make it retarded. It just releases a bunch of dumb shit in the bloodstream, the body cleans it up.
Wouldn't they make it deadlier if it was engineered? The mortality rate is around 0.1%
No. Everyone that has had the disease is a glownigger. People that think they had it just have the flu or some shit. The real corona virus is floating around between a dozen differnt people in China.
It is and China should be nuked.
Corona just flew over my house.
Nobody knows, all depends on whether you want war with China or not.
Look at the USA economy.
The great die off will be when the currency collapses.
The thing was likely modified through serial passage on ferrets or tree shrews.
Tell that to new york
If you were to make a globally spreading bioweapon it'd make sense to have it be more disruptive rather than have it be an existential threat. If you get your enemies crippled with business halting and hospitals overwhelmed that'd be enough of a situation to take advantage of.
If you release something much more deadly you run the risk of it killing your own people in large numbers. Even if you come up with some way to have it only impact others based on genetics or you have a treatment that lets you take care of your own people once a pathogen is out you no longer control it and it could end up mutating and coming back to give you serious problems.
Also it's easier to maintain plausible deniability with a disrupting agent that lets you swoop in and make some economic coups during the confusion, as opposed to outright causing extreme mortality rates and having to deal with open war.
If it wasn't hyped up by the Chinese likely no one would even notice the virus. There would be a few more flu deaths and people would just brush it off as a bad flu season.
That's what he's saying, leaf
The hospitals would be up in arms. It would be a major news story. Hospitals would have been overrun with no mitigation efforts. It would have just taken longer to become the big story
No, this feeble virus has been conquered by China lead by victorious President Xi. Only incompetent nations such as the USA and UK struggle against this hamburger that lacks the meat. As a resident of England I am ashamed of my country and only wish we were as competent as China lead by President Xi.
When will glorious Xi save us white men from this burger made of nothing??? I can only hope to have a big penis like emperor Xi
I guess but really if the world just ignored the propaganda to begin with then this wouldn't have been as big of a deal. A lot of the reason it's overwhelming hospitals is due to panic attacks associated with the Chinese propaganda playing up the effects.
If we just let this thing rip through the world you might have 1-2 weeks that were really busy in hospitals and then it would be done and over with. Probably hospitals wouldn't get overwhelmed if you reassured people that the severity of the symptoms is just the Chinese trying to freak you out.
Hospitalization for the real sick patients is between 3-5 weeks user. If you’re going to “let it rip,” you will need lots of beds at the very least
war is upon us, whether we wish it or not
I worked at quite a few seniors home when I was younger and most of those people don't even want to live. There was usually 2-3 suicides per month anyways. We're keeping people alive against their will to begin with.
was Trump w/ Russia. You actually dont see a lot of conspiracies on this bc most free-speech oriented internet places are bombarded by Russian trolls, and have turned the conspiracy talk in a right wing direction actively dismissing anything like this
The current mortality rate is 20% going by recovered vs dead.
Of course that’s not entirely accurate because they aren’t testing everyone so we don’t know who has gotten it and recovered but 1% is being too optimistic. The true number even in a best case scenario is probably about 3-5%. Spanish flu had a mortality rate of 2% so I don’t think it’s that outlandish a figure for something being made to kill.
also, the real effects could be 1 year downstream. make it mild so everyone gets it, the after 1 year of complacency and 99.9% of population carrying it boom everyone starts dropping. even if this isn't that, it wouldnt even be that hard or expensive to engineer something that