Things that historians will look at one day

and just think, "wtf these whites went totally insane"

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Guaranteed she doesn't have any children

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It's part and parcel. You got a loicese mate?

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She's not wrong
Don't your bailiffs basically run a train on local schoolboys

>forced to admit pedo rings exist
>voluntarily admits brit culture is composed of human trafficking
Someone out there is playing 4D yu-gi-oh

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Cant look back if it all gets removed

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its a smokescreen to hide the reality of the situation,a kind of pacifier to stop people wanting less immigration.

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A monkey playing dressup as a judge is pretty funny desu. Definitely hitting up the zoo after corona is done

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She's a dyke.

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Is the scraggly looking dyke in OP's pic the same one who was pictured with Bart Simpson hair?

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i heard you like lesbians?

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Why does every single women politician with no child is clinically insane? I can't think of one example.

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how do normal countries view the sick western mind?

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>mid-90s computer case

Commissioners of police are not very intelligent people. High IQ actually inhibits climbing the police rank structure.

so you watched the latest morgoth review i see.

this can't be fucking real

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So many people in power deserve a slow painful death

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how do the replacers feel about their benevolent slaves?

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It's Sweden, man. Crazy things happen in Sweden.

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That Jolie scrag should be stoned to death.

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How Jews slaughtered millions of Russians and then use atrocity propaganda against Germany and Hitler and kept the lie alive for decades.

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Looks like she trusted the wrong person and the wrong people. If she doesn't have a kid, then what good is she to the elites?

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