Normies believe they can tell a person's soul and personality from their face. They even have a word for it. Physiognomy. According to normies if your eyes look a certain way you're automatically guilty. Even if you're not. Normies have decided "this kind of eye is indicative of guilt". These are the same normies who constantly tell us not to judge. These are the same normies who get tattoos saying "only God can judge me". They stereotype innocent men as potential rapists and kidnappers and hang out with thugs and chads and then they act surprised when they're the victims of crime.
Normies believe they can tell a person's soul and personality from their face. They even have a word for it...
You know what I completely agree every human I have ever looked at on TV or YouTube is guilty of being liars except inmendham
No rebuttal? Oh good I win then.
No rebuttals and your thread has no replies because you're completely correct OP.
I hope that no matter where you are on the looks spectrum, you have a nice day, OP. 8)
That’s because you can
There's something called first impression. Even seeing a simple object does not make it familiar enough to you. There are layers in everything.
Normalfags suck ass but you always place yourselves in a still lower position. Insecurity, envy, etc. are visible. Normalfags are prone to projection cuz they're worried about their own self-image. Omegas merely remind them of their own insecurities so they will avoid them as much as possible. When you put such judgement on someone, your own conceptions, they will always reflect back. Judge not lest ye be judged.
Stop worrying retard.
Morality is genetic. So is beauty.
The wealthy and powerful have been selected through hundreds of years of selective breeding for both beauty and good morals.
First right thread in a while. Of course the memeflag cunts and jews are out of this one.
Its partly proven due to facial recognition. Criminals have a distinct physiognomy.
Black shark eyes are always a sign of someone you cant trust.
>Normies believe they can tell a person's soul and personality from their face
You literally can in many instances. We've literally evolved for split second instinctual judgement of people. 9 times out of 10 you can judge a book by its cover.
Are they black? Then they have probably done a crime.
In the long run, it would be proven to be nearly perfectly predictive, the same way you can tell if someone is gay 98% of the time by just looking at them
Your appearance is directly linked to your soul, this is why attractive people tend to be more intelligent and virtuous than uglyfags
Yes. It's retarded to me that people can't understand the hereditary element of behaviour. People are all about on eye colour and you looking like your parents 90% of this board agree on the correlation between race and iq. So why is it such a shock that physiognomy is real, and that you can identify their inner character by looking at them. Couples that have been married for decades even start to look similar due to common experiences. They travel together, smile, laugh, cry etc.
That usually happens to be the case, but many attractive people are pretty messed up in the head.
Apparently I have resting shark eyes, people think I'm a psychopath
I thought they were just being pussies until one of them took a video while I wasn't paying attention, it was unsettling on some primal level
Average looking people are the best people. Ugly people are hateful and pretty people only expect the easiest life, anything else and they turn into complete useless bitches.
I disagree. I'm average + looking, but the whole concept of balance is retarded. There is such a thing as perfection, and the closer you are to it the better. Not that there is anything wrong with being average looking or average talented or smart. But it's obviously better to be higher up towards perfection
>resting shark eyes
>There is such a thing as perfection
Not in this or any other plane of existence. Please define it.
>attractive people tend to be more intelligent and virtuous
top kek
>I'm average + looking
Maybe he means like this. Mine look are shaped like the hunter side in the middle.
Agreed. It's a metaphysical question or concept. I'm a Christian so God is an obvious answer. So you can look at the degrees of perfection in terms of the being of the things. A circle for instance if it inhabits the essence of the circle it's true and therefore perfect, while a squiggly circle would not adhere to the actuality of the circle, therefore not perfect. It's difficult for me to explain in writing on a Tibetan fingerprinting forum
>prey eyes
>looks like every school shooter ever
I don't think so Tim
Slightly above average as in a degree like A+ B-. Maybe it was a retarded wording
That's just they're called. It's basically masculine vs. feminine eyes on males. Unsurprisingly, many school shooters were fucked from the start.
Shalom! Yes no matter how big the nose is they are good person.
Okay numbers and geometry are objectively true and perfect but not some lines we may draw or any arbitrary values. If you imagine just a point it exists and not exists at the same time so geometry likewise transcends all realms.
All else is illusory. The beauty of the human body is a gift but it's also a trap. Narcissus fell in love with it and began to suffer. It's very similar to what happens to Adam and Eve.
Narcissus fell in love with his image. He should have fallen in love with the light, air and water which produced the image.
His image... Produced the image...
I agree that it can also be a trap. Maybe I'm having a hard time explaining it, but a strong and healthy tree bearing fruit is more perfect than a sickly pestridden dying tree. So while no man is perfect you can look at it like an axis where there exists different points either towards or away from perfection. So things gravitating towards goodness or truth is more perfect than the things that deviates. Truth in itself is perfect. But this again is a metaphysical concept/ argument