Arby's Mascot

Arby's announced on Twitter that they have a loli mascot (or "Arby's Waifu" as they called her), they held a drawing contest to see who could represent her the best. This sort of thing is normal in Japan but I'm surprised a western company decided to go the loli route. Amazingly, there was basically no backlash. Should companies start going in this direction more often? Pic related was one of the best examples, I'll post some more in the thread.

Attached: arby's mascot.jpg (1500x1500, 623.26K)

here's the official art they made for her.

Attached: D1Je_eSXQAEIyRV.jpg (680x680, 61.39K)

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This was one of the most popular responses.

Attached: mayo.png (1876x2400, 1.61M)

Fake news. Damnit, I wanted this to be true. There needs to be a loli mascot.

what are you talking about? I linked the tweet from the official Arby's twitter.

Attached: a2a55836cfb08ad8a52caf801b3b6c9a.jpg (1200x720, 438.86K)

lol....its real

Wtf this is crazy. . . and of course nupol is ignoring this shit.

Pretty obvious they're trying to normalize lolis.

There have also been a ton of loli posters on pol the last few weeks. The Tavistock institute must be getting ready to start pushing this shit in pop culture. It's gonna start on places like Yas Forums and YouTube and then move to Twitter and then to TV and mainstream media.

Just like how trannies were normalized.

Roast beef, yes sir!

ikr. oh well. it can't be helped.

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damn arbys using the 3000 year old argument. nice

Attached: 54 years old.png (1920x1080, 303.46K)


old hags keep moving, Yas Forums is a LOLI board!

Attached: miyu hips.webm (1920x1080, 2.62M)


the absolute mad men, VERY based

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>R Bs
>Roast Beef
This won't end well......

Imagine they find a cute little girl to cosplay and let her walk around their establishment. You would be eating one of their sandwiches and a cute loli comes up to you and asks you if you are enjoying your food, wipes of some of the crumbs that landed on your pats with her little hands and than she sits on your lap while you eat

Fuck I knew I switched timelines again, this is some weird shit. Your overton window is fucked.

I would be eating at Arby's very often, I think.

Attached: cc6fed10034065dd6cc72db6bafe4925.jpg (1661x2048, 210.21K)

>You're not gonna like it goy, but you're gonna have to give up your daughter. If you don't want an underage girl to have sex with grown men from Pakistan, then you're an intolerant Nazi

Attached: eatdabugs.png (816x750, 259.21K)

It’s funny how (((they))) are slowly trying to normalize pedophilia and the average person isn’t calling it out

You know how I know you're an election tourist?

this is goddamn marketing platinum.

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Call out pedophiles? Are you a Nazi or something?


Attached: pizza_fundraiser_For_lgbt_youth.jpg (1920x750, 749.69K)

Nice viral marketing thread.

I've been posting regularly since 2013 and lurking irregularly since 2009, newfag. I'm well aware that people used to post lolis on here all the time. They probably still due. I don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with normalizing this and pushing it into mainstream society.

Attached: arbiter.png (750x575, 737.54K)

Attached: D1NKqTrWkAE_PbZ.jpg (1800x2000, 204.96K)

Pedophiles are less worth than animals. Kill yourself.


Too fat!

I thought the North American roastie was already the mascot for arbys

Based Arby's.

Attached: Ron Paul welcome to pol.jpg (559x456, 32.53K)

>sees loli
>starts thinking about homos
user, I think the only faggot here is you...

Attached: homosex is wrong.jpg (1000x562, 148.79K)

I think OP was actually criticizing the pedos not condoning them

Attached: cpspedos.jpg (482x807, 90.77K)

OP here. Just to clarify: I condone pedos and I think little girls are extremely sexy.

Attached: 8b1e111c8ba1818d058575d7e581a4be.jpg (755x1000, 68.85K)

Absolutely based move

OP is based and redpilled beyond belief.

Unfortunate. Lolis are hot, but the people pushing this shit should still hang.

>she's 54 & chibi
Oh my fucking god my sides, they finally got someone working their PR who can actually compete with the level Wendy's is on.

Attached: d24m7f2-a06bbb41-3d3e-4d6a-89c7-902ad5582a17.jpg (894x696, 91.28K)

>I condone peods
So you're one of the best people to ever live, then. Thank you, OP.