Canadians dumping milk

This has been an absolute disaster for the milk bagger industry.

Attached: the-dairy-leaf.jpg (560x408, 42.4K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Dairy Farmers of Ontario has told farmers to get rid of raw milk to keep prices stable and prevent oversupply.

I love how they imply "keeping prices stable" means prices going up, when it means prices dropping to normal levels.

For those that don't know, there is a Milk Mafia in Canada that keeps milk prices at around $10-16/gallon.

>pic related

Attached: honk-milk.jpg (1457x918, 183.58K)

That's organic nonsense though. It's called a retard tax.

what am I looking at? an ice cube of milk?

canadians sleep on milk pillows

Quebec's wealthiest billionaire is a fucking Cheese tycoon with known Mafia ties. He's wanted for questioning in Italy for laundering $800M for the Cosa Nostra, but Canada won't extradite him because "Mafia Association" isn't a crime in Canada.

Attached: leaf cheese prices.png (1100x739, 1.33M)


Attached: cheese tycoon.png (1110x1298, 781.5K)

Here's a quick rundown

Attached: cheese tycoon qrd.png (1782x563, 191.96K)

Milk is about $5/gallon in BC.

I'd go fucking buy some if I didn't have to stand in a 2 hour lineup to get to it, shit like this just makes me use coffeemate like a pleb

I pay 4.49 for the 4L bag in OPs pic

>not the Cheese Cabal

Had no idea this would uncover a fucking Canadian cheese mafia.

It's been public knowledge for decades.

>i just had to pay $4 for 2L
One of these days I'll have had enough and snap.

milk bags are just part of what it means to be uniquely canadian

Having spent a lot of time in America's Hat in the mid 2010s, I rather preferred the bagged milk system. A gallon jug of milk is generally starting to get weird when I get towards the dregs, but I could buy a sack of half dozen 1L bags and the 6th would still be fine by the time I got around to putting it in the pitcher and snipping off a corner.

How will the dairy cartel cope? (Yes that is a real thing in Canada)

how the fuck

the canadian thots are starving

You won't so shit, faggot. What are you gonna do? Cry?

Quickly post soup prices Canada is collapsing.

Attached: B3199B99-956C-48B9-8D7F-89066DF8A990.jpg (435x471, 52.7K)

>leafs still drink milk out of bags

Milk from plastic bags is higher in estrogens. Get it from a glass bottle!

Attached: download (1).jpg (241x209, 10.58K)

Fuck o hate this coward faggot nigger country.

Attached: 1580898029693m.jpg (1024x1024, 52.67K)

The government is starting to ban people from taking pictures of the in-store prices.

Attached: 1 trip a week.png (754x705, 651.88K)

Mobbed up Canadian cheese tycoon. Nice. This deserves a script treatment

——- Groceryjew Detected ——-
Consider this thread infested with a proxyfag

Threadly reminder that these posts have been disproven many times before. This faggot, aka groceryjew, started posting these on Yas Forums as "Canada Is Collapsing" threads and has moved on to pretending to make "election" or "politics" threads, and posting this bullshit on /ck/ to avoid this copypasta, but it's the same proxyfagging nutjob.

This kike has rudimentary knowledge of proxyfagging and bumps his own threads with a variety of proxies from Canada, the US, and the UK especially. If you pay attention to the diction/posting style/CAPS you can easily see they are the same person, varying between 2-3 posting styles, and doing upwards of 50 posts each thread to keep it bumped. He often deflects his true origin by (((accidentally)) outing himself as a Pole, but he’s really an Americanized Jew.

He’s likely under the employ of the Kinsella consulting group, hired by the conservatives to divert attention from the Jewish influence in Canada.

Although Corona has put a break on his grocery posting, he’s still spreading the same lies and half-truths of the past years to push xir Jewish agenda.

In order to maintain the illusion that Canada has high food prices, he posts prices from remote communities where food has to be flown in.

If anyone is actually curious if there is an issue with food prices in Canada, go to literally any forum online with Canadians and ask them if they struggle with their food bill. It’s that simple.

This is pasta and and the poster will not be sticking around for replies. I invite fellow leafs to copypasta this to all this nutjobs threads, and don't forget to sage; the proxyfagging becomes really obvious when he has to scramble to bump his threads.

Redditspacing is intentional and done for maximum exposure and clarity

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>import a bunch of lactose intolerant shit skins as replacement population
>be surprised as the demand steadily drops

Attached: 1495890237544.jpg (768x1024, 176.1K)

This is definitely a shoah

t. I fucking love milk

I used to work/process/test about 1millionL of milk per week but I'm rn drunk and also got fired ama. We just mix tanks full of 4% milk and 40% to make all the creams. About 5% of our product is bad and we also let everything go anyway if the % is above that because fuck it! CREAM, MILK, ICE CREAM, SOFT SERVE, CHOCOLATE, EVERTHING FUCK YOU

>went to a big grocery store yesterday and got three (3) items only

Call the RCMP, I don't give a fuck.