Why does Corona virus disproportionately affect blacks and other minorities?

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cuz dat shit is fo real dawg

Because they are fucking retarded and have been repeatedly caught throwing massive house parties and nogging in large groups out in public.

Because they’re the front line of this shit. They’re exposed more than anyone else as they do the majority of the work which you can’t do from your home. They’re the bus drivers, taxi drivers, health workers, old people home workers, etc. so yeah the chance are high for them to get infected

god bless this jose

We may never know


They have shit diets, higher rates of obesity & other medical conditions, have poor hygiene, and don’t follow simple social distancing recommendations.


This is why

>Why does Corona virus disproportionately affect blacks?
1) Illiteracy. African-Americans have no idea a pandemic is going on around them.
2) Dependency on Liberals. Dems only need their social security numbers to log votes.
3) Cultural norms. They gather around liquor stores and infect each other.
3) Co-morbidities. AIDS related immune suppression, high blood pressure, obesity, fatty liver disease, diabetes.

Frankly, they are doing damn well given the hand they were drawn.

You missed they're all filthy fuckers.


Probably because they're retards and deny curfew and don't socially distance. Plenty of videos of them bragging about being otuside during the lockdown on worldstar

>filthy fuckers
Well, I don't know about their sexual habits. But, I know for a fact my African-American friends rarely bathe. When I have slept overnight on their couches I could hardly breathe. Maybe they don't know when they are sick?

Because those stupid bastards deserve it

Because niggers are too fat and lazy on the welfare cheese.

Attached: Nothingburger Approacheth!.jpg (800x426, 176.39K)

Lol Cart pushers are essential.

My black coworkers are still getting together with their siblings, letting their kids friends and their parents come over, etc.

Ask the Chinese.
They designed the virus, not us.

>be corona
>think you're entitled to live in the US, like every other foreign plague does
>spend a few months around blacks and browns
>hate them
>decide to do jobs Americans won't do and kill them

Citing a blog, lmao

cause we is stupid an sheet.

Because they Trump the Zionist in Chief...

Vitamin d?


Essentially this.

it travels inside air pollution which is where most minority communities reside

>it travels inside air pollution
I don't even know what to say to something so fucking retarded.

>excessive drug use
>excessive smoking
>excessive alcohol consumption
>excessive fried chicken and fast food
>excessive seasoning salt on their foods (ELL EMM AYY OH White people don't know how to season they chicken mah nigga)
>excessive unprotected sex use with neighborhood whores
>excessive homosexual relationships (blacks are more gay per capita by a long shot, despite what the media would present)

It truly is a mystery

I am liking blacks more and more lately:
Hate cops
Just want a check from government or fuck off
Realize herd immunity is only path forward for a airborne virus

One of the greatest mysteries of our time

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Because they ignore orders to social distance and party instead.
Our premier already gave them shit about it.

being a beaner lmao
chinga tu madre, esse
Obviously institutionalized racism to blame for corona so unfairly affecting our African American brothers.

Minorities are the ole people? So non minorities don’t get old?

Everything blacks do STEMs from this:

Attached: blackSAT.png (690x722, 129.76K)


This has nothing to do with name calling buddy, I in fact agree with you, but you shouldnt use blogs and youtube videos as reliable data.

Why is he surrounded by Lysol and bleach containers. Do they think that the virus, just by seeing the containers, will go away.

And the earphones to his nose

... What, Us Worry???

1,000 people ignored the stern warnings of doctors and scientists in a city that has been ravaged by the virus ... and jammed into a house on the westside of Chi-Town.

You see what looks like around 100 people in just one room, dancing as music blares in the background. The rest of the house was also packed with people. It goes without saying but there is no visible social distancing ... none.

One of the partygoers told MTO News, "I'm not worried about [the coronavirus] . . . but if I didn't have it before, I probably got it now. Oh well."


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Because they are obese unhealthy fucks!

Because they are inferior. Genetically. Physically. Minorities are just bitches.