/pgg/ - Piper Gate General #1

Last Thread: Original link: twitter.com/piper84003965/status/1252050637078114306/photo/1

piper youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCZLKidm5xIMANDGpZudqRLw

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/Stationskwartier, Breda, Nederland/@51.5944541,4.7728077,2816m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c69f8372a19169:0x4219d18630bd764b!8m2!3d51.5947713!4d4.781993

allahu ekber behead these cunts.


saw this when the channel was first mentioned. im fuming with autistic rage now it has been brought up yet again

let's move here and let this die/deleted

damn forgot the numbers

thanks man I don't make threads so this is a first lol


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Update. I was able to find a link to the about section of one of the pedophiles commenting on piper bynes channel. His comments were on all of the removed videos, however here's a screencap of just one of his comments.


Check out his description:
>This is the one-stop shop for pretty little things and good music. I would love to hear from you.
>one-stop shop for pretty little things

also in the Discussion section, you'll see a comment that says "mega link" - most likely containing CP.

piper bynes also left a comment but it has been deleted unfortunately.

Please don't comment on his channel as things like that just raise their attention so they can hide before we've investigated well enough, as was the case with the first 2 piper bynes channels.

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Down bump. Leave Piper alone

What in the actual fuck. God I can't wait until we can publicly hang these fuckers.


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This is one of the people that commented on the old piper channel
Wtf it’s a mentally handicapped girl singing really badly with people saying it’s good possible pedobot net? That talk in code?

Wtf wtf wtf

Attached: Screenshot_YouTube_Vanced_20200427-020351.png (1080x1920, 380.14K)

Leaf user mentioned the numbers at the end of the accounts.. phone numbers without area code?

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If we find that dutch cunts area code we might have a lead



The sad thing is the Feds aren’t going to do anything. I want a fascist party to come into power, and publicly torture the people that do this shit.

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Some user fucked up.. Also, zombie because they "eat" the kid(s)

Ya, well we already know what town he lives in and where he works

Attached: Screenshot_20200426-180701_Twitter.jpg (1440x3040, 794.94K)

yea I watched that guys vids
what a wonky sperg

Who can read where this is?


this world confuses me

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Holy shit, nice work user

076 is area code for anyone

it doesnt matter, its from a girls youtube channel that he takes clips from

Dayum boi

It can't be all pics and vids photoshopped

Bump for exposure

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Suwanee, GA

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this guy is one of the guys in the mentions and likes on pipers twitter
he says "thanks fred" when referring to him.
he lives in brenda netherlands

Attached: Fred_graat.png (911x415, 106.7K)

Attached: pizza1.png (612x793, 696.8K)

The nederlands, it's the main base of elites / globalists and european deputees in europe, no wonder it happens there.

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idk if we switched thread but i found a pic on Fred Graat the Breda based pedo

the picture shows traintracks and the electrical arches are three wide so he has to live next to the traintracks and not allong the branches where the arches are double or single

I need some autists to look for pic related allong the train tracks in the link:

google.com/maps/place/Stationskwartier, Breda, Nederland/@51.5944541,4.7728077,2816m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c69f8372a19169:0x4219d18630bd764b!8m2!3d51.5947713!4d4.781993

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Yea this is fucked..


Also the comment from Sky, "You forgot to say please, please." What the fuck?!

Awesome, thanks leaf! Maybe we can pinpoint where she stays

Mario keeps posting that Kevin pic in comments, wonder what it means

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-27 piper ( piper84003965) Twitter.png (598x478, 401.96K)


Attached: baby1.png (481x922, 395.1K)

for comparison sake

top is a picture Fred posted to his Facebook. Most likely the view from his apartment

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kevin probably means home alone...?

this picture is likely really close to the location were looking for could be used to get confirmation

Attached: Dz3UaTZWwAAbFil.jpg (675x900, 56.95K)

Show me the Dutch cunt, maybe I can find something.

you do know that rings are busted all the time and these guys wind up getting their asses kicked in prison

Some sketchy stuff happening on sky's profile as well. Does anyone have an idea why she keeps saying please?

The wall in the background is a giveaway

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-26 at 5.14.32 PM.png (1186x926, 330.05K)

what is this?

he even mentioned his street not hard to find.

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Maybe the numbers after their names are user ID for their pedo network, but some of the commenters don't have numbers idk, it's definitely not phone numbers

Yup, here it is. Same street. That's his address

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Attached: 1587938824787.png (750x1334, 282.19K)

well that was quick youre onto something user can you find the bin in this pick somewhere around there?

also the machinery/ Platform might be a link he has stated on his linked / facebook he opperates those types of machines



Two diff commentators on pipers vids

Possible connedtion

I was cancer tired but this thread is interesting.

Cancer harde bump

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Ladies and gentleman we've gottem

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This is absolutely vile. I just came here cos we've a few poor on biz, and I decided to pop on here and suddenly there's this huge pedo ring going on.

Just reading up on NXIVM and some based investigative journalist called James Odato. Fuck me. Maybe you guys are used to this, but I am most definitely not. I legitimately feel ill. The world is run by pedos. Wtf

can you post the maps links user?

You got it, exact same location. Fred's pic is taken further right from the google pic

Oh shit, I think you got it

And looks like a park to the right?

Alert your local authorities, Brenda Area Netherlands.

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Someone told piper to watch the movie “The Pest”. This is some heavy shit.

The Bubble Factory produced the movie. Heavy funding from Seagrams

Head director. Founder of a Steven Speilberg career.


Check this user we're onto this guy

From the cafe Fred Graat likes to frequent.

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I'm out of the loop, can anyone give me a quick rundown?

Wow I never thought I’d find a person more autistic than the spazborgers on here


might be connected in some way he keeps commenting on all the videos


So she has a sister and who the fuck's the dude? Brother?


You guys doing gods work

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How is this Fred guy implicated? I missed that.

Some links from the previous thread
8kun dot top/x/res/55871.html#55979

yeah next to the Police Station.

Maybe similar deal to LA sheriffs?

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he lives between 70 and 90 Spoortstraat

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This is horrifying


Pedo sex ring on YouTube and twitter

YouTube search piper bynes

Here is a super quick rundown doesn’t scratch the surface


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yeah, it's a hard thing but perhaps you'd like some guidance? not from me
but from two autistic philosophers of our time
He is also the one that made the pedogate2020 documentaries.
This one isn't about it tho, it's how our attention gets destroyed.
jreg in one of his normal videos about our post truth society

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Strange twitter account posting very suggestive content and referencing a bunch of other weird accounts. Apparent codewords and cryptic language, links to a series of bizarre YouTube videos that have strange comments suggesting there are people using modified phones or devices ‘iclone7’
Account deleted, suggesting that it is serious enough to warrant twitter attention. I’ve only been following along I haven’t done my own research but other anons can tell you much more than that

I would not be surprised at all anymore that. This whole reality is being shredded apart

I've might of missed that kind off

pretty sure Fred is just sum random pedo by reading through his replies on his twitter.

according to her, they're at least three and there was an 18 zombie gangbang with slime

he follows her and is constantly thanked by piper. unrelated but also, billy struss admitted to being her "favourite paedophile". it is clear he found out about this, and his channel is gone

twitter.com/ga03270909 - acc that mario silva follows


also from the Fred Graat connection
there are so strange people connected to him