Serious Question for Leftists

How the fuck do you explain this shit???
Literally flies in the face of the entire Marxist Social theory of "Class Consciousness"

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When you're running a revolutions you take all the help you can get. To quote Lenin and Trotsky:
"If you can justify the end you can justify the means" and "There are no morals in politics, you will ally yourself with a scoundrel simply because he's a scoundrel."

All socialism was of jewish origin, including nazi socialism.

Yeah okay but thats kinda beside the point
The Question is WHY did Rich Capitalist Jews donate to revolutionary Marxist movements if the fundimental organizing principle of human History is (as Marx Posits) Class Conflict???
Might it be because Jews actually put ethnic interests ABOVE class interest and that the majority of human history is actually an evolutionary struggle instead of an economic one?
(Pic related is yet another example of this phenomenon )

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Lots of rich people were sympathetic to the socialist cause; it's just that you guys are obsessed with jews so you only documented the jewish ones.

>Lots of rich people were sympathetic to the socialist cause
Okay, wow, well holly shit we're getting deeper here.
So Again
Did the Rich And Powful Bankers (many of them ethnic jews) support Marxist Movements the world over despite it going against their class interest?
IF you ever actually read Marx you would know that he views class conflict as the fundimental driver of human history.
Being as this is the case how the fuck do you have rich and powerful people funding movements opposed to their economic status???
(pic also related)

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You make it sound like they all supported them. Ok let me ask you this then, if the soviet union is a jew conspiracy why did stalin persecute jewish party members and why did they oppose the creation of Israel? And why are Republicans, whom are staunchly against socialism, in support of Israel?

leftists are psychotic

>You make it sound like they all supported them.
No, what i do is point examples where they did.
Which again, flies in the face of Marxist social theory.
Almost as if Marxist Social theory is
>Ok let me ask you this then, if the soviet union is a jew conspiracy why did stalin persecute jewish party members
Because Stalin was by far the LEAST controlled of ANY leader of the Soviet union throughout its entire history.
(tho obviously it wasnt complete rejection of jewish power, se lend lease to the soviet union and pic related)
But regardless this fact, of him being the least controlled, is why he is viewed as the "Most Evil Communist Dictator to ever live" Even though WAY MORE fucking people died under Mao.
((((Western Media)))) doesnt give a shit
They werent jews.
Notice also how Stalin suffered a "stroke" while planning his second great purge, after which the policy of ((((De-Stalinization)))) was put into practice.
> why did they oppose the creation of Israel?
Stalin Litterally helped set up the state of Israel dude.
>And why are Republicans, whom are staunchly against socialism, in support of Israel?
Read nigga, read.

Attached: AntisemitismPunishableByDeathUSSRmeme-590x590.jpg (590x590, 134.32K)

>Hmm nothing to do with religious ties at all
Is that why so many others were later shot for having foreign relations, using money gained from foreign capitalists to fund, and even having ties to capitalists in other countries through a photo or known associate? Of course we could talk about all the police arrests and the neighbors as hostages too

Jews were looking to make a Zionist society through Totsky and the Mensheviks hadn't really gone away. Israel was initially supported but when it was seen as not being Red they abandoned it

Stalin let his daughters marry in like Trump. He's no better or worse other than getting somethings done and killing that faggot Bukharin

>*Trotsky lmao

Daily reminder communism is simply Talmudism:

Messianic Talmudism
>the state owns everything
>Jews are the state
>every Jew has 2,800 goy slaves

>the state owns everything
>Jews are the state
>Jews control millions of worker slaves

The Old Bolsheviks and NKVD being 85% Jewish isn't a mistake. Communism was an attempt by Jews to create a Messianic Talmudic state. The Romanovs were killed in a Jewish ritual by NKVD Jews. The communist agitators in Spain, Poland, and Germany were also all Jews. The nuclear spies in America were all Jews. The communist party leaders in America were Jews. Marx was a Jew. Lenin was a Jew. Trotsky was a Jew. The reason why every communist country ends up with an ultra-rich elite cabal at the top is because communism was designed to put Jews at the top and fulfill the Talmudic prophesy of "all the world's property being in the hands of the Jews". Neo-communists try to hand-wave this undeniable fact by shrieking "THAT'S NOT REAL COMMUNISM!", refusing, in their ignorance, to ever believe that they'd simply been deceived about the true nature of their political religion.

If you are a communist you are a puppet. You are a shabbos. You are a slave. And you don't even know it.

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>How do you explain my crude, deranged anti-Semitic cartoons??????

They're materialists so things essential components that influence society like Race don't really concern them. They don't care who's at the top of the hierarchy, they care about the system that puts them there in the first place.

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>I suddenly can't read what a meme said or the large paragraph at the bottom
is down the hall

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>He's no better or worse
Beg to differ personally bro.
Dont get me wrong he was obbvious a kike puppet to some extent or another (the Allied powers funding his ass throughout the entire war demonstrates that fairly well)
But NO ONE gets labeled a "Mass Murderer" by the ((((International Press)))) without doing something fundamentally right
I provided the name of the individual in question in said meme.
If im wrong feel free to provide information from a credible source and you can debunk me.

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>No, what i do is point examples where they did.
>Which again, flies in the face of Marxist social theory.
>Almost as if Marxist Social theory is
You mean like christianity? His theory says that there is general struggle between groups that have power and groups that don't, see hegel's master/slave dialectic and the Stanford prison experiment.
>Because Stalin was by far the LEAST controlled of ANY leader of the Soviet union throughout its entire history.
And yet somehow one of the most evil.
>Even though WAY MORE fucking people died under Mao.
And Mao was a "Marxist-Leninist"/Stalinist, he kissed stalin's ass durring the destalinization.
>((((Western Media)))) doesnt give a shit
I'd say they're just as critical of Mao as they are of stalin.
>Stalin Litterally helped set up the state of Israel dude.
And he and his successors later supported it's enemies. They even at one point were willing to go to war with Israel on behest of Egypt.
>Read nigga, read.
I'm not reading that schizophrenic nonsense. But I do have a quote for you;
"Yes, there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that are all tripping each other up. And all of those conspiracies are run by paranoid fantasists and ham-fisted clowns. The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless." - Alan Moore, writer of V for Vendetta

Jewish communists killed 100 million in the 20th century

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Ehhhh yeah but his systems killed millions of good people and destroyed entire regions. I get why, it's nice he did. But I'd put him above Putin and Trump, but not Hitler

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Alright maybe not Putin. Really depends how he plays out the 2020s

Nice quote. I'll use it for nigger genocide.

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Honestly, if you don't want me to just dismiss you outright, don't present your point with ridiculous cartoons.

Sounds pretty jewey

>But NO ONE gets labeled a "mass murderer" by the international press without doing something fundamentally right
You mean like... committing mass-murder?

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>You mean like christianity?
If what it takes for you to accept that a fucking ideology invented by a nigger who didnt know what the fuck he was talking about is bullshit is comparing it to yet another bullshit ideology
Then yes user
EXACTLY like christianity.
> His theory says that there is general struggle between groups that have power and groups that don't,
Yes user.
I understand the theory.
Unlike most Leftist i've actualy read Marx.
The Fact of the matter being that groups with power helping those antagonistic to said power FUCKS UP THE ENTIER THEORY BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION
rather it is much more likely to accept that people are naturally ethnically tribalistic by nature (as virtually all other primates are) and use this to explain behavoir, with exceptions only ever occuring after experiences of extreme and continous indoctrination since childhood.
There is not a civilization in the world that was not up until a few hundered years ago extremely ethnically nepotistic.
>And yet somehow one of the most evil.
Lol nothing to prove ((((Commies)))) are stooges of the ((((International Financial Eliete)))) they claim to oppose like when they start parroting their fucking propaganda lel.
>And Mao was a "Marxist-Leninist"/Stalinist
Again dude.
Missing the fucking point.
The fact is the average school child in the west learns butt fucking nothing about Mao or the shit he pulled
They only learn about Stalins crimes
Because Stalin.
>And he and his successors later supported it's enemies.
Se link posted above "Zionism vs Bolsehvism"
>I'm not reading
The Entirety of the Leftist Intellect summerized in three words
You want to know the Difference between a Communist and a National Socialist?
A National Socialist looks to find the truth wherever it lies.
A Commie just wants to larp about a fucking revolution that makes him "feel" good.
Stay an intellectual coward faggot.
God knows its what you pussies are good at.

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Oh dont get me wrong
Stalin was a fucking pedo enabling Nigger.
But he wasnt controlled completely by (((them)))
Strange to think in an era where We are ruled over by kikes and made to hate ourselves
But just not being totally and completely controlled Jews does not necessarily make you a good person.

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Honestly bro i could not give less of a FUCK whether or not you "dismiss me outright"
Intellectual integrity is your responsibility
Its not my fucking duty to awaken something in you that the average person of intelligence innately adheres to.
I personally didnt think i should take seriously an economic system that possited "Labor creates value" from the fucking get go.
Didnt stop me from reading the Manifesto or Kapital
Because im not a degenerate faggot without intellectual integrity.

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>The Fact of the matter being that groups with power helping those antagonistic to said power FUCKS UP THE ENTIER THEORY BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION
>rather it is much more likely to accept that people are naturally ethnically tribalistic by nature (as virtually all other primates are) and use this to explain behavoir, with exceptions only ever occuring after experiences of extreme and continous indoctrination since childhood.
>There is not a civilization in the world that was not up until a few hundered years ago extremely ethnically nepotistic.
Congratulations, you just described what causes class conflict without realizing it. The slave tribe overcomes the master tribe cause the master tribe becomes complacent and lazy.
>The fact is the average school child in the west learns butt fucking nothing about Mao or the shit he pulled
I'm 23 and in highschool we learned about Mao, I've also been able to talk intelligently with others about Mao's china.
>A National Socialist looks to find the truth wherever it lies.
>A Commie just wants to larp about a fucking revolution that makes him "feel" good.
More like you identify with your race's successes cause you suck at life. I want verifiable facts not retard conspiracies about aliens.
>God knows its what you pussies are good at.
Oh so now you're going to bring your fucking imaginary friend into this? fuck off.