What's the most blatant sign of affection a girl has shown towards you?
What's the most blatant sign of affection a girl has shown towards you?
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The time I got to move my peepee in her vagoo
Lol her panties were soaked in that interview
bouncing up and down on my cock
She made that face at me and then I fucked her lol
Asked me to fuck her after work.
giving me the fuck me eyes and biting her lips. too bad im autistic so I didnt notice. i think it was cause I was taller than her
Does sucking my dick and getting fucked by me counts? If yea then that
Did u do it
She constantly complimented me.
I did nothing.
she said she wanted me inside her when we were in bed
too bad I couldn't get an erection haha
of course not that's gross
>spend thousands on gym memberships, steroids, supplements, tanning booths
>to win a statue that came out of my grandma's china cabinet
oof. dude looks like a beast tho
she made me an elaborately decorated photo album called "Our First Year Together"
But, looking at this thread, the real answer apparently is:
Fulfilling all my sexual fantasies.
in the drive through she made a joke about the weather as she handed me my tendies
She fucked me in my ass with her feminine penis.
Gave me a blowjob and left my dorm, she was an extremely sexually open feminist with STDs.
Thankfully I'm free of disease
Ps I found out she was a feminist afterwards, and the fact that she didn't shave her legs or armpits
Exposing the interior of her intestine to me
That time she begged to let her peg me
Best part is the guys wife is standing on the other side lol
>she reaches for her cooch while biting her lip when he licks his lips
>her hopes get crushed when he mentions his wife
Marriage and bepis in vagene and swallow the coom
Asked me out to big house party. We danced and hung out. She took me to the party host's room and I rawed from behind just like in a hentai manga. We got married soon after and now I pump cum into her regularly with bonus other love-related stuff.
Super blatant sign.
I think when they show up to my house and asked to get fucked. But I’m not sure.
she died for me
Planning a hike with an amazing picnic lunch. She put so much effort into it. For me.
I wouldn't know.
My first kiss when I was 16 with my first girlfriend. We were sitting next to each other on the bed, she got on top of me and attacked my face. She was kissing me so hard and then started thrusting her pelvis into my stomach. This lasted for 2 minutes. I don't think anyone has ever had a first kiss like that; it's literally imprinted on my brain forever. Later on after our relationship started we started having sex and I've been with other women since then as well but no women ever had the intensity toward me that my first girlfriend had.
Hey fag. Enjoying this shill thread? OK stop. Watch this now.
It's an interview with Nobel Prize winning scientist Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR machine explaining why HIV is a bullshit diagnosis. Based and redpilled.
She took her clothes off and sucked my weenie and said "ayy lemme swallow dat cum boi!" I went home and cried
Crazy drunk girl at a party told me she wanted to thank me for bringing beer to the party. I said oh okay your welcome, she pushed me onto a bed and took my cock out and started sucking it. Her two friends in the room freaked out and made her stop. It happened really fast like within 10 seconds. I freaked out and left, I’m pretty sure I could of fucked all 3 if I had played it right, I sort of regret not but also glad I didn’t. One of the girls older brothers was all coked up in the next room and he seemed salty as hell that I was there, maybe he broke it off in all 3 after I left
They've slapped my ass
When he gets choked up and almost sobs, she starts to grab her vag.
I always do the worst with girls I want the most.
A college grillfriend invited me to spend the weekend with her at her Dad's house since he was out of town and it happened to be Father's Day.
That night she pushed me on her bed and I asked her what she was doing, she replied:
"It's Father's Day and I have to take care of my Daddy."
I came with the intensity of a THOUSAND SUNS.
orgasmed from foreplay. didnt even touch her vag once
I finger banged my friends girlfriend and she was acting like she was hypnotised. She was completely overcome with emotion to the point that she couldn't even make coherent sentence. She remained in this state for like 2 hours. I think she was in a state of hysteria
Let's give top three why don't we
>made various art and poems about me
>greatly enjoyed cuddling and telling me she loved me
>pursuing me for months when I hesitated to date her at the beginning.
None of that stopped her from cheating on me though hahhahahahahaha. Funny enough several of her friends started hitting on me after we broke up. I'm too untrusting towards women for that anymore though.
That time a gurl told me to fuck her butt. I knew she was pulling out all the stops and was really into me. She was trying to out do he other girls in my life at that point.
My ex-fiance use to lick my asshole clean everytime i finished taking a shit.
There was a red-head friend I had in high school who made a house in The Sims game that had avatars of all of our friends group. One day when we were hanging out at her place she made her sim propose to mine. A different time, she also asked me to a school dance with her. I went with her and that was as far as our relationship ever went. Didn’t act on anything or pursue her after.
I think something is broken in me.
Even though i made this thread i can tell that what you wrote there came out of your ass
she laughed at how small my penis was.
Walking up to me, hugging me, and begging me to fuck her.
>being taller than a woman (read: 99% of the time) makes you irresistible to them.
you really are fucking autistic Sven
Poorfag here, had a girl come thru the drive thru i work at on a horse to impress me. That was pretty cool.
Not really related to anything but at said place of work this girl (not the same as the one above) keeps showing me her nudes. You think she likes me?
Why are his muscles shaped so weirdly?
I have never had a girlfriend
When after you block her on all social media you get messages from 3 different people asking "[woman] just asked me for your number"
t. aint sticking my dick in crazy, nuh uh.
I’ve always been obese since childhood. Recently I’ve lost weight and girls are noticeably more attentive towards me. Before it was like I was a ghost who no one paid attention to. Problem is i still have fat persons self esteem so I think they’re just being friendly rather than anything more. Wish I could read the signs but I have no experience with that.
When she hugged me and told me she loved me back in second grade. She was a few grades higher then me but for some reason she really liked me and I liked her. Never experienced anything like it again and I don't care if I ever do. I had her and the memories we made and those will last forever.
I hope you're happy where you are and I love you.
There was this jew broad in HS that used to come up to me when I was sitting at my desk and she'd look down smiling at me and rub her pussy on my shoulder through her jeans. She had this hippy belt made out of fur pelts. I took her out for a while. She became a psychiatrist. We don't talk anymore because I'm a social retard.
What does cuddling feel like?
I'll take things that never happened for 400, Alex.
obviously not, germans are focused on working hard to pay taxes so rapefugees can have a wonderful life and satisfy germanic stacys.
t. not so proud german
You have to go back.
Every Bikni bar I go to
Tip $1 and bunch hotties will give you any sexy look or start a convo
Lmfao okay. She's in the kitchen making lunch right now.
Sad memeflag kikel.
Like warm coins of salty bag milk.
I've had tons of girls hit on me and I either didn't notice or didn't care.
I am married. I just fingered my wife a minute ago to get her ready for my cock.
you idiots can't tell the difference between affection and lust.
>Why are his muscles shaped so weirdly?
He took a fuck tonne of jungle juice and he's turning into a nigger.
>I love you
Heard this a few times, doubt they meant it
>you're so handsome
>muy guapo
>teach me about your body
>I want to bathe with you
>hold me to sleep
You dick I was faithful to my gf over long distance while bing able to get any pussy I wanted and she STILL broke it off. This after talking about having kids and marrying me, you think YOU have trust issues.
(started messaging me again
asked to fuck, a few times
is this IRL or in Yakuza
Something is broken in all of us, welcome to pol you are here forever
Putting her hand in my pants and feeling up my dick.
so you are saying that you are a dick? fantastic ...
I had a oneitis in high school that dated my best friend.
her and I hung out together all the time but I was always the third wheel and she never saw me as a potential partner. once she even told my mom that I was her "best friend."
one night me and my friend did a bunch of drugs and I ended up in the hospital and almost died. she got so mad that she called him and screamed at him and then broke up with him.
the whole thing was pretty emasculating, it's like she thought of me as a retarded child under his care.
I was taking a piss one time a lady bend down and start lapping it up like a water fountain.
Are you even trying?
She kissed my cheek.
>Niggers tongue my anus
>disgusting roid gut and a manlet
I'm surprised she's soaking over him desu
Weird how she's getting turned on as he talks about someone close to him dying
>i think it was cause I was taller than her
That’s the norm, fool. Women are supposed to be smaller than men.
When she pegged me
>so rapefugees can have a wonderful life and satisfy germanic stacys.
Are they satisfied?
Grabbing my junk when standing next to her at work.
Real-life. California is littered with half-naked women working bars everywhere. "Bikini bars", Beer served in thong and thin bra.
Seen them do it to fat dudes, old men, disabled ect
That's cool and all, but she totally wanted to fuck her dad.
link to interview please
Pic related is one example
Literally nothing. Ever. I have a gf but I've never had a woman be forward with me or blatantly flirt. I'm not even an unattractive dude.
Deepthroated my dick until I came
Too bad I didn't though
quality LARP, i chuckled heartily
>I have never experienced a fun and sexual experience with a woman
>Because of my misfortune and ego, there is no way anybody else has fucked a girl and married her
Imagine being this retarded
totally irrelevant response, this pretty much confirms your social ineptitude.
Black girl I was talking to gave me the line "I'm really into white guys" once.
We were making out and she stopped, turned on "Love In The Mouth" and then said "I wanna do this song, except in ass."
So I fucked her in the ass.
>What's the most blatant sign of affection a girl has shown towards you?
Some whore asking me to fuck her as she fingered herself on my bed, she was just a friend to me and I don't fuck sluts so she just left after trying to get me to do it for 10 minutes
she said "cum in my mouth"
Women are incapable of love. They know only self-interest. The only exception is for their children, whom they see as extensions of themselves.
If a woman doesn't want to fuck you, then her romantic affection is fake.
The only girlfriend I ever had was also one who liked watching me play video games on my laptop. I ended that relationship. Not for any good reason, I just moved on.
I want off this ride.
When you initiate flirting she is receptive..
keep in mind a female will never make the first move incels.
grow facial hair and get a haircut
>What does cuddling feel like?
Very nice desu. In some ways better then sex. I've always been a very on edge person. But during that I was able to calm down and relax some.
Sounds like it sucks for you dude. But it doesn't disregard the fact that I'm paranoid too now lol. I've had too many people attempt to cheat with me to trust anyone anymore. And just meaningless sex seems pointless now. I don't want to fuck. I want to have an emotional connection with someone.
>I have bad news
Some started acting autistic around me but I was too mental/autistic and going through too much crap to do anything about it.
What a fucking mess.
She wants to comfort him with her pussy.
>the only affection someone can give you is love
You sound like a woman
>Tip $1 and bunch hotties will give you any sexy look or start a convo
lol, I went into a bar in SF, a little funky one. The bartender girl was a pixie wearing skin tight yoga pants. I got liquored up and ordered a double and shot her a $5 tip. Her eyes bugged out and she filled my tumbler to overflowing with good booze. She damn near jumped over the counter at me. kek.
She unironically had a Big Brother complex. She dated friends of his just to stay in his orbit. She had two older brothers but she didn't give a fuck about the other.
Her Dad was 6'3 and super handsome.
Geddy lee?
>you look 15 and 50 all at once
has never happened to me, i don't understand this question
I don't know, I've never experience any form of sexual interest from a girl. ever. I'm not even a hideous 1/10, just socially awkward. I kind of hate girls, i don't know, i can't relate to them in any way. maybe I'm a faggot in denial...
>I'm surprised she's soaking over him desu
She's not. His mom died and he was fucked up and she was feeling bad, almost crying for him. His old lady was standing right there and Stacey and his old lady are best friends.
Licking my butthole probably
Once a girl looked over at me and made this breath on my like she was blowing a love bubble. I think she sent her pheromones' to me. But I am terrified of strange woman showing interest in me so I usually freeze and then resent them for the rest of my life for making me feel like a coward.