/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3471

► Detected: 2,991,071 (+71,667) ► Died: 206,822 (+3,658) ► Day: 108 (-03:14:58)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 11x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,590 strains have been sequenced —


Over 122,000 deaths went unreported in 14 countries

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Antibody tests vastly underperform advertised accuracy

Hispanics and blacks account for most deaths in California

Archive of content deleted by China

Patients can get reinfected after "recovery"

Most "asymptomatic" cases actually have glassed lungs

Reinfection possible and potentially deadlier

Virus infects T lymphocytes, simultaneous coinfection possible

Wuhan lab theory "no longer fringe", US intelligence confirms

H1N1 only had 3,433 confirmed deaths in the US, rest is estimated

Almost all countries only report deaths that occur in hospitals

Reports of "atypical pneumonia deaths" in Mexico embarrass health secretary

▶ 2 new cases in Haiti
▶ 25394 new cases and 1121 new deaths in the United States
▶ 3591 new cases and 223 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 21 new cases and 3 new deaths in Australia
▶ 237 new cases and 11 new deaths in Colombia
▶ 4 new cases in Uganda
▶ 982 new cases and 67 new deaths in Germany
▶ 10 new cases in Tunisia
▶ 12 new cases and 2 new deaths in Niger


Attached: CVG.gif (510x508, 172.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ncirs.org.au/sites/default/files/2020-04/NCIRS NSW Schools COVID_Summary_FINAL public_26 April 2020.pdf

>Dead: 209,762
lol, still only 209,762.
How many days has it been stuck at 209,762? Four days? Five days?

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Hey~ :3

I've got to go for a while but I just wanted to let you know one thing, okay?

You know what that is, right? ȌωȌ

*huggles* (^▽^(^▽^*)

That you are SUPER DUPER important!

*wuggles* ヽ(°∀°人´ヮ´)ノ

And super warm...

Be safe, okay? ^ω^

Take care of yourself! ᕦ( ˘ᴗ˘ )ᕤ

I'll see you soon!! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

-Sadly boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum-

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Thanks bby

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> people getting disilussioned about China
> no Soros' LGBT circus tour for few months now
> thots suffering from cock deprivation
> certain ethnicities dying and suffering more than others
> entertainment industry propaganada production halted
> low IQ deniers going out on the streets to protest and infect themselves
> people exposed to scam that is current economy (markets on the rise despite highest unemployment in decades)

I believe in Corona-chan. I think she is our biggest chance now to undo the damage done to civilization by money-hungry kikes and their puppets.

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Why is RACISM causing so many blacks to die of coronavirus?

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Slide thread.

Take your meds schizos
Stop making these threads

Seeing some research papers hinting that it’s quite hard for children to get the virus and even harder for them to spread it after they’ve got it.

ncirs.org.au/sites/default/files/2020-04/NCIRS NSW Schools COVID_Summary_FINAL public_26 April 2020.pdf

Looks like the talk about child super spreaders isn’t as 100% as it seemed earlier.

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1) “Every man should live rich and die poor” -Andrew Carnegie

2) “The man who dies rich, dies disgraced” -Andrew Carnegie


Did the death go down?

>Yas Forums in January
>IDS HABBEING, kek watch people die, cant wait for economic collapse, PRAISE KEK, blood sacrifices for CORONAGIRL kek
>Yas Forums now

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imagine the smell

Guys with if Corona-chan is a gay op?
>watching fash the nation
>they mention an Unz article

>COVID-19 emerges in Wuhan, a travel hub in China during Chinese New Years
>it next travels to Iran
>only country with their parliament and senior leadership infected is Iran
>virus is very infectious but not particularly lethal
>perfect for causing long term problems as many will spread the virus, but it won't rapidly kill the host population


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They're are too many silver linings to this. I have a valid excuse to yank my kids out of school and educate them at home because their educational performance has drastically improved since they've not had to report to class daily. It's fucking beautiful, lads.

it's a nothingburger, open the floodgates

Anyone else not sold that this virus is even that bad? It seems to only hit old people hard. It'd time to get back to work you lazy bums and put this behind us.

My thoughts are that he's a fat larper named Frank.

Stale weed smoke and body odor.

i'm getting bored

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The deaths are looking a little low tonight, this thing better not be coming to an end, I don’t want to go back to work, I’m too fucking comfy.

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I still enjoy the fact that people latch on to the fact that it hasn’t literally killed half the population yet so it’s not a serious threat. Yes ignore all the political and economic implications, yes ignore the fact that this has shown every healthcare system is essentially worthless, yessss ignore the possibility of horrible SARS like after effects, it’s just the flu.

At what point does it flip from copeing to genuine mental disorder anons?

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Sunday numbers

Haven't been around this board for weeks. What I missed? Is the curve flatting?

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That guy hates future generations for some reasons. Imagine learning that you family fortune got compleatly spent few generations ago by some asshole who wanted to "live rich"

Nigger it’s the weekend, it’s been like that for a month, everything slows down because “muh weekends off”

>Florida getting ready to reopen tourism to get the wagies back in their cagies
Please no, I don't want to go back.

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Jewish cult gangster working in Kosher certification racket that bilks Americans out of $17 billion dollars per year loses US visa for boarding a flight from US to Israel knowing he was infected by Corona-chan and not telling flight crew. He may face charges in Israel.

One Haredi rat goes in the dumpster, many more to go.


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Death and CHINA.

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those are just /ptg/ boomers who didn't give a shit about if in january.

>What I missed?
/cvg/ getting btfo countless times by /nbg/
no recovery possible

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Good news Yas Forums. Usually I hate the taste of oranges but I have been eating a ton of the for vitamin C, anyway the strong taste my oranges used to have feels really diluted now, I guess I got used to the strong taste so it went away. Now I can eat a bunch of oranges easy.

Only 8929 more cases. Can she do it?

Mio Corona is CUTE!

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Isn't one orange a day enough to help our immune system?

>no riots
>no war
>barely any conflict

when will you fags admit this is a disappoiment so far???
>ib4 muh two weeks

The RIVM are a bunch of retards though.
>"very slim chance of the virus appearing over here since we have no direct flights to Wuhan :DDD"
>"no evidence for asymptomatic transmission"
>"no symptoms for 24 hours = cured = feel free to do whatever you want again :DDDDD"

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>They don’t know about broccoli and vitamin c

Vitamin C’lets
When will they learn

OR... you've just lost your sense of taste and smell. Nothing to worry about.

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Move on to a big banana now.

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Hopefully soon
Its beautiful isnt? And truth be told there is hope that clown world finally ends, that alone make the best happening that could exist

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In about two weeks

Open up the economy. Let everyone get the virus. Once everyone gets the virus they'll realize how bad it actually is. Once the elderly and politicians die in droves, people like the TTC will quit out of fear, and no one will be able to go to work once the transit system is on lockdown. Let it happen!

I heard you need to eat a lot of oranges throughout the day to absorb the vitamin C. I have been eating 1 when I wake up 1 at midday and 2 before I sleep

>25394 new cases and 1121 new deaths in the United States
>"whites dont get infected"- Yas Forums in feb

Can I get a retard-briefing on the 3,590 strains bit? Where's the proof and what exactly does that mean?

>Corona binds to ACE2 better than SARS
>it also has the furin cleavage site like in HIV, Ebola, Influenza and others

CFR is hovering around 7%

Hmmm. Should be higher. I'm missing something.

What if the real happening is that nothing will ever happen for real in our lifetimes and that we are trapped in clown world forever?

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They love bringing up the flu as if the flu isn’t the most overhyped disease of all time

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I can't wait for them to return to work this is literally worse than summer.

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I need vitamin D but your mothers are hogging it all lmao.

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This dude theme


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Fucking brainlets opening up everything again thinking this thing is going to go away already when in reality it has barely even begun. Home office days are over and im forced to go back to work tomorrow. seriously thinking of quiting and embracing the neet pill now that ive had the two most comfy months in a long time self quarantineing

are you comfy for the last week of april starting now
i wonder what the last days of may will be like

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>3 hours left
Hurry the fuck up I want my 3 gorillion!

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[F] for me,
>very likely infected
>had various textbook syntoms for over a month, mostly mild
>over the last 3-4 days or so is in my chest is worse
>the chest tightness has actually become more mild , but i feel constant discomfort in my chest and sides
>my heart has gone off thr rails (even more then typical)
>still no coofing but spitting up lots of white
>my blood o2 is average still
>headache comes and goes
>nausea comes and goes
>near seattle, hospitals are a no-go
How fucked am i? Should i just an hero and get it over with?

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those were the retards back then that are now nothingburguers most likely

Coronachan is weird need to do better research to understand it

Daily reminder
>there's a CO2 shortage happening, CO2 is essential for regulating ph levels for water purification procedures
>Meat packing and processing workers, plus inspectors are getting sick with the WuFlu, deaths are now being recorded
>Nuclear power plant workers are starting to test positive for the WuFlu
>Key military top brass have been evacuated to nuclear fallout bunkers such as the Cheyenne Mountains
>Secret service military forces have been activated in case whitehouse personnel have to be evacuated from DC
>This virus can infect to a mild degree vital cattle herd animals such as cows

Don't focus so much on the numbers, but rather the actions of our Kike politicians and the science behind this disease, as well as self improvement in general.

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Like a den of rats

Hi boopposter

Look at the stock markets and tell me there are no riots lol.

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>spit white

Dude wat, most likely you wouldnt get accepted in a hospital for "looking mild" but probably you are fucked

Modern day kike poisoning the well.

I guess those ‘fictional’ stories of them doing shit like that during the medieval times was true.

>he doesn’t know

Looks like they're going with the rabies jab
Oh boy

Wasnt there a fuck up with the original ebola version of this?

And I thought that British American Tobacco were growing one already?

Isnt this how "28 days later" began?

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>25394 new cases and 1121 new deaths in the United States
>"whites dont get infected"
I don't see how those statements contradict each other

Bantu stink, weed, and cocoa butter

3 million CONFIRMED infections. 207,000 CONFIRMED deaths. 5 BILLION in lockdown. Economies ruined for decades. Virus has only just begun. Total nothingburger guys...

RIVM are gloriously genocidal maniacs, but that's not true at all. Children get infected at the same rate and although most are asymptomatic, well over 60% have abnormal lung CT.
> Bronchial thickening and ground-glass opacities were the main radiologic features, and these findings were also reported in asymptomatic patients
Nobody knows if the virus clears and lungs return to normal because there are no follow-up studies yet. First we reopen the schools

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Research Reveals That COVID-19 Attacks Hemoglobin In Red Blood Cells, Rendering It Incapable Of Transporting Oxygen. Current Medical Protocols Could All Be Wrong!
>Research Reveals That COVID-19 Attacks Hemoglobin In Red Blood Cells, Rendering It Incapable Of Transporting Oxygen. Current Medical Protocols Could All Be Wrong!

GARY! My man! hows it goin?

Anyone else seeing queues for groceries then or do we just have a genuine fetish for waiting in lines here?

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>How fucked am i?
Either not corona or a very mild case from a first infection. Don't worry until it gets real bad.
>Should i just an hero and get it over with?
Infect as much other people as possible before you do.

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Are you the drawfren?

>UPDATED CHARTS @ 26 Apr 2020
UPDATED CHARTS @ 26 Apr 2020
Weekend numbers drop edition

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That's only partially true. New cases are in line with the usual weekend numbers, but we haven't had this few deaths since the end of March. Actually in April it dropped under 5k only once, and even that was only barely, by maybe a dozen or so.

Why are people shilling for that retracted study? Has Trump been endorsing it?

>deaths lower and lower every single weekend
>no-no! It's always lower every weekend!
>but doomer fag, the actual number of deaths is lower week on week at the weekends now, sorry its over.

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Based on this. Schools should be the first to return back? The Danes made the correct decision based on this?

What happens after you burn through your savings at 65 but don't die?

go to your local synagogue. the rabbis have a secret cure thats only for the chosen ones. make sure to talk to everyone

Part 2 is WW3 with China and killing gooks

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Corona purifies the world.

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>trusting Dutch science

No wonder Nokia got nuked by Steve fucking Jobs

Vitamin C
Vitamin D3
That is my poor mans prophylaxis

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Imagine investing so heavily in COVID-19 being the big happening, only for a 0.5% mortality rate and nurses making tiktok videos. You can't admit you were sheep falling for MSM hysteria, so you keep lying to yourself that the next wave is coming soon.

the british all have massive fetishes for waiting in lines, being stepped on by Queen Elizabeth, and becoming irrelevant on the world stage.

Vaya . . . con dios

are there 2 boopposters or?
theres this German one and an American one with numbered images

A burger of naught.

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We don't have huge lines but the grocery stores are a clusterfuck and shelves are stripped down to the crap no one wants or things with limited shelf life. There are clearly serious supply chain issues and they are only getting worse.
I've been ordering canned/dry goods from commercial suppliers to avoid going to grocery stores. Even if you're not afraid of the virus going to the grocery store is such an absolute pain in the ass that you won't want to make a habit of it.

I personally know of several children who've caught it. Those symptoms weren't as severe as older family members, some didn't experience clinical symptoms. The studied you posted do give some hope, but don't seem to have been conducted using random population sampling; so I'd take them with a pinch of salt. There's a lot of pressure on to rush and open the economy at the moment so you can expect to see a lot of policy agenda driven research. If only there was as much pressure to study and understand the nature of the virus and what we're dealing with.

USA is not white.

The world is in a dire need of a happening.

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Imagine what happens when you build an economic system based on the ideas of a man who cares not for the sustainable wealth of future generations.

Where are you exactly user. I need you to coof on me so I can go super spreader.

>spitting up lots of white
Sounds like you have GRIDS

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Where? In my part of MD there are no such issues

god damn it why does this piss me off so much

>The deaths are looking a little low tonight
Nigger the death count quadrupled in a month

Why are caliniggers disconnected from reality?

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Are they practicing the Corona Dance already?

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Groceries in my area (Mid-Atlantic) have modest lines to get in. Mostly to restrict the total number of people in the store at any given time.

Safeway tried the pants-on-head retarded idea of one-way aisles, nobody paid attention

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>immigration ban reduced to 60 days
>exclused "temporary" "workers"
>at a time with the highest unemployment in history

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