Who here /LSDpilled/
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I have done it user, it’s not really my thing...
LSD is great, but have you ever tried DMT?
Once a week usually, on the lords day in the AM, go with the light sir
Kek. I may or may not have tried it. However those words may or may not be hypothetical.
I've been wanting to do it for a long time, but I have so much baggage and pent up stuff, and I'm going through major depression right now. I know I'll be in for a VERY bad trip.
No, gonna mail me some?
Go take some estrogen little girl.
I don’t know what I experienced but I know I have a desire to know more.
Nobody makes original LSD anymore, it requires an advanced laboratory and intricate understanding of chemistry. Most of the time what you're taking is a random designer drug that has hallucinogenic properties that you've been scammed into believing is LCD.
Unless you did it in the 1960s you didn't do it, the CIA keeps close tabs on who gets what and every corner of drug production in the world is controlled by them and by extension Mossad.
What a stupid way to think of things, if you’re miserable then go for it, what’s worse than wasting life?
It’s not worth the bad trip
The hidden Yas Forums discord is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview Alex Jones this week. join.
Nah. You'll just cry for 8 hours straight and feel amazing the next day
fuck off degenerate.
anyone against psychedelics is one of (((them)))
Lsd is one of the most interesting molecules
life is worth throwing away, I agree. I have compassion for the user I replied to, but what's life but a waste anymore?
Vibrating Energy in motion in a sea of Energy
Vibrating Emotion
Now Emotionally Aware
Are images still banned from being posted?
If so fuck you and your fake minecraft server honeypot.
wow. yall are really mk ultraing yourselves...
Taken it many times, as well as DMT, crystal x, coke, heroin, taimajushi, plenty of other crap, and I'm the most redpilled poster on the fuckin' site.
Yeah, truth
that's why 10% of the posts on this board are schizo-adjacent.
There was an old thread with 300+ replies, made here around December, where everyone admitted to being on various drugs
is that you rogan?
90s T. major LSD dealer.
I've also got a lot of mental illness in my family, my dad did LSD at a concert and then his schizoactive bipolar kicked in hardcore. He thinks our family is a chosen race of "Messianic Jew" and we're like 80% Irish 20% Norwegian from like 2 generations. He makes schizo posters look sane.
It’s not that fucking hard. Dead heads with chemistry degrees make that shit all the time.
Here we go again.
lsd is great, favorite drug I would even say..
you should try ketamine if you haven't OP
No wonder half the board is so based while the rest of you cocksuckin' reddit-tier shitheads humiliate yourselves all night.
What the fuck is going on? Since yesterday night there have been real people posting instead of it being filled with bots
drugs are for complete losers
I've tried it 5 or 6 times. The first time was a massive hit of windowpane that blasted me out of my skull for 20 hours. I was hallucinating pterodactyls flying through the treetops. Didn't know my own name for 8 hours. It didn't give my any enlightenment however aside from observing how my consciousness was constructed.
I'm fucking related to that guy!
I'm Schizophrenic, so I already have too much Dopamine and Serotonin.
It'd just make me lose my shit.
It makes you question things. It opens doors, and it closes doors , but everyone should experience it with a really good friend.
I threw a vacuum cleaner. Shouted nigger jew more than what was acceptable to my non red pilled friends. Bashed the back of my head against a table and ended up on tbe kitchen floor.
Felt like shit for a few days, became afraid of death or to even sleep. Eventually got over it and had a new outlook on life.
Would not do it again.
O fuk o shit o fuk
My dad? I doubt it.
Stupid niggers detected, do you tell people there's such a thing as "bathtub acid" too? Go back to peddling jenkem and drank.
>>bad trip
That's like saying you don't want to take a ride through the carnival house of horrors. Anybody that gets confused about what they're seeing on an acid trip is already pretty fucked in the head.
unironically changed my life. if you have the intelligence to handle it go for it.
Bluepilled and degenerate. I've done LSD, all it's good for is degenerate fun. Any 'enlightenment' you gain from it is just your brain being swirled, America is so degenerate people literally think you can buy a 'spiritual' experience.
Just meditate for 12 hours instead, but that actually takes effort.
uh yeah, stay away from drugs. Even weed makes schizo symptoms worse.
My uncle
I'd like to try it once, but I am convinced that people that take it regularly just for fun are some of the biggest degenerates, just like potheads, alcos, heavy smokers, etc.
Bad trips are the best
What's his name? Don't even care if you name last name. I haven't contacted in years.
smoked too much pot on acid and had a bit of a bad trip. everyone talking sounded a little like scooby doo. it maybe lasted for 15 minutes
Witnessed put me in the screen cap nigga
Greg, its gotta be Greg
Where do I buy LSD???
I live in Los Angeles btw
The chemicals aren't easy to find, and it's not near as easy or simple as most other recreational drugs. Nowadays, pathetic nerds actually trust random strangers on the internet to get accurately dosed LSD, it's hilarious
We had that thread yesterday too
Wow, I'm shocked
>eventually got over it
How long did it take? I had a bad trip three weeks ago where I realized I’ll die eventually. Last night I had a panic attack when I realized that if the atheists are right then I’ll just simply cease to exist and I won’t ever be part of this world ever more. I’m fucking terrified now even now I want to throw up just typing this
Wrong way to look at it. If you go in like that your going to have a bad time. just do what you want when you trip and set things up before hand to make things easier
It was fun when I was on it, but I didn't really get many useful insights. I'm still the same person. Reality seems kind of surreal/bizarre now, but when was that ever not the case?
But I do like Lucy more than Psilo because the former gives you a huge burst of energy. when I tried Psilo i just felt depressed about my lost cat for the entire trip.
Okay, bye.
You better start watching the mailman, those motherfuckers are slanging more sacks than any drug dealer on planet earth
My trip was a bit weird... the whole time I thought I had already tripped and was really asleep dreaming about my experiences the following night. It wasn't a bad trip, just kind of frustrating because it felt like I was stuck in a time loop. Guess my logical brain couldn't 'let go' as they say.
Don't take a high dose brother. Take 100m MAX! for the first time. It Will be enough to make you grasp gods truth but not enough to plunge you into your subconcious mind.
Keep an open mind. Open every door and go down every stairway you face. Make a commitment to face the truth
Succes brother, I hope you Will be well
Everyone has energy and energy can not be destroyed. Your energy will live on after your earthly body dies user
You guys thought bad trips at music festivals and Messianic delusions are uncommon enough to be the same person, lol.
indole pls
frequently, ahhh when on the beach
but now not so much. stuck indoors without meaning is not worth it..
LSD and DMT were critical to making me conservative. Not everyone turns into a fried hippie.
Black sunshine 1997. I ate 2 hits. 20min later anything I watched more than 3 seconds melted, drooped , puddled. I ate at least 100 hits of acid in the 90s. Some was just OK, and some was bomb as fuck. But I did peyote on an Indian reservation in North Dakota, and it was the best trip, with an above my own body experience. I want to do dmt, and talk to Nordic gods.
It's just a drug mate, and a pretty lame one at that.
This also
>believing is LCD.
No it's OLED.
We have testfacilities here, were you can drop of drugsamples to be tested (anonymous), for lab qualification i.e. identification and, if reference material is present, qualification i.e. determening purity or dosage.
Although LSD derivatives sold as LSD are common, actual LSD is still widely available.
I would do acid or mushrooms, but the only stuff I ever find around here is weed.
I too suffer from depression, and I feel great when I trip.
Go for it
Nah it's just weird, I talked to my uncle the other day and he was telling me we have royal germanic jew blood and something about knowledge from god and all kinds of wild shit, it's just weird knowing he isnt the only one
its great, the problem is that the people who should take it won't and only drug addled mentally ill degenerates take it.