Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 12.17.00 AM.png (856x956, 854.02K)

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my dad works at Nintendo and a nurse just flew over my house.

She can blow my whistle any time, if you know what I am saying.

>diverse nursing team doesn’t care
What a surprise.

>I'm not going to name any names or places but I am the voice of her

Her face is really fucking weird. Eyes too big, face too long, lips look like they were slapped togethwr from two different sets , the nose is basically Mr. Potatoband on general her face looks like 2 size bigger than her skull.


you have too high expectations. This is why you'll never get laid. I'd bang her faggot.

Can I get a quick rundown?

She looks a bit weird but in a good way, totally bangable
Didn't watch video

i'd tap her too but at some point you gotta address the skinwalker in the room..


If they are afraid of it spreading form a machine that works than build tents and use the machine that works in the tent.
Explain to me why they wouldn't do that

Ayyyy you’re talking about your penis ;)

only a few minutes in, but she is basically saying that they are refusing to treat patients with effective treatment measures. She also is saying that the ventilators being used are being set to high pressure treatment and causing lung trauma and exacerbating the symptoms. They are sedating with propofol (sp?) which if I recall is what killed Michael Jackson. With family not being allowed on premises, there are no advocates for patients and doctors are intentionally allowing patients to die. Hydroxycholoroquine and zinc treatments are not being utilized. Basically NYC hospitals are murdering people via indifference and a malingering attitude towards resource management and testing.

she can blow my whistle

I wished the had Republican Hospitals.

with all the spare time and empty wings of the hospitals the nurses have been holding impromptu pay-to-play gang bangs to close the pay gap.

have standards, simp
this bitch is googly

This is 100% true and obvious, high pressure ventilators can't help when your blood doesn't carry oxygen, the ventilators are just murder machines for overly trusting normies. Never trust a quack.

Who cares if she's not a supermodel. Her name is "LA Meth Witch" which implies that she enjoys sex and puts out.

Attached: kirk.gif (192x212, 2.2M)

I never would have imagined Casey Anthony being able to pick up a nursing gig, all things considered. Is it really that easy to get hired to swap bed-pans, abuse the elderly and upload Tik Tok dances between FB sympathy posts all shift?

If they intubated you your getting propofol. The vent tube is shoved down the throat to pump O2 in. If you where conscious you will want to rip it out. My Uncle rip was Intubated 7 times at a VA hospital. The jug of propofol was fed IV drip.

Attached: owl2.jpg (640x480, 96.96K)


Ventilators must be some hospital money making scheme, since when you are vented, you are "renting" the machine at a ridiculous price per hour.
Remember too, these machines are often donated so the hospital gets them for free.
Sounds like a big ass Jewish $$$$$$$ shekels scheme.

I know they get extra federal money if they diagnose a covid. Probably also do for the ventilator too

Great idea, patient can't get O2, so give them a drug (propofol) that prevents them from breathing on their own.
Makes perfect sense.

Big if true. Holy shit

I like her long hair.

If propofol is being used in patients already intubated patients I don't see why it would be a problem. However the question put forward right now is if the anesthetic being used is inhibiting oxygenation of the blood of said patients on vents. No where near knowledgeable on this but hopefully someone who sees this thread is.

>NYC hospitals are murdering people via indifference
oh no; niggers, jews, and liberals dying. Thats terrible

t. ICU RN working from LA.

To simplify what she is saying, basically the medical staff where her "friend" works are providing treatment in a way that ensures that the medical staff is safe from getting infected at the unnecessary risk for the patient. There are steps to the kind of breathing treatment needs, from just needing a little bit of oxygen (air in general is only 21% oxygen and composed of other gasses) to straight-up needing not only a shit ton of oxygen (e.g. 40% of the air given at a time is oxygen) but also needing a machine to breath for you. It's like from least helpful to total helpful

Nasal Cannula (those nasal prongs, NC).
Simple mask.
(Parital) Non-rebreather mask (it's the mask with the bag, designed so only oxygen is inhaled and CO2 is exhaled).
BiPAP (now you're getting breathing assistance on top of oxygen aid).
Endotracheal Intubation ("Intubated", ETT, short-term breathing aid)
Tracheostomy ("Trache'd", hole in the neck for long-term breathing aid).

So the staff where her friend works are skipping the less risky steps after a pt needs more than an NC and going straight to extreme shit like ETT, which can cause lung damage ("Barotrauma", lesions in the trachea, VAP [Ventilated-Associated Peumonia], broken off teeth, and etc.) from too-long improper pressure settings for the individual. There doing this because the infected droplets and air is contained within a closed system as opposed to be circulated in an extreme open system like the other air aids.

There's a lot to simplify here for you guys, so I'll try my best to explain as the video goes on and whatnot.

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

I'm going to eviscerate each and every one of you

I want to believe but:

Whistleblowers need to flip on their supriors or this is all dismissable as hyperbola and/or agitation.

If people are being murderered and you're attitude is "I'd blow the whistle, but muh job." then you're not helping.

I believe there is an orchestrated desperation action under way and reports are trickling out to confirm but they are all specious sources or third party disclosures. Tthere have yet to be any legit whistleblowers turning in superiors who have ordered specific violations.

This. For some reason, really nice long hair has always been the first thing I will notice about a chick. And this girl has gorgeous hair.


the malaria drugs kill people too. they probably work but there are side effects to them wherein older people/people with issues shouldn't use them and where they are more risky.
You could probably just let this clear up on its own...if not, I'd rather just die at home than at some gross hospital with trash staff

>They are sedating with propofol (sp?) which if I recall is what killed Michael Jackson

....Yes... That's the MJ Juice.... But I don't like how you said that because it puts into patient's heads that "One Drop = Death"... First off, propofol (or any sedative medication like it) isn't suppose to be used unless someone is being mechanically ventilated and even then it is suppose to be tightly titrated to an appropriate sedation level of the patient (see a scale like RASS).

...MJ got it from a corrupt doctor so he can use it as a sleep aid without any professional medical supervision as well as mixing it with alcohol and him taking different not-measured YOLO amounts.

Imo propofol is pretty great compared to other sedatives: it works quickly as does it stops quickly working compared to fentanyl and actually works unlike precedex. Patients at the start of being ETT need to be sedated someone, cause it's scary as fuck to be intubated and it helps causes people to go into ICU Delirium which results in themselve extubating themselves and putting themselves in a more lethal situation.