--- CURRENTLY INFECTED: 1,905,729 ---
--- MILD CONDITION: 1,848,146 (97%) ---
--- SERIOUS CONDITION: 57,583 ---
--- RECOVERED: 876,488 ---
--- DEATHS: 206,728 ---


--- RESEARCH ---

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

--- VIDEOS ---

>Doctor destroys Coronavirus narrative

>Corona BTFO by USC

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

--- REMINDER ---

Sweden: No lockdown, No collapse!

>205K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

• 151,600 people die every day
• 50,900,000 people die every year

>but muhh exponential broooo
Been growing linearly for what, 22 days now?

>noooooo but that's only because we locked ourselves inside!!!
We did nothing for months to stop the virus which spreads faster than the Flu, can spread undetected in its incubation and has a multitude of transmission vectors, yet it was only the recent lockdowns which saved us from those millions dead that was raved about? I highly doubt it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.11.20062349v1.full.pdf html

Threadly reminder to hide memeflags and ignore memeflag threads.
Shills are trying to poison the well of information.

Brainlet cope thread

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seethe harder kike. Your stupid hoax is being revealed for what it is.

Bumping non-memeflag created thread

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>Antibiotic refers to killing microorganisms
Yes, that's what the biotic is there for, however since viruses aren't considered alive, they aren't considered microorganisms, they're just viruses.
Hence antivirals are a separate thing form antibiotics.

mods = faggots


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Ignore all meme flags.
Also wtf why are the tranny jannies removing threads, I want an explanation why nbg is less political than cvg, seriously you fucking faggots, explain yourself.

>When you're so abhorrently wrong that you must delete your argument

his general is encouraging people to go outside or open their business.

It is currently against American law to do such things and therefore this general is encouraging Americans to break the law.

Any posts or threads that are in violation of USA law are supposed to be removed from Yas Forums pol.

In light of this I implore any mod that is reading this post to close this thread and ban this general.

Thank you for keeping this board clean

Please keep this thread going and dab on the retarded coofers.

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Also reposting my observations on /cvg/ Happoonerfags who I believe to be overwhelmingly bots/shills:

They’re all trained to nitpick and goalpost shift over how you address the severity of the illness. If you present a post full of well-thought-out and well-sourced points about the government overreach or small businesses suffering the most but call it “just a flu” they focus squarely on that and ignore everything else. If you can omit “just a flu”-like comments they have no response.

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Remember to dilate today!

Bros, I think the kikes are burning down the economy because they had a temper tantrum about not being able to completely control the last presidential election. How likely is that? I know the flu is not that big a deal but I'm worried they're gonna create millions of starving and homeless which will precipitate a real crisis.




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>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 makes men infertile
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 can cause infertility. Tests find that the virus is undetectable in the testicles and sperm: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.31.20042333v2

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 has antibody dependent enhancement (ADE)
There is no evidence to suggest that COVID-19 has ADE. Attempts at re-infection elicit a robust antibody response: biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.10.036418v1

>CVG MYTH: You cannot become immune to COVID-19
Though we cannot be sure how long immunity lasts, antibodies titres are found in recovered COVID-19 patients and all known coronaviruses confer at least some degree of temporary immunity: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.14.20065771v1

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 mutates rapidly and there are multiple strains
COVID-19 has a relatively stable genome and mutates slower than influenza. Reports of multiple strains reference negligible genetic differences that have no effect on virulence or immune response: livescience.com/coronavirus-mutation-rate.html

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 contains HIV
Early debunked reports suggested the Novel Coronavirus genome contained HIV-like sequences. This HIV-like sequence refers to the virus’ spike protein, its mechanism for binding to ACE2 receptors on cells. Genomic analysis suggests that whilst the novel RNA Coronavirus mimics HIV’s binding mechanism, said mechanism is an independently arising protein of a different kind and does not entail a HIV-like pathogenesis: archive.is/rW2hA

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 destroys the immune system
Whilst COVID-19 can attack T-Cells, no evidence of viral reproduction in them could be found. Lymphopenia is common in viral infections and T-Cell counts should recover post-infection: medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.11.20062349v1.full.pdf html

>oy vey goys this is a killer virus
>meanwhile thousands of old people die every week because they're not allowed to have life saving medical procedures

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ok bros, im part of /nbg/, but do we have any sources to disprove the claims that corona does permanent damage, want some proof ukno?

cvg pissing me off

>a full month has more deaths than a single day


>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 stays latent in the body and can reactivate
The Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 is, unlike the DNA viruses HIV and Herpes, an RNA Virus. There are no scientifically known mechanisms by which RNA viruses become latent. Whilst it is true that the virus (like SARS) can persist for many weeks in patients, the body should ultimately clear the virus. Cases of ‘reactivation’ are most likely false negatives and mark the temporary failure of the immune system to clear small pockets of the virus after the main infection: archive.is/GuIBI (1/2) medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.27.20043299v1 (2/2)

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 infects and hides in the central nervous system
Whilst in very rare cases COVID-19 may infect the brainstem, this phenomenon is seen in other viral infections, including in influenza, and is known as encephalitis: pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2020201187

>CVG MYTH: COVID-19 causes permanent lung damage
Whilst it is true that lungs can be damaged in some severe courses of infection, this is a common phenomenon in respiratory pathogens and particularly in pneumonia. Non-atypical lung lesions recover in-line with pneumonia recoveries and Ground Glass Opacities often disappear spontaneously: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4630533/ (1/2) pubs.rsna.org/doi/10.1148/radiol.2020200370 (2/2)

>CVG MYTH: It is impossible to create a Coronavirus vaccine
Whilst there has never been a Coronavirus vaccine in humans, bovine corona vaccines exist and some success has been achieved in creating a vaccine for MERS. Experiments with vaccines in China already demonstrate that immunity can be conferred on monkeys via vaccine. Previous attempts for SARS and other common Coronaviruses were discontinued due to lack of need or want: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC227016/ (1/2) archive.is/mnO9h (2/2)

That wasn't the REAL virus. nothingburgerfaggs will be dead in 14 days screencap this post

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Based thread OP

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>they aren't considered microorganisms, they're just viruses.
Sure antiviral would've been appropriate but those generally have a different connotation, even antibiotic kinda has the wrong connotation.

Anyway they did study using a disinfectant on the lungs and they called it a disinfectant. So, at least one scientist thinks disinfectant is the appropriate wording. Connotation is important here since those classifications are just general. Please ask him why he chose the word.

No I didn't, the thread archived.

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Also start including numbers of babies born a day, 350k

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>do we have any sources to disprove the claims that corona does permanent damage
You can't disprove a negative. Just (rightfully) point out that their source is completely bogus.

The virus has barely been in western countries for a month, so how would they know if it does permanent damage? They have been wrong about just about everything else to this point.


and formulate your own opinion friend, Godspeed.

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Wrong 404'd thread. You want

Heh and what is the fatality rate for under 60 with no conditions?

cheers boys, godspeed to /nbg/ frens all round
4 weeks and we be havin beers on the beach

Here's the thing my friend, I think the virus isn't a nothing burger but not in the way you think it is.

This virus is a catalyst to give the government more power over you through authoritarian means. I believe that China engineered the virus and it was to be used as a low-tier bio weapon to decimate developing nations that didn't have the medical capacities like regular 1st world nations. China disables these nations and grabs them up real cheaply thus increasing their power over places like Africa.
This virus had accidentally leaked into China (China sucks at everything) and instead of containing the disease, they allowed it to freely move to the west so that China isn't the only that get's egg on their face over this.

I do think the virus has some damage to it but nothing like the Spanish flu (I could be completely wrong about this).

The virus makes it into the west and our government now with virus, they will use it as a shroud to employ authoritarian measures that will get rid of the rights of everyone.
NOW, There are two paths here I want to discuss:
Being incredibly inefficient and not clairvoyant (governments tend to never think ahead), they didn't realize how bad a lock down could be for the economy and thus fucked everything up in their power-lust ways. They would essentially trigger a civil war and die off.
They caused the lock down and destroyed the economy on purpose to get the populous to rely on the government for everything. Having this power, an oligarchy is created in which small business never succeeds and the people are forever stuck in a fucked up, corporate-ran government.

Who the fuck knows but this is by no means a hoax but rather a virus that the government took an advantage of to instill authoritarian controls over the populous.

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I keep getting fucking shoah'd
How isn't this thread political?

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Thanks, fren! I hope so.

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What I was talking about wasn't about the study.
But I got curious, turns out there is a specific word for "disinfectants" that kill microbes.

>Disinfectants that kill microbes are called microbicides, but if they only stop microbial growth, without killing the microbe, they are called microbistats.

These threads have never stated that the virus itself is a hoax, but that it's being artificially engineered to create panic among the population,the aim of these threads is to inform myself and others of every bit of information that can show a more clear, precise image of the bullshit that this artificially engineered panic is creating, and the evidence to show that is indeed that.

I am enjoying the shit out of the outdoors. Perfect warm spring days, the flowers are blooming and parents are out playing with their kids. Got a garden growing so I have fresh greens every day and a shitload of tomatoes soon.

I am sorry it is not so lax in the UK. Only one store I've been to has been completely insane about the rules. I am not going back.

>one day plus scattered inhalation deaths
>two months of elective surgeries being cancelled and a million hoops to jump through to go to the ER
>not even twice as many deaths for 'airborne aids' which killed 21 million people in China
also never seen a proper source linked to this. fuck off


Always the same memeflag posting it too

I just lurked over to the cvg. Absolute cringefest. They actually believe the most outlandish shit about the virus, or they're just a load of fags that celebrate happenings even if they're being motivated by fear.
Almost none of them are interested in real debate or solutions for societies moving forward.
It's literally the retards of nu pol congregating in one place.

Drink up user.

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FACT: OP is known Russian troll posting misinformation designed to sow discord and cause more deaths in America. Go fuck yourself, asshole. We all know the corona virus is a Chinese designed bioweapon that will ultimately kill every person on the planet.