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....is he retarded?

Good reason to investigate and arrest Obama.

You mean Trump?

We can finally impeach Obombo!

Blump. Giuliani is based.

Bump for Giuliani !

no he litearlly means obama

Obama was president in 2017?

ask him

For 20 days in January, yes.

True, but not when money gets dispensed
That's September

jesus do I have to explain this? can't that idiot work google?

If he could he wouldnt be a government official

>the budget for 2017 is made in 2017
are you retarded?

You just havent been paying attention to how the process has been going since Obama got elected


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2017? trump probably did it because obama didn't

Isnt that the crux?
Obama didnt shut down the economy, so Trump did
Obama didnt ban bump stocks, so Trump did
Obama didnt move the embassy in Israel, so Trump did
Obama wanted to attack China, so Trump sold out to them

just another red herring conspiracy to keep trump's basement dwelling base busy

no why

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Fuck you niggers are so stupid. Even (((snopes))) admits it was Obama

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gee what a surprise. but why would anyone want anyone to study viruses in china? and if someone was to do it why didn't americans just go to china and do it?

don't the republican base ever get tired of being played as brainless tools all the time.

Oh look at the big brained leaf who changes the political landscape by voting. Nice one bro.

but it is them. they're probably working on 100 conspiracies right now. and their leaders set them up.

meme flag taking the side of the chumps?

You're a complete moron. Snopes of all people even verified it was Obama who approved the vast majority of this money.

hillary is the deep state. so the deep state disappears when hillary dies right?

Explain how is shining light on obumas corruption retarded?

trump couldn't reverse that obama policy or he wasn't aware of it or it would be a bad idea to shut it down?