What actually happened here?
>cult niggers get uppity
>big daddy gov kills them all
Racist honkeys got what was comin
Government homicide implicating Hillary clinton.
Burgers thought muh guns would protect them from da gubbament. Didnt work out well
Niggity nigga nigger
Let me correct u, honkeys thought they could be racist in the open and got btfo by us melanin masters
Any based documentaries on this?
>Burgers thought muh guns would protect them from da gubbament
More like they thought that those faggots wouldn't just start murdering them for no reason and had no way out of the situation alive
Why is racism bad
I think Bill Hicks has some good commentary on it, he went up there during the siege and filmed a bunch of it. I think he got some footage of a Bradley tank flamethrowing the building, but that’s apparently a debatable topic some say they were pumping incindiary tear gas
Big barbecue
It's for brainlets that see everything in a black and white way
Burning cult got burned
It did protect them the first day. The problem is they stopped using their guns
Go back to masturbating user
Sick of newfags born this millennium and asking dumbass questions about events they can easily research
If they weren’t such lazy entitled fags
Once your cult gets to a certain size;
1. have to pay taxes
2. your market position becomes a target for warfare and must be defended (including competing cults, you have to pay extortion rackets and/or face infiltration/sting/propaganda rackets from the FBI and other agencies...
You pretty much need to stay small and under the radar or sell-out to an owner, or pay 2/3 of your profits to extortion/taxes while meeting regulation requirements.
Just part of the game. Waco got on an ego-trip and thought they were entitled to what they had earned, and may or may not been doing some of their own illegal activity withing what they thought was an established market position.
ATF wanted to justify their uselessness so planned a no knock raid. When they got in over their head they called in big daddy government to murder innocent civilians to cover it up.
After Waco the ATF should have been disbanded for such a massive fuck up but instead we get even more gun control from it. If anyone ever disrespects the second amendment, point them to Waco and show them how tyrannical unchecked government authority not only can be, but is.
Glowniggers glowed.
Glew? Glewed? Past tense is "glowed" right? Sounds weird
Charles Manson brainwashed a bunch of girls and they killed an actress then burnt the house down.
Wrong cult.
Democrat administration burned down a religious commune.
Lmao half of them were Blacc
Rules of engagement on jewtube
A cult was stockpiling guns as was in their constitutional right, so they were labelled a terrorist organization and they got a no-knock raid. These people had guns so it didn't go so well. The following siege lasted weeks until the gov decided to spray tear gas into their compound for 8 hours. This tear gas was also incendiary. There were close to 100 people in this group, and some dozens of kids.
Only 4 ADULTS lived.
>Bill Hicks interview on a public broadcast, he aired the tank waco footage on this show
>tank footage
>Bill Hicks at Waco
>Bill Hicks Waco in his act
>after Waco
After Ruby Ridge, or even better, after the first arrest they ever made under an unconstitutional gun control ordinance. They are murderers and vicious predators reveling in the glee of tyranny and unchecked power, anathema to this nation.
A fry cook gets 'chewed out' over spilled oil, they need a little more than 'chewing out' over dozens of murdered Americans. That's essentially all that was done after their disgusting slaughters, but how could it be otherwise? The federal government funds and supports them, and all the Congressmen breathed deep sighs of relief to see the women and children burnt alive and the complex bulldozed, lest the truth were to be told and bring them liability for their crimes.
a mossad and CIA psyop to test the waters and demoralize.
then they followed it up with the OKC bombing hoax.
Every religion I don't like is a cult.
>t. ATF
There were survivors from Waco though, honestly asking here did they not give their own stories on what actually went down? My understanding is that everything that could indict the government doesn’t exist, like their front door is missing that could’ve told the story of who fired first?
and churches that you don't like are compounds
Turns out ol David was into fucking black pussy and making nigglets. Half his cult was black.
CS gas is flammable, there were dozens of oil burning lamps (lit flame) in the compound because the power was cut off.
didn't mean any negative connotations by the term 'cult'. Interchange as you wish.
i'm literally here to recruit/groom for a nofap cult
Theres a documentary "Koresh: Madman or Messiah " that gives a really good, unbiased story of the whole thing.
Plus it has 9 of the survivors being interviewed through the whole thing. I recommend it as the best starting point to learn.
After that, there Dave Thibadeau wrote a book of his first hand account there. Also some guy from the FBI wrote one as well.
We'll never know if Koresh gave the instructions to burn the place or not (most scholars point toward he did) but with the things I've shared you can learn pretty much every other little detail.
>government employee
Christopher Whitcomb, successful author and tv show host.
Burnt corpse in background of trophy photos
Troy industries employee