Hitlers prophetic speech of 30-01-1939

This arguably most important speech in history has been made very hard to find.

I've only been able to find an English transcript. This speech is extremely interesting, because when read/heard in full (instead of the usual small out of context ''prophetic'' fragment) it gives insight in his views of the Jews living of the toils of other people.

If anyone has the audio, it would be greatly appreciated



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There's only 12 months, not 30

in ukraine almost all jews were either doctors or pharmacists/chemists before CCCR allowed them to move to israel in 70s
My mother was a dentist and her collegue was a very good doctor, also jew.

Im russian dude 56 years old btw. I remember that times. The jews were the most educated and respected people.

I hate how comfy this looks.

Thread here about the holohoax psyop:

Stop shilling for the zogged nazis you retard. They were as controlled as it gets.


>anglo crying about nazis for the 6 millionth time

Hitler was wrong to respect you subhumans. You've been the obedient slaves of kikes for the last 500 years.

I'm not crying about them because they don't exist. I'm pointing out you're retarded to fight for the honour of zog shills that lived 70 years ago and currently only serve the function of a boogeyman to be pointed to as an excuse take people's rights away

Thats only a small part of the speech if it went on for 2.5 hours?

Gtfo Shlomo

The very definition of kino

Holy fuck you glow

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>The nazis were controlled opposition

It's obvious when you actually look at what they did instead of hymiewood propaganda and mainstream historians.


Fuck off Mohammad

wasted digits

That's a lot of swastikas.

88 proves the effectiveness of the American education system

>It's obvious when you actually look at what they did instead of hymiewood propaganda and mainstream historians.
like what exactly?

Cry larpboi cry

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>Most important speech in history.

No you retard

Hitler being a frequent visitor of the vienna cafe where the bolshevik revolution was formed. Goebbels marrying Jewish women twice. Hitler working in the bavarian soviet republic. Goering being raised by a jew. Schacht being a high ranking freemason. The Warburgs funding the nazis. Wall Street funding the nazis. Zionists funding the nazis. The Haavara agreement. The royal British family supporting the nazis. The list is never ending.

The Holocaust and second world war only existed to shift balance of power, advance tech, get Israel and make the third option (socialism) look bad and make socialism under a nationalist identity “literally evil nazis”. The entire second world war was a massive psyop. Communism and Capitalism exists for the East and West to be controlled by (((them))). Hitler was a cartoonishly evil character made to fraud all things that oppose Jewish tools for societal control and unify the people. WW2 and The Holocaust also set what is “good” and “bad” advancements in science and it also made it impossible to criticize jews.

Hitler was the biggest Jew. He gave them everything they need to completely control the East and West. Think about it. The world split into East and West from which point of view? About Israel’s longitude.

God you paki's are dumb

this is the biggest red pill ive ever seen. almost choked harder than a kike at the height of the third reich in a gas chamber swallowing it.

You are a nigger who doesn't know the first thing about history. Or a JIDF shill hoping to create another useful idiot.

Hitler's and National Socialism's rise to power was the greatest organic powergrab from the people against a powerful ruling force in human history. Not that a mutt would understand

It was so beautiful. I dream of Nazi Germany

Your pdf only contains some excerpts op

Where did you read the rest?

There was nothing organic about it you retard. They simply outfunded all other parties around but the funds were not organic. They came from various foreign bankers and organizations interested in another world war.

Comfy digs


Heil Hitler.

>what is subversion and controlling history after the fact
>implying Hitler wasn’t an unstable drug addict and probably under control

Neither of us were alive to truly know if it was organic or not. It could’ve been. I’m willing to bet it was but they either set an example out him by changing things after the fact. Schools made us read all these Holocaust stories and accounts. Or he was planned. What doesn’t matter is WW2 as it happened. What matters is WW2 and how it’s remembered. Stop thinking in absolutes and keep your mind open when discussing the past because anything could be a lie and if you weren’t personally there then you wouldn’t have known if you’re being lied to or not.

Also bet you’re one of those OogaBoogaBongs

yes because ''funds'' were all it took. Your night store needs attending smelly paki


This is bait but for anyone who doesn’t understand, in the US the month is first, days are second and years are last. Pretty much everywhere else, months and days are switched

You're almost as edgy as Sarah Silverman my dude. Not the forbidden phrase xD

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Ofcourse we are being lied to moron. What you should ask is why does a racially aware leader and his followers still scare them 80 years after the fact. You should read the speech in OP. We are again defenceless in a propagandistic sense

>The German people don’t want their affairs settled or regulated by an alien people.
France to the French, England to the English, America to the Americans, and Germany to
the Germans!
>but also Austria for Germany, Czechia for Germany, Poland for Germany ...

Of course it’s the toothpaste flag

Please send link to German original thx


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based and americapilled

Europeans and other peoples write the date with day/month/year you fucking dumb mutt

Other countries put months in front of days. America does a bunch of stuff backwards. Like roads