Essential Worker General /EWG/

Greetings. I'm inside Bristol Farms wiping carts. Fun times.
How are you Anons?

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Other urls found in this thread: letter-FINAL.pdf

Unemployed, same as I have been for the last year. Even before the coronashit, there was approximately zero opportunity around here.

i'm hiding in the breakroom here @ 7-11. Management locked the ront doors and wants everyone to use the night window. Fuck that, I just don't answer them or come to the window. They can buy their Newports somewhere else ffs

I work for UPS, touching thousands of packages every night. I decided to quarantine and take some time off. I'll go back sometime, but for now I'm enjoying my time with family.

I thought you quit? you fucking lying faggot.

Just got to finally sit down and relax on Yas Forums in my comfy basement after a long weekend hanging with family.
Back to work tomorrow though.

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I unironically want to go back to work because it was my only way of socialising and I really don't want to have to call some of the retards I know to hang out

Where you at senpai?

Walmart here. Our store finally started limiting customers inside. Last weekend was an absolute cluster-fuck of bored mutts with too much money and nothing to do.

Did you guys see the senate letter to Doug?
Looking forward to two weeks off, paid. letter-FINAL.pdf

Attached: mutts-cant-into-hygiene.jpg (1000x1333, 472.91K)


You're that faggot that posted himself drinking mead one night, aren't you?

WTF am I looking at?

Thank you for your service.

A deformed baby goat, some claim it's the result of goatfucking by humans.

>Mutt flag

Nice try

Was literally a single day away from quitting my shitty office job that I hate before all this shit got serious.

Still have to go in 2 or 3 days a week to work for free for these cocksuckers while the government pays them to pay me to be there. Still gonna quit once this all dies down, I don't even care if I'm unemployed.

Did it died?

>I was gonna quit, but then shit got so much worse there so I stayed
>I work for free even though they pay me
Methinks you've had a wee too much guinness before posting.

Preload crew here.
I hate my life.

Probably, I never heard anything about it beyond the liveleak vid it came from.

Anything associated with warehouses and cardboard is soul draining, you brown shirts appear to have it good on the truck but I imagine your night shifts are suicide worthy. Can't even have a toke when you get home, what a shame.

I work at this business store that's like a Costco, sells their brand and shit. Not at work today. Too angry at all the two faced bullshit that's still been going on despite the pandemic. Plus these fucking out of staters and fucking shitsins in my home town have only made me more violent. I yelled at some old fucking philipino bitch about the tax exempt card that wasn't hers, yesterday. I tell you Yas Forums, I've just about fucking had it with these fucking alien foreigners in my community.

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Grocer workers will be rewarded with herd immunity for their sacrifice and heroism. Your doing God's work user.

Nah, what I mean is that most of my wages are subsidised by the government, with the company then to pay the remainder (if they want).

Of course the company I work for is too fucking broke and run by a dude who might as well be a jew so they're relying on government subsidies entirely. I could be laid off completely and making more than I am doing this shit.

If I had quit I would be entitled to receive absolutely nothing, that's the only reason I stayed.

So.. I forgot i made this thread and have been stuck wiping carts... And will be here for another 4 hours...WOOPEE

"Bathroom" time

Bristol Farms is a grocery store in the U.S. you faggot

I've been here for two years.
When I see OP's picture and the absolute leisure that it shows, I realize I've forgotten what it's like to have a normal job.

Youre sort of a dick but i understand

>t. Marlboro smoker

I got laid off and the 30th is my last week

Do u want me to take another pic to prove im actually here lol

Lmao you fucking idiot

I relate Fenian-bro


I too relate but some of them arent so bad.. The rest of the 75% of foreigners are terrible though

County cop / SWAT. Business as usual... for the most part.

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Pretty sure i had the virus in January so youre not wrong

Its nonstop user

You have no clue. Also its 106 degres farenheit outside right now

K standby still in bathroom gonna leavr now though

Kill all the white trash/spics/niggers

Let no Man peddle poison in your presence

>Its nonstop user
>You have no clue. Also its 106 degres farenheit outside right now
You would not last a day out here.

Ok, Adolf, lets see what I can do...