How to be saved

How to get saved and go to heaven

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Has anyone done a study on which method actually works?
I got black pilled by Father at mass today. He expects me to be a saint, but even thinking about sex, even having a wet dream, is a mortal sin. Okay, gotta confess that.
But.. he says if you keep doing it it's a bad confession, and that too is a mortal sin.
Literally damn.

>inb4 shutdown.
live stream mass.

>even having a wet dream, is a mortal sin
you have never set foot in a church before, don't lie

>Has anyone done a study on which method actually works?
you're already saved by believing in christ.
that's all it takes.
just stop sinning as much as you possibly can.

The fuck?
Just respect the ten commandmemts, do all those things in moderation and without making them you life.
Puritanism is an ibsane cult, stay away from that. Theres a reason snipping off you own dick was a thing among american males long beforr trannies came along.

Okay some guy comes here and trashes the 8th commandment. Nope. It Good Shepard Sunday and Father was continuing on his sermon on how Priests are good shepherds and hear confession.
I went to confession just before the isolation started. He reemed me a new one because I confessed impure thoughts 3 times and he suggested I made a bad confession and took communion in a state of mortal sin, which is a true mortal sin.
I was btfo. Now today.
I figure it can't be that easy, because the path is narrow and other Bible stuff like the Lord giving his apostles the power to forgive sins. It wasn't a power to forgive yourself as some believe.

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>Just respect the ten commandmemts
Well, yes, I try. I mean, don't kill anyone, don't lie about anyone, honor your father and mother, etc is straight out of The Lord Christ telling the rich young man how to get to heaven.
Pretty easy not to commit adultery. Pretty easy not to PLOT to commit adultery (Commandment 10 for protestants, 9 for us Catholics).
But the Church says even thinking about sex is a mortal sin. Well, dang. Okay, get a counter and confess every sunday that I thought about sex 169 times since last Sunday.
Then Father says in his sermon that it's a bad confession if you keep sinning.
I'll keep going to church once it opens up again, but I'm going to sit in the back and not take communion, as that will be a mortal sin.

>I figure it can't be that easy
that's the biggest problem of humanity.
if the answer is simple we fool ourselves into thinking it's too simple.


>even thinking about sex is a mortal sin
this is incorrect.
fucking to make kids is perfectly fine.

Then why did the Lord Christ give the Apostles the power to forgive or retain sins?

All souls, from Hitler to Nietzsche to Netanyahu, will be reunited with God at the end of time. So why bother with unscrupulous wordly and materialistic organizations who are using faith to energize their will to power?

If you're married. The church says I'm not married and not allowed to think of sex at all.

The Catholic Church has been corrupt for over a thousand years. Nothing they say matters.

>How to get saved and go to heaven

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To stop offending the perfect and loving God who deserves that we obey him.
Confess sins? Okay.
repent sins? Okay.
Never sin again because it shows a bad confession... impossible.

Every church has sinners in it.

spreading the gospel is the power, user.

Some of the funniest shit I've seen

>If you're married
legal marriage is not spiritual marriage.
but yes, you should find a wife.
sex for fun is whack.

take your meds

Go to church in your dreams.

>All souls, from Hitler to Nietzsche to Netanyahu, will be reunited with God at the end of time
the lake of fire is to purify the evil from those souls before reunification.
erasing their evil minds with it.

This is a good point and i have been thinking about this lately. What is marriage? is it a loving bond between a man and a women? is it commitment? we are not retarded enough here to think a piece of paper by some self throned power is marriage, but they do call it "legal marriage" so what is real marriage? can anoyone explain what constitutes a real marriage as God intended?

No, not really. The whole bit about Christ establishing a church on Saint Peter and all that.
The Apostolate is kept by the Church

Well, that's just it isn't it?
Long story short, I can't get married. Church says I'm not married, but divorce court may have a different idea about that.

the human body is the church, user.
the buildings are meant to be libraries.
>Exodus 20:25
25 And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.

Its ok to fuck as much as you like with the woman you love user. You just have to keep the seed, cont cum. Thats spilling the holy ghost. Its a sin if you spill your "spirit" without creating life. Dont wack it, dont cum on the woman or in the woman unless you want to give life. Thats bassicaly it. The thing about jesus coming about through an immaculate conception is that they didn't ejaculate, he was conceived through the little sperm count in pre-cum. Thats the whole mistery to it. Thats why it was an "immaculate" conception, cause he didnt cum in her.
This shit I am telling you falls into the occult or alchemical shit umbrella because this has been intentionally hidden. Why you think porn is so destructive to the individual?
Keep your seed in you and try to focus to send the energy generated UP YOUR SPINE to achieve enlightenment. And fuck your woman till you make fire, but dont cum. Fuck for hours/days thats why GOD made us love each other. Just remember the esoteric knowledge. Some daoists say that after some time when you learn to channel your sexual energy into purposefull and meaningfull shit you can feel something akin to a sould building up inside of you, filling you up (nohomo). That will be your vessel for the after life.
That priest is a fucking retard and you should not attend earthly institutions and trust in corruptible men that much. Pastor or no pastor, they are human and flawed as everybody else. Faith is between you and GOD no other third party.
Check this out. It could ease your mind and set you on the path of inner strenght and greatness. Cheers!

>can anyone explain what constitutes a real marriage as God intended?
finding the match that you're meant to have your children with.