I'd like to grab my mother by the hairs when she's back from work and absolutely fuck her while she's wearing her office suit and heels
I'd like to grab my mother by the hairs when she's back from work and absolutely fuck her while she's wearing her...
is she ugly?
Well, hey: France.
Which hairs?
>t. adopted somali "youth"
Based Pakistani migrant
Oedipus complex?
I've done it
post pic nigger
Go to bed Emmanuel, you're drunk. It's not your mother, it's your wife.
There was a movie with Julianne Moore where she fucked her own son
How political
Fucking hell not you again
No I think its a straight forward case
I felt the same way as OP about 2 decades ago... that’s how OP was conceived.
I still regret it.
Feel this would do better on Yas Forums
I'm emailing your mother about your perverted posts
Are you white?
Your mom is an old jew, no? I can tell by the shoes.
Where are jannies at ?
Grab her by the pussy
Post pics of your mum bro or didnt happen...
No one cares about your degenerate sexual fantasies you French faggot
Are your mother asian?