@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Trump 2020 App IS HERE! 4/23/20
>War Room Weekly w/Tim Murtaugh, Rand Paul, &more! 4/26/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 4/26/20
>WHSrAdviser Hassett on ThisWeekABC 4/26/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on SunMornFutures 4/26/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on MtP 4/26/20
>StateDeptVideo: Bringing Americans Back Home Safely 4/26/20
>Team Trump Online w/Lara Trump &Brad Parscale! 4/25/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on FoxNews 4/25/20
>LabSec Scalia on FoxNews 4/25/20
>WHSrAdviser Hassett outside WH 4/25/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on WattersWorld 4/25/20
>PressSec Kayleigh outside WH 4/25/20
>PressSec Kayleigh on F&F 4/25/20
>KAC on JudgeJeanine 4/25/20
>Bannon on WattersWorld 4/25/20
>CNGB AFGen Lengyel on FoxNews 4/25/20
>TrumpTV Real News Insights w/Steve Rogers (Lara) 4/25/20
>FEMAVideo: Thank You For Doing Your Part 4/25/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: joebelieve.png (1403x871, 857.67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


The truth about jew tricks:

Attached: mainstream media.jpg (3755x5759, 2.48M)

Hello, all. I, a democrat, voted twice for Obama, once for Hillary, but will very likely cast my vote in November for Trump. Just wanted to let you all know.

Have a nice day.

Yas Forums is upto something, right now.
actually has potential

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Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-26 um 12.40.jpg (1006x1346, 278.71K)

So the Iranian satellite is a POS that doesn't work

Attached: Tumbling.png (1254x934, 285.65K)

Not good. Trump is falling behind big time. He's fucking up and he's going to lose

Open your fucking mouth, this is MAGA country

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>there are people on /ptg? RIGHT FUCKING NOW whomst've'st DON'T OWN AT LEAST TWO AR15's
>and I happen to be one of them

Attached: WHO IS THAT BOMBSHELL BRUNETTE.jpg (640x597, 159.49K)

Many such cases

they sent a webcam up? lel

But does Trump like broccoli?

uhhmm ... l a r p

It was made by inbred dunecoons at best, and at worst they got lazy and had chinks make it. It was never going to work.

Attached: further_up_the_mountainside__2_by_chris_karbach_ddvq7x1-fullview.jpg (1280x853, 103.88K)

You were lying the whole time about Trump and Brasil. You claimed the US "didn't send aid to Brasil" or shit like that. But in reality he meant you incident where both the US and Brasil were bidding on the same items from China. The chinks first made the deal with Brasil but then reneged on the deal and gave it to the US because they were bidding more. The brasilian minister is NOT making the US responsible for this. It's the chinks fault. Picrelated. He said China should apologize, not the US.

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-26 um 21.54.16.png (1562x1128, 281.08K)

Kemp started it. He chose a literal RINO over Doug Collins because "muh white women voters"

No one likes broccoli, even though it's the smartest vegetable, and like all vegetables, is excellent steamed with garlic butter.

>screwed over BY trump

Attached: 1566116487337.png (613x593, 602.62K)


Attached: file.png (736x548, 556.87K)

>he doesn't remember
>Eat the salad, Rex.

Attached: 1571509271048.jpg (280x360, 77.28K)

This isn't going away

Attached: Mum.png (1524x1002, 1.59M)

Also: Fucking Kek. That's my screenshot, you nigger. It was made to point out how retarded Ann is if she thinks Trump screwed over sessions and not the other way around.

when you're on a diplomatic mission to your primary rival on the global stage, you eat the fucking salad

No such video exists. It’s fake russian bullshit. You can literally check the CNN archives, Larry King didn’t even HAVE a show that day.
Fucking lying kike migapedes.

Attached: 044731B8-909A-4217-B1AB-D026D9143D20.png (587x673, 289.39K)

is covfefe-19 good for you?
p0st raiffo's with a timestamp you frickin scrub

Forgot that Kemp screwed Trump as well

This isn't good guys?

>the media went weeks without a single Obama story of what he was doing or where he was
>meanwhile theres stories about Trump telling Rex Tillerson to eat a fucking salad

Attached: i hate these people.png (384x438, 342.42K)

He's baaaack

Attached: Arrives.png (1210x1338, 942.24K)

Herbert Walker Bush hated broccoli and now he’s dead.



Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-04-26 um 12.40.56.png (1006x1346, 565.42K)

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Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

these faggots screwed over Trump
so tired of the fucking Sessions circle jerk people keep giving him. it's like these morons forget how him recusing himself fucked shit up.

It’s fucking over. Hillary has a 99% chance of winning. She doesn’t even think about Trump anymore.

Holy shit, a few days old now but:

Leftist frauds CAUGHT staging a fake medical protest.

False flag vehicle stops at traffic light, pulls out "Trump" flag, man in scrubs and mask moves into position directly in front with protest sign, camera operators also in masks quickly rush to both sides to snap photos, then everyone disperses. All efficiently orchestrated, caught fleeing with their fakery on camera.

Attached: 1565449641571.webm (640x800, 2.6M)

AOC did actually say Biden has to address it. Probably hoping Bernie can still win. No refunds.

I was worried about him

If you didn’t read these two things and immediately discard it then you are a fucking moron

Attached: 1587757794101.jpg (1080x1404, 237.98K)

*drops mic*

Attached: 1556616279033.jpg (1910x1000, 140.03K)

Does Jake Tapper not exactly resemble any of the several personalities that Dante Alighieri consigned to the circles of Hell in the Divine Comedy? Look at that hang-dog mug. The face of a damned soul who will never again taste the warm ray of sunshine or ever again now anything but the endless freeze of hadean damnation. A soul drained of vitality hopelessly awaiting the merciful end which it knows has been foreclosed.

Eternity foreseen. Listening to bloviating morons drone make-believe from a TV studio. A form of eternal torment the foresaken likes of which the Florentine tale teller could never have borne the savage conscience to imagine.

The Internet is forever


Attached: LKVideo.png (1992x1354, 2.21M)

shhh they dont get that they stick out like a sore thumb.

>loyal Trump supporter
This bitch couldn't be a more obvious subversive agent if she tried.

>these faggots screwed over Trump
Trump truly chooses the best people.
I guess they were all bought by George Soros amirite?

Attached: 1587406805909.png (583x640, 284.39K)

No shit
When media tried to portrait drumpf supporters as retards i already knew it was fake and gay

Blocks your path

Attached: 1587932145701.png (1230x1112, 246.52K)

Correct. The Ministry of Information told me so

Attached: 457CC7BA-E6E5-46FA-9B98-CAAF4E64A837.jpg (547x399, 88.96K)

link to irancam?
tryna see dem curves

Attached: Screenshot_20181015-144739_YouTube.jpg (2560x1440, 1.63M)

Although I have no method of proving my earlier words to non-glowniggers without doxxing myself I can assure you that they are, indeed, true.

nice try, fbi

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Tell me more about how you love george soros

I was told this general is a cancerous reddit pigfarms. I wanted it to be false. I didn't want to believe it. I do now. You faggots are everything wrong with modern day Yas Forums in a nutshell. I hope all of cease to exist. Fuck outta here ...

>comments turned off

do you guys think it's worth being put on a fucking GUN OWNER REGISTRY in return for being allowed to possess a rifle and buy ammo?

Attached: 1513711662828.jpg (2016x1512, 1.05M)

>google deleted it
>therefore it never existed
every last one of you kikes needs to hang

Attached: 1563068077314.png (472x785, 155K)


Guess what part of that just went into my RegEx comment filter...

Those reliable young voters.

You’re free to leave and take your no guns with you

>make unfounded claim
>get called out for retardation
>double down

That's why even detractors hate you

Attached: >tfwnobodylikes(you).jpg (2557x930, 465.12K)

fair enough fren

>this general is one post
lurk moar newfag

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Get out of Connecticut you big dummy. Then buy a gun.

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KEK, the shills are SEETHING!!!

>Fox news afraid of comments hurting their feefees

Attached: 1585991815990.png (700x700, 632.93K)

Is Nancy Pelosi having a stroke?

Attached: nancystroke.png (1731x714, 1.63M)


The defeated middle-raised brows of a beaten dog who knows the whip is about to drop upon his mottled and scabby flesh yet again but has lost any will to even resist.

"Is this to be my final beating?" His face seems to imply, while simultaneously answering, "of course not, I know I'm here forever."

All the way down to that blubbering five year old bottom lip. A face Edvard Munch could not have conceived. Breughel weeps.

Attached: fc4c8e899223d36884bc9757f2544f0.jpg (540x406, 61.04K)

There's people out there saying that the Brasilian government is putting the blame on the USA? Our government loves the USA, nigger.
What is up with those retards??

WTF with those eyebrows?!?

It is the banks as always. They stage a recession every fucking time, once the debt ratings go negative.

that's a deepfake
it's illegal to watch, possess or distribute that video. expect a takedown soon

Attached: 1572026504289.jpg (1280x720, 127.37K)

I want her to describe exactly why there were more black people dying than whites.

Was it lesser health care? then bring in the doctors from the hospital and have her tell us that those doctors provided lesser care for black patients than white patients.

Is funny watching some of the Russiagate people on twitter. These people are dumber than dumb. They automatically believe any Russia story, and will call you a Russian bot and block you.

They will block you for even disagreeing with them. You can tell they have sub 70 IQ’s

Attached: E2F808D6-4ED4-4814-A123-5AEEFD4E2785.jpg (750x1036, 416.29K)

Imagine shilling in these days of internet autists
>Google is scrubbing the internet of Reade's mother's call to Larry King.
>We are all watching in real time as the left tries to change history.


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The contortions of Democrats are hilarious.

Attached: Xeni.png (588x790, 90.13K)

>calling out Snek Ryan
>[This pleases Grandpa Dobbs]

Attached: This big guy is big enough for me.gif (280x358, 2.17M)

i can't believe this bitch is Speaker of the House

Attached: Bill Belichick.png (428x282, 166.84K)

>doesn't even work
lol sand niggers

Attached: awoo space force.gif (900x900, 179.32K)

has this person ever been right?


I've seen some pundits suggesting this, looks like it'll be the new presser content

Attached: Pivot.png (818x568, 75.79K)

Whenever they crack and start posting "just admit it" is when I throw back my head and start laughing. That's when you know you've broken them. The NEED you to admit it. They desperately want more than anything to feel like they've somehow managed to push their idiotic narratives through and tricked someone. All they want is that validation. They have nothing else, it's slipping through their fingers. >PLEASE JUST ADMIT IT! PLEASE! I NEED THIS! JUST LET ME HAVE THIS ONE TIME!
Their lives are a joke.

Attached: 1587303921785.jpg (2048x1676, 226.33K)

Attached: 1583785448873.png (300x300, 8.89K)

That's what you have? Sad.

The puffy bags under his eyes from reading woo from a prompter for years. Just to achieve this. A once great Pope job on Sunday morning reduced to blathering idiots presiding over the late stage of a degeneracy they thought they could escape.

Every frame capture of Tapper could be captioned with "kill me" or "annihilate my eternal soul and send me to the oblivion of before I was born" with equal applicability.

>it's illegal to watch, possess or distribute that video
eat my ass nigger lol

Attached: call 'em.png (569x509, 404.81K)

They are sub 70 IQ or they are extremely dishonest

Attached: 2A24FD71-D7E5-4CF1-AFAB-AF3F4DDDFF59.jpg (811x1200, 92.92K)

Economy-chan is cuter than Corona-chan. And she has better curves.

Attached: 29ecfd10da3b60c8d64955d44cfb53e172b2ec86a6d158f91e9e5382ff957bdc.png (214x300, 144.48K)

Someone shooped toast into this picture and they're just running with it.

Attached: kim yo jong anime toast run.png (775x773, 776.04K)

You niggers are so dumb that you can't interpret sarcasm. Did you even look at that user's image?

About fucking time. There's not much more to be said about this fucking nothingburger virus.

An anime about this would be awesome, actually.

Why not both?

SCOTUS has ruled registries are unconstitutional. And no.

It also puts the Dems and MSM in the position of wishing out loud against an economic recovery.

I am told it is the equivalent of a mild flu

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canon is already being written on Yas Forums I'm not even kidding
/lit/ also coming together.
should be interesting