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Why don't the West build anything anymore?
Landon Hernandez
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Grayson Sanchez
That city is pronounced chong-ching kek
Jonathan Anderson
Ive said it a million times now: we are too busy trying to figure out how many genders there are #fullstop
Nicholas Lewis
we build men.
James Reed
>mfw it falls over because they stuffed the supports full of garbage
Lucas Sanchez
Very similar to 1wtc
Zachary Mitchell
theres a reason why the west will always be #1 and it's that we're not fucking retarded
Xavier Edwards
but better
Jaxson Hall
Owen Parker
I'm sorry when was 103 stories supposed to be impressive?
Eli Rogers
We do but in other countries.
Cooper Walker
We build civilization. China is doing what we taught it.
Andrew Watson
great target for the kikes to do the next 9/11
Elijah Sanders
This. Pretty sure American/European architects built Dubai.
Jason Edwards
Skyscrapers don't demonstrate progress but a lack of priority.
Andrew Johnson
Buildings this big have never collapsed.
What you may see collapse are old commie blocks built during Mao's regime, and plenty of those are still up today housing plenty of them
Brayden Thompson
Chongqing is the most cyberpunk-esque megacity I have ever seen.
Aiden Gonzalez
Using buildings to show a nation's might is last century. Using bioweapons to cripple your enemy is very now. Using space based kinetic weapons to destroy your enemies once and for all is coming soon.
Jacob Martin
I've been to Chongqing, when I went we called it "Cungking". I went when I was in school to visit the Catholic school there. It was a nice place, but there was a mix of old China and new China. There were peasants with carts walking barefoot carrying water jugs on poles. One of my friends stayed with the richest man in China who lived there, and was constantly followed by his private security. The Chinese were very friendly towards me, and wanted pictures. It was weird when you'd smile at someone they'd smile back, like anyone in England, then start screaming at someone else seconds later. Lovely city, it's a bit of a shame to see it so modern, but it might be for the best.
Joseph Ortiz
all the knowledge vanishing from the west while the orientals are ascending.
Gabriel Myers
>Why don't the West
It’s full of niggers, cucks and (((Christians))).
Robert Richardson
They will never ascend. They are incapable of innovation. If there was ever a war they would lose the moment we invented one new type of weapon they didn't have an answer to.
Austin Fisher
Don't let the shiny buildings fool you, China is an environmental disaster.
Brayden Watson
25 foot ceilings on each floor.
Jaxson Sanchez
Why do you still believe anything that comes out of the (((chinese media)))?
Bentley Perry
NIMBY bitches!
just part of the decline
Angel Williams
Because urbanization is still on the way in China whereas the 'West' has already completed this transformative process (for the worst)
Ryder Flores
Chongqing is a beautiful city.
James Torres
Grow up
Brayden Hall
And with zero occupancy.
Alexander James
Ryder Wood
It's better this way.
Sebastian Perry
Because they have little aesthetic value, also we don't have any space left. It is called our cultural heritage.
Matthew Hernandez
because building on Earth is so 1990s. USA now focuses on building in Space, Moon, Mars
Brody Lee
Cooking the books with style.
Ryan Moore
It's a fucking awesome city , I spend a couple months à year at least over there for the past 10 years.
They built a giant mall/houding/office building in a shape of a boat at the top of skyscrapers
Parker King
Fuck that’s depressing
Elijah Robinson
>something has never happened before so it can't possibly happen in the future
ok mr spaghet
Parker Davis
buildings represent erect penises and the patriarchy you shit lord