Is GenZ finished?

Imagine spending your prime developmental years glued on your smartphone, listening to mumble rap, and creating TikTok videos every waking hour; your entire persona becomes one of mimicry and sensationalism. Millions and millions of such cases. And don't think this is just in good fun and kids will be kids. No, this is much more serious in nature. GenZ to me looks Technofied/Niggerfied/Feminized and Commodified in their mannerism. There is no going back to the 'good ole days' at this point, either we reach the AI singularity and transcend beyond biology, or we are probably finished as a species and the houses of cards will eventually collapse.

Attached: GenZ.webm (720x1280, 2.68M)

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Yeah, we know, we're fucked, this generation won't live as long as the generations before, they have less testosterone, less IQ, less values, they're a big fat ugly mess.
Everybody who interacted with kids these ten last years will tell you they're fat, horrible and psychotic.

All this internet and social media shit is pretty cringey, and it promotes promiscuity, pornography and attention seeking behavior, but at the same time I think it keeps kids away from a lot of IRL activites.

I certainly didn't know what BBC porn or anal prolapsing was when I was a kid or even in high school, but I imagine kids these day are a lot more aware of the shit.

At the same time though, I think these kids are probably not using drugs or alcohol as young as they used to. I could be wrong thought, but I don't get the impression that the kids in you vid for instance are getting high or drunk. When I was there age I definitely was though, and I think the same is probably often true in general.

just look at them as subhumans and let them die off

I want to nom their budding breasts

>When I was there age I definitely was though
You were getting high and drunk at 9 years old ?

Or we start the AI warlords battle royale

>Imagine spending your prime developmental years glued on your smartphone, listening to mumble rap, and creating TikTok videos every waking hour; your entire persona becomes one of mimicry and sensationalism.
you weren't alive during the 90s, were you?
you never knew about mtv, did you?
they'll grow out of it.

The truth is they never had a chance. At least some millennials were able to wake up before it was too late.

Flynn effect, faggot

My coworker told me that her teenaged stepson got pulled over for reckless driving on the highway. Getting pulled over by the cops, his first instinct was to take out his phone and start recording. He edited down his footage, added music and sound effects and made a Tik Tok video. He will have to go to court to have a chance at keeping his license and will be getting raped on auto insurance for the next 10 years probably. . I don’t understand why he would think this is funny.

Well, please, talk to a kid between 7 and 20 and tell me they're not pure retards.

These kids are like 13-14. I certainly wasn't drinking fifth of vodka and snorting lines of coke at the time (and I'm not now either), but yeah I would drink some beer I stole from my parents, smoke some cigs or weed, be a little "bad ass" for fun, etc.

>Gen Z
>Z = Last letter of the alphabet
>Equivalent to the last greek letter Omega
>I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end
Yes, this is the end.
hard reset soon followed by a rebirth

>These kids are like 13-14
Pic related was 13 during this interview.

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GenZ drug of choice is TikTok/YouTube/IG and the frequent dopamine hits that come from commenting, liking, and favoring; and unlike say cigarettes or alcohol, they are doing this hours a day for many years straight.

As a zoomy who has been here 8'sh years, I can tell you:

No. It's only the beginning.

Leftypol can't win over the younger generation so they flip the older generations against them

>eternally btfo'd

>Getting pulled over by the cops, his first instinct was to take out his phone and start recording. He edited down his footage, added music and sound effects and made a Tik Tok video.
Sounds like a very patient police officer.

how to get the new generation realize they are nothing but soulless robots? (impossible?)

I am gen z. Drug of choice is vaping and stupid ass cocktails because everything has to taste like soda

so the aimish won?

Attached: das-geheime-leben-der-amish-2.5166807.jpg (472x315, 52.27K)

>Drug of choice

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Attached: bill-gates-depopulation-agenda-vaccinations.png (896x925, 1.09M)

Because fat asses have to have something sweet to suck on. Cigars are based but cigarettes are still cringe.

It’s fine. Whites will just go extinct and a more competent people will take over

Who are you implying are more compentent? Asians like you?

Nah, we just haven’t gotten to them yet. Most whites were like this already, we easily changed that. The Amish will be no problem. That or once the bbc population gets high enough just mobilize them to rape and kill them all. LOL!

You obviously haven’t worked with non whites. Best of luck with that.

Can you say “farmed colony”

I thought the Flynn effect doesn't necessarily mean the kids are smarter, they're just better at doing IQ tests. Video games probably set them up for doing such tests of problem solving but that doesn't mean they have a strong knowledge base. The whole thing relies on how valid IQ tests are for testing general intelligence. They're not perfect. Plus it's too soon for comprehensive Flynn data on Z's

What a bunch of faggots lol

Im a genZ teen AMA

>Sounds like a very patient police officer.
He edited the footage and uploaded it later, after he got home.

yes, being the main reason 3rd world shit holes crank out a TON of kids is they have issue with childhood deaths. So if you could, ya know vaccinate kids, then random goat fuckers would not need to have 6+ of them in case he has two die to shit you could prevent with vaccinations
>need muh sons to work the field
>tend the goats
>need spare children!!
but of course you don't know this being you're too stupid

tiktok seems to be an extension of twitter which nowadays is Yas Forums for normies

thanks moot and verizon

Attached: 1486006666_gas me outside.jpg (480x299, 18.59K)

At least there are no niggers in the above video. I consider that to be a very positive step.

Attached: 1509707435430.jpg (724x1024, 25.24K)

>lil wigger wif da ballcap at da end
just like their parents, user.

>drinking cocktails and sugary mixed drinks

Topkek when I was a teenager we drank Steel Reserve and Mad Dog 20/20

Recordings encounters with the police is a good thing. So you have evidence if they abuse their power.

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Why do you think you have any valid insight into anything? You're a fucking baby

boomers always worry about the next generation and bitch about it

these kids are apolitical give it time for them to start going down political divides and taking aides

/pol spam has been getting to you.

moralfags need to either leave or kill themselves

In Europe, except the UK - nasty sluts everywhere, the situation is quite moderate. Nonetheless, we will move to Singapore the moment my firm gives me the green light. Me and my wife discussed this, we are both white-collars and conservative, and we don't want our future children to grow up in a society with a loose moral compass. At least in Asia there is still some societal control and beating your children with a stick is not a crime.

Thinking encouraging people to have less kids is the same as letting massive amounts of people die... You know the inability to understand nuance is a sign of autism?

>Imagine spending your prime developmental years glued on your smartphone, listening to mumble rap, and creating TikTok videos every waking hour
it is not worse than what people did in before that; wasting your early youth watching TV.

>less IQ
Yes, I am sure that your generation is leagues above mine...

Unironically this.

you played final fanstasy you gay faggot

bruh im thinkin based??

The French start smoking at 8 ans

Because im better than you next question

i'd rather have a youth addicted to tiktok and youtube than a youth addicted to television and radio

Fuck you pedo