And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.
What's so wrong about this? That he used the word 'disinfectant' and you have that associated with household chemicals?
William Mitchell
Sarcasm. He was fucking around with the media who will print literally anything he says and take it seriously. Now, as to whether it was appropriate to joke around at a time when unemployment is as high as it is and 50,000-plus people are dead, that's a different matter.
But, as is always the case, the media is so bad at their jobs they can be led around by the nose and can't discern actual news from everyday stuff.
Ayden Sanders
>cherrypicking. The entire transcript is right there for you.
Hudson Parker
Still don't understand what the issue is here. It's not like he said "This disinfectant that kills it, have we tried just uhhhh injecting some people with it? See if that works?"
Tyler Nguyen
Imagine thinking he means literally injecting yourself with disinfectant.
It use to be that the religious would take everything said literally, well now it is the left in America.
Carter Ward
>THE PRESIDENT: It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object. This part is always conveniently left out.
Brandon Young
Disinfectant encompasses a wide range things. This entire shitstorm has been a lesson in context and why the world is fucked without it.
Kevin Thompson
So... Drink bleach?
Nicholas Jackson
President Trump has done an incredible job the last 3 tears. in the face of democrat childish insanity, the Democrap media proving they are deep state owned and operated, and 3 or even more coup attempts by democrats trying to overthrow the Presidency. This started with Obama weaponizing his FBI to spy on President Trump for the Arch Criminal and likely murderer Hillary Clinton. HERE IS A NICE SUMMATION OF TRUMPS SUCCESS NO MIDDLEMAN MEDIA NEEDED.
>This entire shitstorm has been a lesson in context and why the world is fucked without it. Well Trump always says everything in a near incomprehensible word salad, so who is at fault if no one is really sure what he means because he says it in such an unclear way? This isn't the first time.
Gavin Morgan
Where is the part where he told people to inject bleach like you shills have been claiming for the past 2 days? It's been almost 3 days and every single one of you kikes have failed showing me that particular part.
Oh wait, could it be that this is only the 284777199173737729th attempt by leftists to spin/twist Trump's words to fit inside a specific narrative that is convenient for you politically?
Could it be that? I' starting to think so..
Benjamin Anderson
Cope harder
Cameron Taylor
there isn't one, they are taking what he said waaaaaaaaayyyy out of context and doing like the MSM is doing and parroting it ad infinitum because they know that NPCs will believe it without ever verifying it on their own
Cooper Anderson
Is there a low enough dosage that can kill the virus and not make the patient sick ?
All meme flags are Ukrainians
Thomas Morales
It's not coping, it's having more than 2 brain cells and being able to know that he in no way meant that people should just try straight up injecting or ingesting household cleaners or disinfectants.
Caleb Edwards
The disinfectant that takes it out in a minute was the sunlight you piece of shit, and the "injection" was the intubation of UV lights in your lungs for the purpose of killing the virus, as it dies in under 1 minute 20 seconds in sunlight.
What can't you fucking understand ?
Camden Gutierrez
I like many of Trump's policies. I don't mind the way he speaks - no one is a master of all - so in this instance.
using basic human communication skills, we see a person asking a long question. said person clearly was briefly told about this subject, and hes paraphrasing what he can remember.
I wonder though. If he had said "I misremembered what I was told" would that come off as worse? I think it would come off as better rather than the petty 'sarcasm', but I get that hes getting more and more spiteful and burnt out with this shit.
Nolan Thomas
>All meme flags are Ukrainians I would have guessed Chinks, they want Trump out bad because if he wins another term I think they know there will be heavy repercussions over them unleashing kung flu on the world
Luis Brooks
>so who is at fault if no one is really sure what he means because he says it in such an unclear way?
It's the job and the REASON the press are in the room in the first place. They are there to responsibly filter and select information to the public that has relevance to the situation.
>They are there to responsibly filter and select information to the public that has relevance to the situation. I agree. But when Trump says everything in such an unclear way what do you expect? He then goes postal whenever people ask him to clarify what he meant. He always does this. Says some rambling word salad that no one can actually understand what he means, then people report on what he said and he says 'FAKE NEWS I DIDN'T MEAN THAT!'.
He has since claimed he was being 'sarcastic' as well. Didn't sound at all sarcastic if you watch the video so I'm saying that's damage control, he knows he fucked up...
Kevin Bennett
lol you stupid, fucking nigger. you stupid little bitch.
I'm a journalist. me and my friends are gonna ask your president why hes such a stupid bitch
and when he skips our questions? well ask him again. make him run away like a bitch.
we run the country, not his dumb ass. we are intelligente. intelligent calvo.
Eli James
Trumptards are collapsing.
Wyatt Ward
No because disinfectants like alcohol, chlorine and ammonia are straight up poison. We have nice stuff like cell membranes and skin to keep those poisons from getting inside our body. Inside it will kill viruses but it'll kill you faster.
Cooper Price
yes thats the gist of it
Henry Sullivan
how about you just fucking die you malignant sack of shit? Show your fucking flag you worthless cocksucking maggot
Kevin White
What are you so upset about? >Le flag! My argument is my argument and the flag has no bearing on it or any counter arguments.
Jordan James
I remember last election cycle we were getting flooded by Ukrainians with same low quality dem talking points.
Jason Wilson
My wifes son Jamal is dead. He drank bleach he got from under the sink and I found him lifeless outside in our huge back yard in our California San Bernardino home. The racist king donald has blood on his hands now . my life is fucked. I'm infertile and bald nw4 since age 17 and my wife wants a new baby to replace the dead one . she wont put out anymore. Its been 3 days since ive had sex. Im considering letting her use a sperm donor for natural insemination to give us a child. This is all trumps fault .
I watched the briefing, he talked off point for less than a minute, and not really to the press. Then continued to take questions and gave answers for almost 40 minutes after that, which was a lot more informative. I don't know why the press have only focused on that short ramble in an hour long briefing.
Jack Morris
What would a Templar suggest?
Bentley Howard
You know why the press does that.
Oliver Torres
I was being sarcastic.
Bentley Gonzalez
In the blood stream it would be so dilute that it won't do shit against the virus. If curing someone by injecting a disinfectant was even possible then the decades spent developing antibiotics and vaccines were pointless.
I think the MSM is right to criticize Trump because one of his braindead fans is now going to try drinking bleach. Sure it wasn't his intention to kill people but he is completely responsible.
Robert Nelson
>I don't know why the press have only focused on that short ramble in an hour long briefing. Yeah, wow. The press usually treats Trump so fairly.
Advisor right before trump goes on: >...when you look at that chart, look at the aerosol as you breathe it; you put it in a room, 70 to 75 degrees, 20 percent humidity, low humidity, it lasts — the half-life is about an hour. But you get outside, and it cuts down to a minute and a half. A very significant difference when it gets hit with UV rays... >We’re also testing disinfectants readily available. We’ve tested bleach, we’ve tested isopropyl alcohol on the virus, specifically in saliva or in respiratory fluids. And I can tell you that bleach will kill the virus in five minutes; isopropyl alcohol will kill the virus in 30 seconds, and that’s with no manipulation, no rubbing — just spraying it on and letting it go. You rub it and it goes away even faster. We’re also looking at other disinfectants, specifically looking at the COVID-19 virus in saliva. Trump: >And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.
Sounds like he was talking about what his advisors were saying directly prior
Yup, people literally will call Trump retarded until they are blue in the face not realizing that they themselves cannot comprehend a simple word like 'disinfectant' has medical definitions and encompasses more than just household cleaners.