Who did it , Yas Forums? And why?

Video from scene:


>2 Baton Rouge Police officers shot, rushed to hospital; colleagues gather for vigil

>Baton Rouge Police say two of its officers were shot Sunday at a house in North Baton Rouge and taken to a hospital.

>Spokesperson Sgt. L'Jean McKneely Jr. said the shooting occurred on Conrad Drive. The nature of the officers' injuries was not immediately known.

>The injured officers were taken to Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center, District Attorney Hillar Moore III said. About 40 police officers had gathered on the hospital's second floor.

>The shooting scene is a block off North Foster Drive near its intersection with Winbourne Avenue, in a residential neighborhood that includes a number of brick-and-wood-frame houses.

>The shooting may have taken place inside of a house, McKneely said.

>No one is in custody but police are trying to make contact with someone who may be connected to the shooting.


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This needs to happen in every city in America lmao

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kys retard. hopefully you'll get fired for being an incompetent and absolutely useless fuck

>Incompetent and useless

That describes cops very well.

I'm sure if they die in the Hospital they will add them to the COVID statistics KEK

>giving a fuck about urbanites
Yeah okay nigger.
>inb4 boot licker

Oh no! Not our heros! I'm so sick of this war on police! We need more live PD threads! Back the blue no matter what!

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simon says fist my ass nigger

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Thin blue line!

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Shiiiiiit you means a bunch of slaves are finally fighting back?


Don't enslave people I guess?

lol@ how they use all the civilians for cover
id be running over curbs into oncoming traffic getting the fuck away

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You means a person who the government deems only 1/3 of a man is showing them who the BBC is?

Oh no not the heckin 1/3 a manironies!!

We wuz 10/4 men's man

>Who did it ,
If the casinos were open and I were at a roulette table right now I'd be betting it all on black.

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i'm from baton rouge, north foster is a super dangerous part of town. the police are so bad there that baton rouge is splitting into two cities so that the east and south sides can police their own streets

What? Gunshots? In a niggerkraal? This has literally never happened before!

Its rsinin men hallelujah its raining 1/3 men hey hey

I'm gonna go out and get absolutely soaking wet!

S level need activated in baton rouge

Cops are only tough when they think the badge keeps them safe. When they realize bullets can go right through that badge if the guy with the gun doesn't give a fuck about it starts pulling the trigger.

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>in a residential neighborhood that includes a number of brick-and-wood-frame houses
Whoa! Brick-and-wood-frame houses, you say. How unexpected! I'm so glad that detail was included in the reporting of this story.

I hope it's not Officer Hawaiianshirt from LivePD.

In minecraft obviously. FIFY

They're not real cops. They're American cops. 3 month training, then you get the licence to the be the Sheriff and kill black people. Good riddance.

who cares, the man is a hero.
>violate the bill of rights
>get shot
play with fire get burned parasites

checked and fpbp

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day of the rope for piggies when

Nice one

>The nature of the officers' injuries was not immediately known.

Nigga it says he was fucking shot, that's the nature of his wounds.

I bet it was some of those, "Muh reopen" crowd though.

Piggies get shot by their pet niggers.

I don't know who did it but he's based in my book.

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>shooting occurred on Conrad Drive
Black neighborhood.

Fuck Napoleon for selling Louisiana

>video from twadder /TommyRealNiggga
>from Batnog Rouge
>part of the people who want to work
user, I....

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>le edgy "i love niggers" thread

Also throwing it out there, PA had 4 armed robberies in a redneck "muh reopen" type of people areas overnight.

Ya'll showing how you're domestic terrorists.

I bet someone Corona’d the boys right quick

go be a nigger elsewhere.

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inefficient and clearly compensating for a micro penis.

Just like your lifted truck where the heaviest thing you tow is your wife white boi?


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Big surprise some niggers shot some government niggers. Good riddance to all involved. Fuck niggers and fuck the piece of shit ZOG enforcers.

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>Who did it , Yas Forums?
MK Ultra subject
>And why?
False Flag Attack

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This guy gets it.

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>officer shot
>instant rescue
>civilian shot
>*cricket sound*

why is she crying btw?

good riddance

out of fucks to give for the 'enforcement' of our failed state. just be whatever the fuck you want, go shoot people, but the saying is, "those who kill others, will be killed."

hopefully the gunmen dies in a hail of lead vs. life. he deserves better than the book for purging the miscreance of our society

go the fuck back to r eddit, already. You insufferable faggot.

>"those who kill others, will be killed."

but also, everyone dies. fuck this failed government. a government with less cool people in it than I've fingers (10).


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What a surprise, a nigger with a gun, what would you expect?

>L'Jean McKneely Jr.

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Police just shouldn't bother policing black areas. Let them tear each other apart and keep it contained to their nigger hovels

somebody has obviously had enough of their bullshit

Now wait just a minute, buster. There are bad people in every race and you can't just go judging a whole race of people by its worst members... aaaaaaand it niggers again!

Yea lol, why tf would they even go there? Let em kill each other