Consider the following

>AUDIO/VIDEO EVIDENCE of him ADMITTING to grabbing women by their “PUSSIES”.

>VIDEO “EVIDENCE” of a supposed “mom” of a young “staffer” claiming “someone” did “something” to her daughter “sometime” but she didn’t want to go to the press because she “loved” him.

I think it’s pretty safe to say Trump is a rapist and Biden is the victim of a smear campaign.

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Agreed OP. But Trumptards will push this false equivalence and there guy until the very end.
It's really just sad

Still pretending slutty women don't throw themselves at wealthy men and kiddie groper Biden is innocent.

Slide thread. Sage.

I don't agree with the premise of this thread
>Slide thread. Sage

and yeah, that was a bump in place of your sage. As is this.

>bus talk vs a police report with credible evidence

Big brain time

You're forgetting (read: intentionally ignoring) the most important detail.
-Trump explicitly admitted to the non-specific woman (or women) he grabbed liking what he did it frequently worked out for him. To date, these women with grabbed pussies have not come forward with any complaints.
-Biden fingerfucked a specific nameable woman as she was actively pushing him off of her who has come out and openly accused him of sexual assault, and evidence of the occurrence is mounting, in excess of what was deemed sufficient and necessary by his own party to call for the dismissal of a nominated Supreme Court Justice.

The difference is by more than just degrees. The difference is in kind entire.

>ADMITTING to grabbing women by their “PUSSIES“.
Lol what is wrong with grabbing a woman by the pussy? Have sex incel

Joe Biden could literally be friends with Jeffrey Epstein for 14 years and not be as bad as Trump, who was friends with Epstein for 15 years

He never said he grabbed women by the pussy, retard. He said you could when you're a star. But you already knew that before you started this piss weak bait thread.

lol Trump called himself a 'star' isnt he so special

No one brought this up OP, so why are you projecting your own life experiences into politics? Why are you fixated on sexual immorality OP?

100% confirmed rapist Joe Biden is DOA and Trump is literally running unopposed now.

Stay mad, faggot.

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If Trump isn’t a star then who the fuck is? He’s arguably the most significant human being of the last 20 years or so.

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>Biden: against consent
>trump: consent from being a Chad billionaire.

This is the part that makes low T lefty incels SEETHE the most. Biological women won't touch them, even for money, while Playboy models literally hurl themselves at Trump.

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>AUDIO/VIDEO EVIDENCE of him ADMITTING to grabbing women by their “PUSSIES”.
Who is "their"? Furthermore, I vaguely recall this convo in which he puts it in a consensual manner
>VIDEO “EVIDENCE” of a supposed “mom” of a young “staffer” claiming “someone” did “something” to her daughter “sometime” but she didn’t want to go to the press because she “loved” him.
Yeah you're a retarded faggot. Playing it down because you want to. One is a sexual assault in its context while the other is consensual, although vulgar. Sage this retarded thread

Honestly, it might be better if we just meme Biden into office. At least then we could see the boog kick off. With trump we have luke-warm cuckservitism and "legal" shitskin immigration.

With Biden we hopefully get scores of dead millenials and zoomers.

Trump said "they let you do it" meaning they consent. Biden did it by force like a bitch

I'm not sure trump winning is the best thing though. If restoring the US is the goal, then put biden in, get the gun confiscations and white genocide thrown into full throttle and lets burn this bitch down and start anew. Theres too many spics and niggers for this country to be saved peacefully. US needs trial by fire at this point user.

Fuck off, kike.

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sniff sniff
hows the kiddie sniffing crew? wheres the biden sniffers at?

>women let him grab them by the pussy"
why be a disingenuous faggot and say the full quote faggot

Also Biden's victim was his employee and an employee of the government. That brings up two additional points of damage to Biden.

So we have evidence of Trump being based and with Biden it’s just a lame attempt at making it look like he likes adult women and not children.

It’s literally the righteous berniebros who are pushing this the most

>grabbing women by their “PUSSIES”. = rape or some shit
peak virginity

>Trumps base:
LMFAO doesn't care
>Biden's base:
Virtue signal to no end, then conveniently ignore it when it happens to their guy.

I mean he’s above average height billionaire. Any other facts or opinions, pros or cons, will still end up with the result that a lot of women would naturally throw themselves on him. Basic biology can’t even be mad. To me it’s not even thot like if he is a billionaire. I’ve fucked plenty of women raw and I’m a medium income Manlet.

My god. Writing this has made me realize just how obvious it is trump ain’t losing. 2 for 2 , 4 more years

Eat shit and die you retarded niggers.