Yeah, we run shit.
Just a brief reminder for all you yuropoors
Great, thanks
Cant see germany, fag
Can't see Italy, France, Germany...
Hah. That sure showed him.
If California, Texas, and New York we’re countries ... they’d be in the Top 15 world economies.
Non-Americans BTFO.
Further you could remove California, Texas, and NY GDP rom USA and America would still be #1 ... KEK
I never understood why other countries think they could ever beat the US in a economic or actual war. Not that i have anything against Europeans but it must be quite a shock that a country less then four hundred years old is beating them in every aspect with the exception of high culture.
KeK. Euro-faggots on suicide watch. How will they recover?
>Yeah, we run shit.
yeah we noticed... nice job
I didn't qualify for a stimulus. Make 2much mun-e hun-e.
yeah. okay. so?
honestly surprised how high we are. too bad its all coming tumbling down soon
And still the most endebted country in the world
Give it time, friends :^)
Modern Europe is what happens when whites get isolated from progress and used to mediocrity in every form.
That is why they need their "Union", because individually they aren't shit.
china numba 1! I wonder what that GDP will look like in a couple years?
Feels good man!
The productivity of this nation astounds me, LA county alone has a GDP equivalent to the whole of sub saharan africa, even if you pay the natives starvation wages, you'll still get more ROI on $30 an hour american factory workers who can read and assemble a machine.
>the GDP meme
Are you ameropoors ready for your recession this fall?
You know GDP is calculated by debunked Keynesian economics don’t you?
Do you realize that “government spending” is factored into this calculation right?
And are you aware that much of your country is spending money it doesn’t even have? Did you know you run a trade deficit and rely on this debt? Did you know you only got away with this because the dollar was the world reserve currency? And do you realize that demand for dollars has evaporated?
It’s crazy how you don’t even see how fucked you are. But that’s right, keep sucking Keynes’ dick all the way to hell.
Italy falls between Texas and California.
France, NY+ Florida.
Germany, Illinois+Pennsylvania+Ohio+New Jersey+Georgia.
Happy ?
Data old AF ukraine has a gdp of 145 billion in 2020.
>It’s crazy how you don’t even see how fucked you are
We were in charge yesterday, are in charge today and will be in charge tomorrow.
You don't see everyone here writing in Finnish, do ya ?
Pennsylvania is number 6. Surprised we're that high, not bad.
How does Colorado make so much money? What do they actually do over there?
Lol at Greece being equal to Alabama. That's just embarrassing. If you're Greek.
At least my nation is white,can you say the same m*ttboi? :)
> We are in charge today
doubt :^)
Argentina checking in
Why are the Dakotas, Montana and Wyoming even allowed to be states? They are literally useless shithole.
We won the Cold War. You're writing in English here. Your GDP is freakin' pathetic for as many people as you have and your natural resources.
What a compelling argument
This is how the countries of the world should split up the United States
>he thinks English was made by americans
Fuck, why are americans so superior bros?
Perpetual economic growth is actually not possible.
GDP is a meme and not a legitimate measure of the economy anyway and has been independently debunked many times. I don’t dispute that America has a lot going for it, but CA is insolvent and is spending money it doesn’t have (and this goes into the calculation of its GDP), you’re literally destroying oil because of the surplus right now, and losing money (because the system is that fragile), and you are heading toward negative interest rates, because the only thing you are able to do is print money.
The reasons you may be ok has nothing to do with (((GDP))). It has to do with your access to food and fresh water and some infrastructure that is still useful. Many of your people are retards though and don’t know how to be pioneers or what it’s like to have hard times.
You might make it out of this only because you as a nation don’t need globalism, although your high-functioning parasites do.
> You're writing in English
It's not even your language, mutt.
German GDP would take up multiple states. Don't see France here either.
Just wait until China overtakes you faggots in GDP.
Americans need to be culled
>thinks English was made by americans
No one thinks that.
But it's the world's lingua franca now because of the US.
>You might make it out of this only because you as a nation don’t need globalism, although your high-functioning parasites do
Exactly. We're self-sufficient, so many other countries are not.
And the rest of the world loves American entertainment and technology.
>It's not even your language, mutt.
It is now.
Europoors irrevocably BTFO
GDP is a fucking meme. The UK is a second world surveillance state shithole with a lower quality of life than Iceland, despite the fact that Iceland has a lower GDP.
The EU may be bigger than us economically, but not individually. Each European country is much smaller in population and geographic size than the US. The comparison really isn't fair.
You up to the task ? I think not.
Get the fuck out of my country.
Or stay, but know your fucking place.
yes, there are a lot of americans. what are you trying to tell us?
It's not JUST about gdp, but never think that it isn't important.
You've gotta make stuff that others want.
Like, for example, you want to post here, on an American website.
Yes, I know, it's owned by a Nip. But it's registered in the US, follows US laws, and everyone here speaks American.
>Jewnited states have money
>Still not white
>Still obese
>Still the capital of faggotry and degeneracy
>Country built by euros in the first place
ok fag
Yet still no healthcare, lol!
this is the most Jewish post I read today
You're just butthurt about being = Arizona.
The real Americans are descendants of said pioneers. They generally don't live in the large infested cities. They will be fine, mostly.
>Florida GDP the size of Mexico's
>Texas GDP the size of Canada
>California GDP the size of the UK
The case for annexation grows
lol no, we even have less population than Arizona. and I like Arizona, seems like a less gay version of California
but European states are best separated, because then we will compete against each other and that is truly progress
Oh my !, Kentucky has the same population and is over half the size of NZ. We really are unproductive faggots.
My state is whiter than your entire country hans
I wish Canada was as based as Texas
Honestly no. Unless you mean older American stuff. The recent stuff is just way too jewish and makes me physically ill to see or listen to.
The American system eats itself. Yes, you produce innovations. For instance the technology exists to make electronics last decades. But your neoliberal cancer doesn’t encourage this because you care more about consumption than technology. Europeans generally value things that last over buying shit just to buy it.
The short of it is that your system rejects technology and resiliency in favor of economic efficiency. And this is also why you are still going to fall like the rest of us. Your entire consumer bubble was backed up by debt, and the money doesn’t exist for those debts to be paid. You are still going to implode. Arguably it will be worse for you than for Fins, because we’re used to having a small economy that is resilient and stable. The US is going to hemmorhage itself inside out before rebounding (and it will only rebound in the sense of agricultural output and manufacturing, more closely resembling your early 20th century economy)
>tfw Switzerland
We the mountain jews now
Farms gotta be somewhere.
North Dakota has oil too.
And yet the US manages to have the worst healthcare system, education, and subpar standard of living.
Who would win in a fight; the full force of America and its entires nations worth of GDP of which 80% goes to military spending
A few mad lad vietnam rice bois
he mad his country only makes 5b more than our state lol