Reminder: the media didn't talk about Corinna at all in January and half of February because of impeachment
Is it not obvious to people that the Democrats are on the take from China?
All of the Russia stuff was projection.
Fox didn't even air the impeachment..........
>Adam Schiff
Sorry, who?
Schiff's execution better be on PPV
Does this mean someone else would have cured it?
No it better be on NPR and C-SPAN and youtube
Pence, apparently
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with his eyes? Did no one ever take him aside and tell him to stop doing that? It's so freaky. In the 70s he'd be cast as the rapist redneck slasher killer in a b movie.
finally someone said it!
Cool.. Since gump was warned by intelligence in November, why didn't he bring covid-19 up to be ahead of it?
just looked it up and of course he's a Jew. Realizing a few years ago that they literally control everything was depressing.
I wouldn't surprise me, he did cure the gay after all.
he did, in fact everyone around Trump was begging him to take action and he refused.
Try harder. And get your gaping asshole ready 4 another 4 years of Trump, you whiny, low-IQ, sub-human libshit
alot of those were just jews and blacks though
Are the democrats murdering Americans everyday untill trump is removed?!? What horrible people!!
No, why didn't GUMP bring it up? That's what I meant
*They were opposing his ban on Chinese visas and expulsion of illegals.
I seriously doubt people would reelect a moron that told people to drink bleach and got 50,000 americans killed
you might want to start coping now
Rapey Joe Biden, candidate for us senate
Yeah Pelosi was begging people to come out to Chinatown. Rapey Joe said it’s just the flu.
Since Adam Schiff, who was House Manager of the Senate impeachment hearings, failed to prove his case thus leading to an aquittal, wouldn't the 50k deaths lay squarely on Adam Schiff's shoulders for failing to do his job?
so you agree with everything im saying about trump, got it
How would we have done anything about the virus if trump was removed? It would have been maximum chaos in the middle of a pand3mic
I’m Rapey Joe and I approve of this fake news.
I guess you haven't got the email yet. The 'drink bleach' talking point isn't working so the decision was made to pivot to a new Trump tweet. Check with the discord. All the details are there.
Those are rookie numbers
Lefty was whining about rayciss Trump’s Travel Ban. Try harder
more like you are seething because its working
Your actions will have zero impact on the election.
Trump did less than that LMAO
Dnc media fake news hasnt worked in years. Nobody buys your bullshit, even a normie with 80 iq could read the transcript and figure out its completely fabricated
the transcripts that everyone knows Trump edits? Try again shill.
Try” orange man bad”, that’s meme-worry my liberal friend.
You’re welcome
I thought this was a given for the prior twenty years.
This is how liberals make their Trump Is Hitler prophecy come true.
>Wait for some cataclysm to kill thousands of Americans
>Blame it on Trump
>Later on inflate the casualities to the millions
>easily preventable cataclysm
>trump refuses to do anything
>50000 people die while he golfs
Oh THANK GOD Adam is speaking up about Granold Drumpfer
Orange Man Bad is the bestseller of memes my ShareBlue buddy. You are welcome
That's all media and podcasts have covered since Friday. It is working, very well.
The media talked about the rona in January and February. They were the original "just the flu" bros and were mocking Trump for stopping travel from China.
Dad, why did gump kill more Americans than the Vietnam War?
Its working well with you and your mom Brian.
fucking democrats
I love how you faggot retards conveniently ignore the fact that most of those 50,000 Americans were anti-American shitlibs living in shitlib-controlled territory. Too bad it wasn't a hundred million of you cocksuckers.
He did assface. In the State of the Union address that Drunkass Pelosi tore up.
You mean it’s like “grab em by the pussy” tier? How did that stop Drumpf? It boggles the mind how often libtards chase their tails.
It's fair to say that every person who died in every other country is that leaders' fault also then?
Uh-huh. Sure. How did a US president cause more American deaths than a war that lasted two decades?
I love when you faggots seethe
Adam Schiff is a disgusting Jew
Send him to the oven.
ShareBlue is slipping
Hurr Durr it's all Trump's fault, if Obama had still been in office they would have covered it up until everyone was in ICU. Dems trying to convince low IQ voter that the President is responsible for everything bad that happen. Disasters can't always be prevented and it tests all segments of society, did America as a whole. do well with handling the so-called disease? No we did not, nobody was prepared.
We need to revive Civil Defense.
Holy shit. I spat out my tea you faggot.
Plus none of this takes away from the fact that Joe Biden is a rapist. If democrats don't remove Biden in the #metoo/#believeallwomen era, they will have no moral high ground to stand on in the future.
>easily preventable
How was this easily preventable redditor?