Anyone else beginning to hate capitalism?
Anyone else beginning to hate capitalism?
I'm not one of them.
Reminder that (((they))) tried to kill Stalin in the 50s.
Capitalism benefits the jews
>this manface is considered hot by yellow fever fags
>government takes 40% of our income
>I hate capitalism!!!!1!one
You're barking up the wrong tree Sven.
Socialism is a natural progression from late stage capitalism, especially now that we can produce resources at extremely high efficiency and there aren't enough jobs to be distributed to every person in the population. A lot of the artificial means by which goods have value are losing their purpose. Look at the farming industry, we throw away millions of pounds of food every year just to keep the market in a healthy condition and force thousands of hard-working men to essentially toil away and waste their own time just to ensure they'll have a surplus. At some point we need to socialize industries but we'll need to do it slowly. This should start with healthcare and end with banking. Then eventually we'll have no need for money.
It's more the face that she's a dictator that makes it hot.
kike shill
So, social democracy?
This crisis has certainly made clear the problems with our current 'capitalists' system. Not that communism or socialism doesn't bring its own problems (for a recent real-world example of these see the last couple of episodes of "Cuba Libre" on Netflix and how Fidel Castro's misguided attempts at economic justice using communist tactics backfired massively.) I think most of the problems currently attributed to 'capitalism' are mainly problems with monopoly power and foreign influence in domestic affairs. See Matt Stoller's work for a good analysis.
>there aren't enough jobs to be distributed to every person in the population
So what are they supposed to do? Letting able-bodied men just sit around rather than contribute to the collective seems wasteful.
Queen Gook so pritty make many thread
>sit around
Why is that the only option?
she needs the BBC
Way ahead of you, bro.
Look at her go!
Yes. Liberals need the gulag or shot along a wall. AKA. Dems/Repubs.
I really want to live in a country where the only fat man is being replaced by his malnourished sister.
>government takes 40% of our income
>I hate capitalism!!!!1!one
>propably that 30% is for social programs and rest for military but what do i know
Already do.
You don't even have it
If she live in a capitalist country, she could afford hair plugs to fix that Martin Shkreli hairline.
Based third positionist Juche mommie
Checked, also talking about what form of government the future holds is pointless if we don't address the Jew problem. It doesn't matter what we call it if all it ends up doing is continue to suck the profits from moral people by complicating finance, banking, and law to the point you're dependent on overpaid Jews to navigate you through it. Especially when the people we call experts largely get through their positions through nepotism and the Satanic influence gained through child sacrifice. Whether we keep the republic we have now or go to a more socialized system will be a matter of our views toward the population. If we don't institute things like voter ID or literacy tests then we can always assume democracy is a bad idea and will lead to some group influencing us to vote against our interests. No matter what one's political views are, it's vital we become more technocratic and this is obvious to anyone who is aware of what's happening.
The solution to this is reestablish a culture where women don't work. It's not in their nature to focus on a career, and it never will be. This was only pushed because we needed more labor at a time when all the men were away and the alternative was importing non-white immigrants. With Jews in control, it's to their advantage to keep women working and continue pushing immigration. There are retards who still advocate for immigration even now when a sane person couldn't even begin to explain why that would be a priority with logic. There's so much money now and no way to properly distribute it. Horny CS majors are enabling women to become gateway prostitutes through OnlyFans. If women had dignity and no need for money this wouldn't happen. Instead of marrying this horny CS losers, they're using them for the same support husbands used to serve but turning around and fucking Chad because their whores and why not?
Yes. It's the reason im voting Bernie
I already did.
Stalin surrounded himself with Jews all the way to his death.
And yet they stabbed him in the back with the (((Doctor's Plot))).
There's nothing wrong with me having a newspaper and you have 25 cents and us trading.
Now - when I have a daugther and you have $500 and she's allowed to sell herself off because she's 20 - we have a problem.
Capitalism is just communism by private actors. The true way forward is to get back to feudalism and absolute monarchy.
No. Fucking proxy nigger.