So are we not allowed to examine the fake Sandy Hook event here?

Someone else's prior thread was deleted for no reason after he was accused of Jewery. I have a legit interest in what is probably the most easily proven false flag. Also wondering about Syrian daycare/elementary axe attack from early 2010's. Don't remember the location but was thoroughly scrubbed and memory holed. 1st time making thread, advance apologies if I broke any board etiquette.

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Other urls found in this thread:

threadly reminder best sandy hoax docu, very normie friendly
dear wolfgang - revisiting sandy hook

Yes, viewed this a while back.

choke on a mothball and die

Gay. Why would anyone fake something like Sandy Hook? You'd have to get a shitload of people in on it, willing to spend the rest of their lives living lies, and hope that nobody has second thoughts as the years go by.

Any government or authority with the means and inclination to fake something like Sandy Hook would just do Sandy Hook. It's like believing that 9/11 was staged with holographic planes and explosives, with all the passengers given new identities. It's retarded. If the government were going to stage 9/11, they'd do it by having the CIA recruit some pissed off Muslims and train them to hijack and fly planes into buildings. Similarly, if they were going to fake Sandy Hook, they'd kill Lanza's mom, throw him in the back of a van or ambulance, have some chick or short dude in body go into the school, kill a bunch of kids, then ice Lanza on the scene and dress up as EMTs or something. Much easier and safer to shoot a bunch of kids, instead of hiring actors to play grieving parents for the rest of their lives.

There are many well documented inconsistencies with the event. Multiple video and photo sources point to it being staged. Real estate records show many of the homeowners obtained the properties for free if I am remembering correctly. Not sure of their goal but my guess is that it wasn't a gun control thing as popularly theorized. Like you, my biggest issue is with keeping that many people to not disclose.

I don't trust Sandy Hook. Like, all the School Shootings I've ever seen we know at least something about the shooter or the shooter's family. But here, we see nothing. It's almost as if he didn't fucking existed at all.

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Yeah but government statistics are essentially meaningless anyway.

so you mean to tell me a 20 year old skinny manlet, who’s only shooting experience is call of duty gets, 26 kills and ZERO WOUNDED.

yeah sure thing bucko

Going with grilled cheese and tomato, thanks though.

SHILLS out in FULL FORCE today trying to SLIDE this glorios thread brothers

I, too, don't think it happened Mr. Reading Comprehension.

If you have any time please try to look into the daycare attack, it was completely lost on the internet and unlike Sandy Hook, that event definitely happened.

you're right about the way they execute these false flags. your 911 exanple is exact. what would be the purpose of the school shootings if not to engender gum control?

Soccer Mom hysteria could be used for all kinds of things I would think. How about just a general shift in the narrative to one of constant fear?

Slid hard

spoken like a true blue shill

inconsistencies you say? im sure it was alll honest whoops a daisy mistakes

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Wew lad

Shooting terrified children that aren’t moving with a rifle. Not difficult.

This actually did happen, retard. I have no idea why that Wolfgang guy is so obsessed with this one case, he should put his autism to better use and find out something interesting.

Kinda what I was thinking, must be one of the guys that does all the misceaganatty stuff on this here beloved Yas Forums

never researched this one so cant say, but las vegas was definitely fake, as was 911, so everything becomes suspect at that point

>I have no idea
yea you got that right

that was more for the shills
not the OP

Wasn't there but with all the obfuscation and given that most if not all other modern American mass shooter events have photo or video evidence (even if censored) - a reasonable person could doubt the media narrative of this event.

My cousin died at Sandy Hook.

at one point the news media was reporting that Adam Lanza went to Hoboken and killed his brothers girlfriend, lol

this entire event was a big circus act

Mine too. Same one got shot in Vegas years later, tragic.

check this out. i used to watch all his stuff back in the day

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Mossad did 9/11 and the planes (3D models) were composited into the frame realtime.
Newtown (which sandy hook belongs to) features 0 "Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter"
>In approximate 2 years from today there will be mass school shooting in Connecticut. A lone gunman will kill many children. That's a trick of propaganda. Step by step, they make it a totalitarian country.
>They have a false flag attack on December 2012 to justify their war on 2nd Amendment. The responsible gunowner is wronged as terrorist. The real mastermind of the shootings grins at the soap opera they directed. They treat you like fools. Do not have a logic confuse.
>The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States
this fucker predicted the state, event and even fucking month 2 years in advance.

Another strong evidence is is the fake grief shown by the people on TV trying to rile up emotions. Look at this happy fucker at 3:10 until he realizes he is on cam
There was a video compilation showing very well the differences between grief displayed at Sandy Hook with the grief of real tragedies, but for (((some reason))) its nowhere to be found anymore.

There is also the issue that the the people on the scene were walking around in circles, almost as if they are meant to stage some activity on scene

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Will definitely watch this. Should have done some research before starting the thread but I'm unapologetically lazy. Thanks for the link.

There is also the always reoccurring issue of the shooter being on anti psychotics

While Lanza's Psychiatrist recently was charged 3 different accounts of sexual assault
and sexual depravity is a common sign of the deep state puppets as its a good source for blackmail
>While a school official did share this recollection with OCA interviewers, authors cannot independently confirm this recollection, and other records indicate Mrs. Lanza may have already had an appointment with the community psychiatrist set up at the time of the Danbury Hospital emergency department visit. Staff from OCA spoke with this psychiatrist during the course of this investigation in an effort to identify and obtain records related to the doctor’s evaluation and treatment of AL. The doctor indicated that all treatment records were destroyed.

>The doctor indicated that all treatment records were destroyed."
Of course they were.

The next weird thing about Sandy Hook (aside from no footage of the shooting or the shooter even entering the building to be found) is that they demolished the whole complex

Just like they plan on doing with the Parkland school too
which may could be to get rid of any evidence.

If interested, here is a lot on various false flags

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A BAFT document regarding evidence seized from the home of Nancy and Adam with 54 pages redacted because they contained Grand Jury material.

Will check these out, but you may need some sunlight.

and guess where that guy Paul Fox ran off to? New Zealand

Why is it so hard to believe that some guy can go nuts to do something like that?

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Why is it so hard to believe that evidence of the event is lacking? Also not trying to be a smart-ass.

Despite us being told that Adam had no criminal history, his background check is fully redacted and 17 pages long.

Ryan's is 21 redacted pages

Anagram for Sandy hook - sad honk yo

why was so hard to get the story straight? Instead you have hudson country prosecuter Guy Gregory telling police officers that Peter Lanza is dead in some apartment in Hoboken