Feminist here. Why do you m*n think that countries run by wom*n are less competent than those run by men...

Feminist here. Why do you m*n think that countries run by wom*n are less competent than those run by men? It's not like Jacinda Ardern has fucked up New Zealand, she's doing an amazing job especially with her coronavirus response

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Women don't know what they want. If they did they'd be Men.

I accept you friend. Yas Forums is trans friendly.

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I think you should go back to school, you're not supposed to capitalize m*n

Baby :3


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Oh. I thought you fucking gorgons had a plan for the future but you REALLY just wanted to reverse gender roles. THAT'S ALL IT IS. NOTHING EVER HAPPENS. YOU FUCKING MUTANTS ARE NO BETTER THAN WHAT CAME BEFORE YOU. SWALLOW GASOLINE AND LIGHT A MATCH.

Just look at canada .

I'm happy your country is run by four amazing strong wom*n

Is this real???

A quick look at the IQ distribution tells you all you need to know: If you want the dumbest person imaginable or the smartest one, you'll have to pick a man.

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You arent taking my guns. I'll shoot you.

Yeah being gay is a great thing.

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Wanna know something cool? It’s a myth that males/females of the same race have the same mean IQ. Those studies were done on 13 year olds and girls mature faster. Read a book by Lynn and notice that females of the same race in each nation have around -1/3 sigma mean IQ compared to the men. They started “normalizing” IQ tests between men and women in the 70s I believe. If a supposed 100 iq female checked the male box at the end of an IQ test she might actually be 93-95 iq. This would be obvious if you knew that they have different amounts of grey/white matter in their brain and notice their smaller skull which means less surface area for their brain folds as well. A little known piece of forbidden knowledge just for you user. The variance part is true as well but in a non normalized IQ setting you might find that there are literally 500x the amount of men over say 135 than women due to their higher mean IQ and much higher variance. Inb4 some little pseud who hasn’t read into anything about sex and IQ links me Wikipedia or something.

Rule 31.

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Not the point you mongoloid.

Penis is GTFO. Rule 48

A Finn calling an Anglo-Saxon warrior princess a Mongoloid. How cute.

really interesting information. so what you are saying is they made iq tests easier for women and after puberty starts shaping the body the male and female iq within the same race bifurcates? very interesting, thanks fren, I like redpills. They sting so good.

Source of GTFO

Creature a great work or get busy dying. You're not making any significant difference.

WTF is "creature a great work"? Speak English or go home

No, I’m saying that women and men really do have the same IQ as teenagers before the brain is fully formed. That’s where this meme comes from. In adulthood women have lower average IQ for their race. I honestly forget but I think that actual black women are more intelligent than black men due to their sexual selection strategies actually selecting the female for intelligence. It think it has something to do with r/k selection and their X/Y ratio (how many dudes each chick impregnates). They don’t “make anything easier” they just grade the subtests differently for men and women. For instance on a RPM (the cool shapes and patterns) men completely dominate women due to better special memory. Just read any book by Lynn and you’ll notice that the female IQ is always around 1/3 of a standard deviation lower than the men of the same nation because they aren’t normalizing the results and are testing on adults.

My leaf friend why do you listen to this bullcrap. M*n and wom*n are intellectual equals

Wait, is the Josefin? Trying to switch up your posting style girl?

Really interesting, but I bet there's plenty of counter-arguments that try to angle at the preferred specialization of women on social dynamics, gossip, public perception, etc. Any opinion on that?

Some women know what they want just like some men know what they want and some women don’t know what they want just like some men don’t know what they want. The fact that a discord tranny is more responsible than most posters here is really really concerning.
Hell no, I would never ever larp as a tranny....

And also yes, as the genes fully finish constructing the “final product” of the brain you’ll find that environment starts to be less and less of a factor for IQ than genetics. In childhood before the genes are fully expressed in creating the fully mature human you’ll see that IQ can be explained by as much as .5 of the variance explained by environmental factors. This is why you’ll see those longitudinal studies of black children raised by upper class whites who have IQs as high as 92 on average when they are children but as they become fully mature and the genes have finished constructing the brain completely they regress back to their average of 85. In adulthood IQ is essentially fully a consequence of genetics. Around .84 of the variance explained by genetics in adulthood. Factor into this the fact that modern first world countries are so rich and have such a high environment floor and you’ll find that essentially the only determining factor for IQ differences is genetic or heritable and a consequence of genes.

Imagine thinking an LGBT flag has any power here.

holy based

>The fact that a discord tranny is more responsible than most posters here is really really concerning.


no it's been shopped. Here's the original, this one is real

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yuck. take your meds schizo

>kike tranny here. no timestamp. Memeflaggot
Gtfo faggot

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I’m sure there are. The western zeitgeist places environment wayyyyyy more important than it really is for most all non physical factors (even though arguably intelligence is a physical factor because it is based on the physical structure of the brain). East Asians understand stuff like this as a collective and even westerners understand it implicitly but have cogdis due to all of the egalitarian propaganda. You’ll have no trouble finding people that say things like “well yeah his parents are smart so he is too” which implies heritability but when it comes to between groups like race or sex they short circuit.

Is it time to pull out my copypasta?

No, I don’t want to agree with you :/
No it’s not, I’m leaving now then if you’re gonna do that. Bye.

feminists hate trannies

>amazing stronk woman
pic related is the new face of feminism. deal with it sweaty

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Fuck off tranny.
Join the club.