I'm no schizo but the fact that the first apple computer cost $666.66 proves to me that technology is demonic.
If you think technology is your friend
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Yep, this one's going in my slide sneed compilation
big if true
It's daemonic meaning good and bad low iq christcuck.
see for yourself. Command F 666.66
if your IQ is so high why can't you use proper grammar
shut up boomer
>Muh boomer
I was born in 1999. Stay mad Millennial scum.
I didn't use proper punctuation. Tell me where my grammar is wrong? Nigger
>numbers mean anything
yes you are schizo
read progress and poverty by Henry George
Punctuation is important when you have a sentence structured like that.
I see now that you are a daemon lover. You think they're good because "muh Greeks said"
It's quite a specific number don't you think? why 66 cents? why 666 dollars? Why not 669.99? You never see things priced in the triple digits ending on a 6 let alone a 66 cents.
nice cope
Oh man the Bible warns us not to buy computers at that value!
Just more proof that the luddites were right.
You are fucking retarded fuck you fatass christ cucks.
>Muh punctuation hehe yea let me use this as an argument, which he told me about.
No you don't understand "computers". Comeback when you know how to extract your moms interracial porn.
Punctuation was not an argument I was responding to you calling me low IQ.
I was not talking to you about computers. We were talking about your love of daemons.
Romans 1:30
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
>inventors of evil things
that part
Steve Jobs was a reprobate faggot who was fed ideas directly from satan
This is not new of course, people tend to ignore that Charles Darwin was HEAVILY involved in the occult when he 'discovered' (((evolution)))
People like to scoff at it or think it's a joke but every single one of us has been brainwashed by occult shit since we were kids.
The 80's satanic panic soccer moms were 100% right about luciferian kikes wanting to brainwash a generation of impressionable kids through television, movies, and music
>The 80's satanic panic soccer moms were 100% right about luciferian kikes wanting to brainwash a generation of impressionable kids through television, movies, and music
this is 100% true
Low iq christcucks. You don't understand shit. You are all abominations that are going to hell.
this unironically
seethe harder
I love watching Gnostics seethe. If we praise you for being so enlightened will you stop shitting up the thread?
Why are christcucks so fucking stupid?
Is it the alcohol-induced brain damage?
Is it the decades of fluoride exposure?
What is it??
You are not schizophrenic. Do not take your meds. Keep noticing things.
>it's da numba of da beast
Don't be fucking idiot for once in your life, please.
>alcohol-induced brain damage
Nobody in my family drinks besides my brother.
>decades of fluoride exposure
My mom was onto fluoride before most so I grew up drinking fluoride free water. My only fluoride exposures would have been while eating out. I've also used fluoride free toothpaste my whole life. I also have never had fluoride treatment at dental cleanings.
Apparently he had a hard on for quints.
Woz is a turbo autist and likes repeating numbers. That is all this was. God bless that simpleminded genius.
>that documentary
>smurfs use beezelbub as a satanic character
>no fucking way thats re-
>Race :Spirit, Occupation: Guardian of hell
yo wtf
well all religion aside, I thought alot about why Humans persue Technology, and alot of stuff and my conclusion is, Science is no different than religion, in te sense that only a fraction of all scientists in the world are actually able to comprehend the effect their invention has on the entire world and on humans. Religion prays to a god. Has rituals,and tis purpose is to give people a sense of security. What's the purpose of science? it has the same purpose to give people saftey and security. So what we are witnessing on a grand scheme of things is that scientists are unknowingly collectively building a god(AI most likely). If it'll be ad or good... is probably mostly upon us how we program it, how we treat it during its learning phase, how we behave during its earning phase and how we treat and behave when it becomes basically omnipresent.
Bill gates was literally fucking the Obamas in college