The dude weed people will use any excuse to try and get their precious weed. Why dont they realize that that shit will never be federally legal?
The dude weed people will use any excuse to try and get their precious weed...
fuck you mutt. we can't have legal weed until you legalize it on the federal level. it's not just about YOU. you mutts are forcing your drug policy on your colonies while you get to enjoy colorado weed
Didnt realize Germany was a colony of the US.
>try and get their precious weed
you realize it’s a plant? you just need to grow a plant to get it. not exactly complicated
I stopped smoking weed 3 weeks ago.
I stopped consuming weed 3 days ago.
After 9 years of smoking and 4 years of trying to quit - I have finally quit.
Thank you, Corona-chan!
your extent of knowledge regarding cannabis is the fact that it exists, and that high THC/ low CBD cannabis, commonly known as "weed" or "marijuana" gets you high. Cannabis is one of the most multifaceted, multi utilitarian plants out there.
You seriously have no clue. And it shows. you probably think "weed" is what goes into your bloodstream when you consume it, you probably think smoking it is the only way to use it, you probably think THC and CBD are the only two components within cannabis when there are literally hundreds that have not even been independently isolated and studied, and it's all because of it's legal status. You probably don't even know humans literally have an endocannabinoid system dedicated to literally processing the components (cannabinoids) within cannabis.
Next time you want to start a fucking pol thread generalizing everyone who wants it legalized as a "dude bro" retard deadbeat parasite on society who only uses it to be a useless fucking vegetable eating hot chips and watching SpongeBob at 3 in the morning, showing it off to their other loser friends on Snapchat or Instagram, just remember. You literally have no clue about the pharmacology and chemistry of cannabis, besides it's predominant mainstream use, but that's all you'll continue to treat it as, because you're one of those smug cunts who legitimately think they cannot be wrong, all because they associate something with niggers on the street, and you'll continue to ignore it's actual utility, whether it be for personal, medical, or recreational use.
Shut up faggot. You sound like every other dude weed retard. >muh medical uses
>muh pharmacology
>muh industrial uses
Fuck off retard stoner faggot. I hope this fuckin petition dies before it hits 100 signatures.
>tfw just got back from the weed store
krauts seething
people who hate weed probably get paranoid and hate themselves lmao
point proven. keep seething over a plant you don't even understand. i don't even smoke, and I'm still not as much of massive ignorant faggot that you are.
Same. How long till we piss clean bro? I want to be puuure.
I hope the feds start doing no-knock raids in these states that think they can just do whatever the fuck they want. You know even if your gay petition gets 100k signatures, trump isn't going to legalize it right?
State Law is above Federal Law.
y'all niggas postin in a slide thread
Weed's only illegal if you get caught, silly.
obvious slide
sage because you are a faggroid
Imagine shilling against liberty and for the Rockefellers.
Suck-start a 12-gauge, OP.
>that stuff I smoke 8 times a day every day totally isn't addictive
I Just stopped after hitting heavy carts and buying by the ounce.
I get paranoid, anxious on weed and i still love it
Youre worse than a commie. Taintsucker.
all mad and stuff
Finally a german that accepts that europe is just an american colony.
Yes user, the consensus is that weed is mentally addictive, but not physically addictive.
We have 30 military bases there. Its closer to a vassal state. But colony sounds better.
This idiot speaks not for us
His brain just works too slow from all the weed he took
It already is
I have hope that the millenial and zoomer generation will finally legalize weed federally.
>Why dont they realize that that shit will never be federally legal?
Smoked it when it wasn't legal at all. Live in Colorado now and smoke it legally. And the federal government can smoke my pole.
Boot licking bitch.
All the states that really want legal weed already have it. I had some delivered recently, i can still get stoned in quarantine.
THC is sort of an alcaloide.
So in german we say its a "Genussmittel" No anglo though of a word for it, but it means it can be consumed for pleasure but its not food.
Same as: coffee, most teas like mate, tabacco ...
Alcohol was considered between food and "genussmittel"
The thing with these "genussmittel" is, its stimulating the body with chemicals. And it was always seen as bad and WEAK to cunsume too much of them since long term its always bad. Also you guys always want the Wehrmacht exercise book, but one thing they say is, try to advoid "genussmittel"
>All the states that really want legal weed already have it
Yea and my best friend in Texas gets the same shit I have in Colorado. That's because dealers ship it down there now instead of selling the old Mexican swag.
So it spreads to other states illegally too.
And there's nothing the bitch ass OP can do about it. We can all enjoy getting high and he can sit and stew.
Retards who are getting mentally addicted to it are preventing those who have self control from having it. Imagine if alcohol got banned due to people being alcoholics.
It's just not right. Weed is a good recreational drug and pretty damn safe.
Nice copypasta. Lets get unto a brain measuring contest. I guarantee i know more about cannabis and the drugs produced from it that you could learn in three lifetimes.
The dude weed part, right now, is all that really fucking matters. CBD has very promising anti-epileptic properties. None of the other olivetine derived intermediates are medically or industrially important. Weed isnt a fucking miracle cure for every medical problem ever. Fuckin retard hippie that thinks they bvb are an intellectual is what you are.
Yeah, you should probably smoke some weed because you're incredibly upset
>Retards who are getting mentally addicted to it are preventing those who have self control from having it
No they're not. Boomers pretending it's just like all other drugs, and it's very very unhealthy and deadly and they make up shit about it is who is stopping you from having it. They'll say it's physically addicting.
You can get mentally addicted to fucking jerking your wok.
But no, nobody is making the argument that " weed is mentally addicting! ". They're making the arguments that it's deadly or physically addicting or harmful or whatever shit they can conjure out their ass.
It makes driving dangerous for instance. They'll claim that bullshit.
I'm actually incredibly happy because this petition is going nowhere fast.
you'll be back.
p.s. dabs are addictive
>muh petition
i actually read your post in a nasally voice. boo fuckin hoo lol
It's true. 4 plants at 3 harvests per year. Even the biggest pothead will be left with surplus smoke.