Watch the whole video!!!

>Watch the whole video!!!

Guys, the part about the sun and heat after the injection is actually worse. My father in law has Alzheimer's and he sounds just like this. He's repeating, he forgets the word for brain, he's conflating ideas.

It's ogre. It's an Als versus Heimers election, but I think Biden might actually be less demented at this point.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maybe kim jong un was on to something??????

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>I know windmills very much

You fags told me he never actually said this, I found it on fucking tape.

Look how he used to talk versus these:

Dude has lost half his braincells.

Apparently, it has another cause

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Man, CNN and that homo white haired faggot Anderson Cooper are so disgusting.


Eat a dick suck a dick jerk a dick

Nobody is voting for Biden because of this thread.


Where is the proof he is on Amphetamines? Do you people just make up premises to argue from as if they’re correct?

>implying that’s not what every 5g anti-vaccer trust the plan Q-tard does
This entire board is a cesspool of schizos playing word association games, both sides

>tells us to watch the whole video
>selectively quotes fragments of the conversation

Here, faggot. Allow me to submerge your shill head under the stagnant waters of truth:

>Right. And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds — it sounds interesting to me.
>So we’ll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute, that’s — that’s pretty powerful.

I dont see him telling people to do anything. Just posing an ignorant question. He even said " So, that, you’re going to have to use medical doctors with". So, countdown until news story of a meth head injecting toilet bowl meth and blaming trump? its so tiresome how outright fictitious msm is

The fucking lugenpresse even asks for clarification and Trump gives it:

>But I — just, can I ask about — the President mentioned the idea of cleaners, like bleach and isopropyl alcohol you mentioned. There’s no scenario that that could be injected into a person, is there? I mean —

>No, I’m here to talk about the findings that we had in the study. We won’t do that within that lab and our lab. So —

>It wouldn’t be through injection. We’re talking about through almost a cleaning, sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work. But it certainly has a big effect if it’s on a stationary object.

he even explicitly clarified that hes TALKING ABOUT STERILIZATION OF AN AREA ON STATIONARY OBJECTS. Even with the follow up clarification the news still runs with "trump told people to inject bleach!". I literally need to start hanging you faggots.

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post the very next sentence from the transcript (you won't)

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you cant watch these two videos side by side and tell me this isn't clearly age related cognitive decline.

if only the democrats have a better presidential candidate they shouldn't lie so blatantly like this.

US media is so sickening I cant even watch. Puke.

>biden is less demented than an alzheimers patient
>biden knows what he is doing is wrong and thats better that someone who has a brain disorder

And? Is he worse than biden?

wont lie democrat voter here trump is a monster but in all seriousness we cant let biden have the nuclear case

>believing germ theory

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It's at least as bad, I'd argue it's worse.

Also, Biden will have a full cabinet, he won't be firing half his cabinet every few months. Trump has gone through more cabinet members than any other President in US history.

Then he calls them idiots and "dumb as rocks," but he is the one who fucking picks them.

Shut up fag

This was right before he went on, the “disinfectant” he sees as he speaks back to his team. The slide before has the lowest time of virus death on surfaces as “1.5” minutes in ideal conditions. He was talking about those slides right before him. Or was he asking it sarcastically to reporters?

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>Biden might actually be less demented at this point
No way. Biden is way worse at completing logical sentences, he gets startled and confused by noticing his wife standing beside him and he can't stop doing the creepiest shit ever including the demented smiles.

he is demented

Oh look an obvious shill
don't get many of those these days

>plebbit spacing

Where's the word 'bleach' or 'lyson', faggot?

If you can disinfect a body, and it cures a body of disease, why wouldn't you?

Fucking pharma shills, I swear.

>This time drumph is finished for sure

How can we be 5 years in and people still don't understand Trump's speech patterns?

He definitely sounds more tired than a few years ago. His SOTU was awesome though

>but I think Biden might actually be less demented at this point.
By what metric? Seems just as loose to me. We should just vote someone young and competent into office who doesn't have even a trace of dementia instead...oh wait
>Trump: 73
>Biden: 77
>Bernie: 78
>Warren: 70
>Hillary Clinton: 72


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