In this operation we desecrate the elites/Jewish sacred symbols, nothing is spared, nothing is sacred.

Make memes desecrating Moloch, Baal, Baphomet, Lucifer, the Talmud, Saturn etc

>We used to hate people
>Now we just make fun of them
>It's more effective that way

KMFDM - Dogma



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Asians are a bigger threat than da Joooooz.

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Asians are guided by the jews who designed communism. Please do your research before you open your mouth.

Jews created the CCP and communism

No one wants ethier, both are perversions

Best song have a bump

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Slutshaming, retardshaming, catladyshaming, Satanshaming, 'S'all good.


the only sacred symbol of the jews is the holocaust. you're either a kike or a really dumb goy

Nice try demon

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This Jewish "European myths are evil and demonic" subversion needs to quashed.

Kikes mad, Saturn is exploding

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what's the mater moishe? why don't you drop that memeflag? i shit in the mouth of every so called holocaust survivor, even your bubee.you kike cocksucker

get him

Eat shit faggot

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evil can't be desecrated
i hate you stupid atheists so goddamn much

yeah go fuck yourself

Stop projecting kike

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Haha, mad kike?

Fuck Saturn worshippers

i slap my uncut dick on all the food in the kosher market so that jews can enjoy some uncircumcised goy smegma on their food. bon appetite

Saturn does not demand worship. Back to rebbit kekistani

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Someone is afraid

Ave Lucifer

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Kristalnacht lolocaust museums also.

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