The CEO of the Jews could most likely be Atlantean Gods

fuck off retard

>deepwater Jews
not even close

Attached: doggerland-map-nature-2008.jpg (800x640, 65.11K)

>Plato was the only one to talk about it and made up the concept
Kill yourself.

How does a whole continent just sink +2 miles into the ocean?

>More circular arguments
How did Minoans get to Crete in the first place? Did humans originate in Crete? No? Then how did they get to Crete? If they got to Crete from somewhere else, then why was Crete more advanced even though they had less land and fewer resources? How is it possible for some people on some small island to be more advanced than the land from whence they came?
>I don't know. Maybe it was Atlantis.
Thank you. That is the more likely answer - their knowledge and know how came from somewhere else - another advanced civilization. Even the English navy was built on stolen ideas from the Spanish Armada.
>If you want to call that a Silk Road,
Sure. You're right, it wasn't called the Silk Road at the time because they weren't trading Silk yet. I just meant the road that connected China to Europe.
>1. What other societies were contemporaneous with Atlantis/Minoa?
Phoenecians during the Minoan civilization. Before that, various Middle Eastern civilizations in Mesopotamia.
>2. Without the Mediterranean Sea, most of this area would be a very salty desert with salt lakes.
Uh uh - I didn't say there was no Mediterranean - I just said the area around Crete was submerged. Look at the pic in the OP - there's a lot of land around Greece and Crete that is low lying. That makes no sense for a sea. If rivers form a sea, then they don't erode the corners of the less than the interior - such a pattern denotes an impact (e.g. asteroid) - or a deliberate design.
>Also, when did Atlantis exist?
Before the flooding of the world. The flood myth exists in all folklore from around the world. So that was certainly an event that happened - sea levels did rise and submerge most of the world. When we look at the historical sea levels - there was a spike about 14,000 years ago
>Pic related
Atlanteas were around before that time - after that, only a few of them remained - who appeared as Gods to the Minoans and Greeks.

Attached: 51235123123.png (330x198, 49.59K)

Prescribe some for me.

>because Crete does not fit any description of Atlantis
That's a low quality strawman argument - by all standards, user.

then where did the fucking land go
Sundaland and Doggerland are continental shelves, there is nothing that shallow in the middle of the Atlantic.

>We're talking about 11.6K years ago
Yes. Europe only had the Germannic tribes north of Italy - why is that? If Atlantis was in the Atlantic ocean, surely there would have been civilizations in North Europe just like the Egyptians and Phoenicians in Africa, Sumerians in Mesopotamia, Indus Valley civilization in the subcontinent, etc.

>then where did the fucking land go after being submerged in ocean water
No idea user, total mystery.