Yas Forums, have you ever wondered why the fuck did early civilizations pop up in areas that make no fucking sense? Yet, all these civilizations had an excellent trading network? >Pic related Minoan civilization predates the Greek civilization by at least 500 years. Those fuckers had an excellent trading network that the Greeks then co-opted when they came to power. Look at fucking Crete where the Minoan civilization arose - it's a fucking island in the middle of no fucking where. The solution to this is that the Mediterranean sea wasn't as expansive as we see it today. Atlantis was Crete and the surrounding areas that were higher than the sea level - at that time. Breaking of the straight of Gibraltar would have caused the Atlantic ocean to flood the Mediterranean and submerge most of erstwhile Atlantis.
What's more - the fucking Silk Route - the trading path between the east and the west ends in Levant - where Jews ruled for thousands of years. Atlanteans have known Jews forever - that's why Jews have been in power for so long - because they are the only fucking race that has served since the time Atlanteans were in power. The Jewish God most likely is an Atlantean. Jesus Christ is most likely Atlantean.
Even now, most likely Atlanteans are living underground - directing the events of the world through the Jews. That's why the Jews are always in power - even though there are only 16 million of them - because they serve higher Gods - more powerful Gods - Atlanteans.
Id like to ride a submarine bike on the bottom of the Mediterranean.
Blake Jones
Why? The sea most likely would have destroyed everything there is to know about that place by now.
Jackson Wood
Atlantean conspiracy? They most likely got all the tech left over. No they are fake jews who suck lizard cock.
Xavier Scott
>No they are fake jews who suck lizard cock. Where do these lizards live now?
Blake Gonzalez
Atlantis being the Mediterranean is just mainstream history's way to cope with the fact they don't know shit about pre-history.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
I happen to be the resident expert on bronze age societies. >early civilizations pop up in areas that make no fucking sense? >it's a fucking island in the middle of no fucking where. I can give an explanation for this. First of all, Crete is not in the middle of nowhere. The Minoans are the world's oldest Thalassocracy. Basically, they dominated sea trade and thus derived their power. They were the first Great Britain of the ancient world. Secondly, the Minoans displayed some wise foresight in planting their rugged island with olive trees. The grandchildren of the wise men who did this were able to reap great rewards when those trees reached maturity. Olive oil was a great commodity. Furthermore, the Minoans specialized in artisan crafts like metal-working, linen production, and art. Egyptian Pharaohs sometimes hired Minoan artists to paint their tombs.
>the fucking Silk Route - the trading path between the east and the west ends in Levant There was no Silk Road in the Bronze age.
That said, here is a map of Atlantis based on the input of knowledgeable Atlantean experts on Yas Forums I am always expanding upon it.
Except is was explained that Atlantis’s laid beyond the pillars of Hercules.
And that myth of Atlantis had real historical counterparts. There is an island called santorini that had a human settlement on it, with good infrastructure. The volcano on it buried it until it’s rediscovery recently.
Blake Gutierrez
If that’s true then operation highjump wouldn’t have existed. Which failed
Daniel Rodriguez
However, most esoteric teachings claim atlantis is allegoric
Isaiah Stewart
santorini is in greece which is in the med, not outside the pillars (strait of Gibraltar)
Levi Thompson
>I happen to be the resident expert on bronze age societies. Good. Let's begin then. >Basically, they dominated sea trade and thus derived their power. Circular argument user. How did they start dominating the sea trade in the first place? >Secondly, the Minoans displayed some wise foresight in planting their rugged island with olive trees. How did the come to possess such foresight? >There was no Silk Road in the Bronze age. Or, so your textbooks say.
Chinese and Europeans were trading long before the Greek empire. >That said, here is a map of Atlantis based on the input of knowledgeable Atlantean experts on Yas Forums Sorry. That map is wrong because it literally buys into the myth that Altantis was located in the Atlantic ocean. However, for that map to be true, there should have been trade routes and trading communities in Iberia - which there weren't. >Except Plato specifically states to the west of the straits of Gibraltar. Plato's accounts have been debunked countless times.
Grayson James
>If that’s true then operation highjump wouldn’t have existed. Strawman argument.
Landon Moore
Basically it's the "Plato was being metaphorical" argument and not being literal. Some think he used the Minoan civilization as a basis for his story on Atlantis instead of him retelling what Solon told him about the ice age Atlantic Empire we know as Atlantis. There's a lot of documentaries about that theory instead of what Plato and others actually say.
Adrian Lee
Why did younger dryas end? What is isostatic adjustment? What is mid Atlantic ridge? You're welcome, fags
Justin Richardson
>Even now, most likely Atlanteans are living underground - directing the events of the world through the Jews. based Yas Forums expanded universe affectionado, shame it's not really canon i'd love to see more threads about it
Elijah Peterson
>Why did younger dryas end? To drown Atlantis >What is isostatic adjustment? Not sure how this is related >What is mid Atlantic ridge? Just a boundary between two tectonic plates - how is this related?
Blake Myers
Weird al yankovich said (((they))) live underground in his pol visits and they are a pre flood civilisation
Hunter Clark
>based Yas Forums expanded universe affectionado, Think about it. Jewish God goes to the Avraham and promises that his descendants will rule the world - for what? Some foreskin? Seriously? But what if he meant that the Jews will be second in command, and enjoy unprecedented wealth in the world - and all they had to do in return was to obey the orders of Yahiweh. If Yahiweh is Atlantean - then he would have had access to advanced technology. Why wouldn't the Jews bow to him?
Carter Ramirez
How about you look into potential for isostatic adjustment along mid Atlantic Ridge after the end of younger dryas and then ask dumb questions?
Justin Green
How do you know that the Younger Dryas ended to drown Atlantis, but you don't know where Atlantis is?
It is not Crete.
Evan Lee
Atlantis was outside the Pillars of Hercules (in Morocco).
Levi Roberts
>Just more disconnected concepts It appears you have nothing to offer but smoke and mirrors. Even if we did assume that Atlantis was in the Atlantic ocean, and not in the Mediterranean, there would have to be trade routes between Atlantis and other parts of the world - specifically, there would have had to be trading communities in Iberia and most of Europe. However, during the Minoan Civilization, only the Phoenicians were the other dominant civilization - and they were in Africa - not Europe. So your theory of Atlantis being in the Atlantic ocean is moot.
Liam Long
>How did they start dominating the sea trade in the first place? Trade. If you build ships to trade olive oil for copper which they turned into implements and traded those back, you will then possess a working knowledge of ship building. If you can build a trading vessel, you can build a war ship. Build enough of those and you can choose to become a Thalassocracy. You can find many references to this in Greek historical myth and legend. Pic related is a Minoan Fresco depicting war-ships.
>How did the come to possess such foresight? I don't know. Maybe it was Atlantis.
>Or, so your textbooks say. If you want to call that a Silk Road, then that's certainly a worthy interpretation.
>That map is wrong because it literally buys into the myth that Altantis was located in the Atlantic ocean Yes. Well, I was hoping that you could assist me in correcting it. Firstly, you state that the Minoans were Atlanteans. This is good because they have recorded cities. But I have a few questions for you; 1. What other societies were contemporaneous with Atlantis/Minoa? 2. Without the Mediterranean Sea, most of this area would be a very salty desert with salt lakes. What did society look like at that time? I can offer some insight. First, the Nile (River Styx) would flow north at least to a large salt-lake just south of modern Crete. The area around modern Egypt would actually have resembled the Grand Canyon thenaturalhistorian.com/2019/05/31/the-lost-grand-canyon-of-egypt-part-ii-origins-of-the-nile-river-valley/ Society could have centered around the River Styx and the Minoans, far from being sea traders, would have been like the Egyptians. This is just my head cannon, I am interested in what you think. Also, when did Atlantis exist?
>Take an interesting idea like the strait of gibraltar breaking and creating the mediterranean sea >Many cultures that have previously existed could have had an impact on modern culture >Flood stories of many religions could explain this >...Introduce the jews and underground terrestrial ubermensch who control the world through ancient mega-tech Why do schizos do this?
Ryder Price
all /x/ posters should be permanently banned
Kevin King
>It is not Crete. Why not?
Gavin Edwards
because Crete does not fit any description of Atlantis
Nolan Cox
We're talking about 11.6K years ago. This is like saying that it makes no sense for Ancient Egypt to have been in Africa because most modern trade goes through the South China Sea
Colton Phillips
How about you fuck off to the 11 "APOLOGIZE" threads going at once Or fuck off to the 6 "[Insert Twitter screencap] Said X, Thoughts?" threads Or fuck off to the 8 obvious D&C "Is X White?" "What do you think about Ukrainians/Poles/Serbs/Slavs/Finns/Irish/Americans" threads going at once
Or how about you just fuck off entirely to reddit where you belong and let anons discuss banned historical topics that relate to politics.
How is discussion of pre history an /x/-tier? Do you happen to be a biblical literalist or something?
Nathan Jackson
How so?
Robert Bell
It's actually not. None of the maps, including yours, address the islands in the Atlantic having larger land masses like Sundaland, Doggerland, and other places. They no doubt were bigger than they are today just like the other places that were flooded.
Mason Nguyen
>American education Atlantis was made up by Plato to explain morals, I bet you also believe in Aquaman
>Plato was the only one to talk about it and made up the concept Kill yourself.
Colton Martinez
How does a whole continent just sink +2 miles into the ocean?
Kayden Collins
>More circular arguments How did Minoans get to Crete in the first place? Did humans originate in Crete? No? Then how did they get to Crete? If they got to Crete from somewhere else, then why was Crete more advanced even though they had less land and fewer resources? How is it possible for some people on some small island to be more advanced than the land from whence they came? >I don't know. Maybe it was Atlantis. Thank you. That is the more likely answer - their knowledge and know how came from somewhere else - another advanced civilization. Even the English navy was built on stolen ideas from the Spanish Armada. >If you want to call that a Silk Road, Sure. You're right, it wasn't called the Silk Road at the time because they weren't trading Silk yet. I just meant the road that connected China to Europe. >1. What other societies were contemporaneous with Atlantis/Minoa? Phoenecians during the Minoan civilization. Before that, various Middle Eastern civilizations in Mesopotamia. >2. Without the Mediterranean Sea, most of this area would be a very salty desert with salt lakes. Uh uh - I didn't say there was no Mediterranean - I just said the area around Crete was submerged. Look at the pic in the OP - there's a lot of land around Greece and Crete that is low lying. That makes no sense for a sea. If rivers form a sea, then they don't erode the corners of the less than the interior - such a pattern denotes an impact (e.g. asteroid) - or a deliberate design. >Also, when did Atlantis exist? Before the flooding of the world. The flood myth exists in all folklore from around the world. So that was certainly an event that happened - sea levels did rise and submerge most of the world. When we look at the historical sea levels - there was a spike about 14,000 years ago >Pic related Atlanteas were around before that time - after that, only a few of them remained - who appeared as Gods to the Minoans and Greeks.
>because Crete does not fit any description of Atlantis That's a low quality strawman argument - by all standards, user.
Levi Brooks
then where did the fucking land go Sundaland and Doggerland are continental shelves, there is nothing that shallow in the middle of the Atlantic.
Cameron Edwards
>We're talking about 11.6K years ago Yes. Europe only had the Germannic tribes north of Italy - why is that? If Atlantis was in the Atlantic ocean, surely there would have been civilizations in North Europe just like the Egyptians and Phoenicians in Africa, Sumerians in Mesopotamia, Indus Valley civilization in the subcontinent, etc.
Robert Morris
>then where did the fucking land go after being submerged in ocean water No idea user, total mystery.
Christian Morales
Not really. What's your evidence?
Jason Lee
user, you're leaving out the hunter gatherers that were all over the Spanish-French border and the Atlantic Coast. 20,000 years ago they were the most advanced and impressive civilization on Earth.