Red pill me about Mexafrica

Red pill me about Mexafrica

Attached: most-common-ancestry-every-state.png (1200x800, 67.9K)

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The south is fucking disgusting! ALL OF IT!!!

"Florida man" makes sense all of a sudden

Its the cities.
The niggers and spics infest the cities.

Based. But at least America has some land to offer to get out of the city's. Look at my flag, I would go off grid so bad.. But I'm geographically fucked. Lol.

Kys yankee faggot

theres loads of niggers in the rural south

Rural niggers can be pretty based, though. Old farming blacks are usually hard workers and chill people. Its the city niggers that need to be purged.

Yea, except there is no off the grid allowed anymore. You have to pay land taxes at the very least, even Amish, so regardless of what you do, you have to participate in their system unless you want to get Waco'd or Ruby Ridged.

Burn em again Sherman!

No wonder Idaho is so based

100 years later and there's nothing of value below the Mason Dixon line.

Southern niggers can be very based. Many liked segregation. It was Northern niggers and Jewish lawyers who pushed desegregation and miscegenation onto us.

Wtf does “United States” mean?

What the fuck does United States ancestry mean?

>United States
what’s up with Kentucky, Tennessee and Florida?

Scots Irish and North English transplants who have an anti-UK sentiment don’t record their ancestry as English. So think of “United States ancestry” as “Newcastle and Belfast nigger transplants.

It means (white) American and having pride in that. I.e. unfathomably based

They are better than the 1/4 German niggers which inhabit the Midwest.

Belfast types don’t want “Irish” as their recorded ancestry I forgot to add

I live in Minnesota. People here are either 100% German, 100% Swedish, 100% Irish or a muttish combo of the three

t. Flagfag

>MFW I moved from living in a United States state to a United States state
Feels American as fuck but it did suck driving from Nigger Country.

Attached: classy trump.jpg (720x600, 190.03K)

Burn the south

combination of these two:

id take a southern nigger over a Yankee any day

>United States
Why can't these retarded amerimutts just tell their ethnicity ?

Btw everything negative Euros shit on America about is in the south.

Attached: download (11).jpg (1665x810, 145.74K)

White cubans identify as just American because they assimilated

the germanics of the midwest are larger than you inbred anglos but otherwise accurate

>MFW I moved from living in a United States state to a United States state

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