Imagine voting in your clueless boomer dad as president and being surprised he’s a moron lmao

Imagine voting in your clueless boomer dad as president and being surprised he’s a moron lmao

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Over 3 years down, almost 5 more to go of your histrionic autistic screeching.

The level of assblast is so ridiculous.

Sometimes I genuinely wondered what my purpose in life was. My place in the universe. Was anything worth it? Was all my hard work and study truly for naught? The largest star ever observed is the UY Scuti, with a radius roughly 1,700 times that of the sun in our Solar System. By comparison, the approximate mass of the Sun is 1.989 x 10^30 kilograms... yes, that's thirty zeroes. By further comparison, if you're a male of average height and reasonably-fit, the Sun is approximately 2.652 by ten to the twenty-eighth power larger than you are. Sometimes I would remember this and think, "We are all so utterly insignificant."

Then, something truly magical happened. Donald Trump, a businessman from New York, won the U.S. Presidential Election. His opponent? A murderous, evil cunt whose schemes and ploys go back decades. Hillary Clinton. "It was HER TIME!" the masses cried. It was then, ONLY then, that I understood how things came together in such a beautiful way.

Of the tens of thousands of years that human beings have existed, you and I were born to revel in this exquisite moment. Donald Trump causing butthurt. So much butthurt.

Nice pasta. MIGA!

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Meme flag pasta. Tastes good sprinkled with lib tears and a hint of doubt.

>be op
>love the President
>make bait thread that's so dumb that the only replies have to be pro Trump

Ireland has one of the world's highest developmental indexes though. How is Africa doing?

Made me kek


Know thy enemy

>Imagine voting in a clueless boomer
Wtf do you honestly think Biden is?

>being surprised he’s a moron
uh no, sweetie, that's the very reason we meme voted for him

Who should we vote for instead?


Cable news is garbage, so what is the point of the article? is it admitting cable news is garbage just to make Trump look dumb?

Those that know OP report he has an extremely tiny penis.Those in the know are not surprised he has never seen a woman naked.

The main thing that separates Trump from Obama, is that Trump does not read from a teleprompter. Ever.
Obama EXCLUSIVELY read from teleprompters, and he was really very good at it. Except on the occasions where his teleprompter malfunctioned, which has lead to some funny incidents:

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Maybe Hillary and the democrats should've spent 7 hours a day watching news because they spent twice as much, had x5 as much staff and still lost by 100 electoral votes to the guy who watches tv from 3am to 10am.

There's no way you can watch that much news. They repeat every story every hour


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The other kike puppet

The actual demented old man the left portray trump to be

A vast majority of Jewish votes and money went against Trump.

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I'd rather him read from a teleprompter than have the incredible random thought that injecting bleach will save the economy

>7 hours every morning
American morning have allot more hours then the rest of the world

>from a source familiar with Trump's way of thinking

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i really regret supporting him

Oh, hello tumblr.
I can tell you’ve gotten your facts on that issue only from memes.

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sounds like someone is salty

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Gets a kek from me.

However cognitively dissonant it is.

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He gave Republicans money. Many Republicans are kike puppets. That doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of Jews preferred Hillary.

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good god. turn off the tv, fucking boomers. hopeless.

Why is this place swarming with reddit all the sudden

It’s been 5 entire years of him saying nonsense he knows people will latch onto, and they fall for it every single time

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didn't we do this before?

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Who said the quote at the bottom?

he should be browsing Yas Forums instead

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aka someone trying to pretend they can read President Trump's mind and know what he's REALLY saying

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>every critism of my narrative is ad hominem

are you a girl by any chance

ask your parents how much they watch, you seem to have no fucking clue - mine (boomers) watch about 6-7 hours a day, every day
when my grandparents were in their 80s they would watch TV, mostly news, for literally the entire day

you really dont know much about boomers, it is entirely possible Trump watches that much

>implying things not implied


He could get way more info in about an hour just looking at Yas Forumss catalog.

is it really that hard to believe?

active word here is "reportedly" as in fake news. god dammit liberals are dumb as fuck.

>entirely possible Trump watches that much
it would explain how he keeps owning them
studying the actions of the enemies of the USA is one of the President's duties, after all, and Trump is quite the workaholic

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how is trump not a liberal

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>he keeps owning them
wtf i love being LEGALLY replaced by beaners now

>source dude trust me

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>the president is not working until he's in the oval office

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the man is experiencing age related cognitive decline. we missed his best years by a decade or so.

it was either him or our retarded wine aunt

and soon it will be either boomer dad or senile grandpa

everything has been pretty hard to believe since 09