Why goyim think its wrong wanting to become filthy rich?

While jews think it's only natural and aspire to become one.

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You can't take your riches with you when you die sure you could be buried with it all but God won't let you into heaven with it besides all rich people go to Hell anyway without all that cold hard cash

It's wrong to put money over your morals and ethics, nothing wrong with making money.

Because of the double think your books inflict on goyim

Jews create morals they don’t follow and use them to subjugate others

White hues think just like you

My accountant is jewish. Who want's to pay more taxes than needed?

IQ. Not being ironic. Jews tend to look smart, just my own assessment.

Gluttony, greed and treachery is a sin in the eyes of God. This is why God abondons you jews and makes you walk around the dessert for years. You jews just don't get it do you?

>Why goyim think its wrong wanting to become filthy rich?
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God"
Wonder who slipped that in the bible

Typical jew taking a little bit off the top of other people's money

>Why goyim think its wrong wanting to become filthy rich?
Simple, (((Jesus))) told them it's wrong

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>Implying god does anything for European countries.

Specially considering he's from South Africa, where niggers actually murder Whites just for the sake of it

>implying Jesus existed

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The New Testament exists and that quote is precisely why dumb goyim families worship poverty, because their boomer parents drank the kool aid

Let's assume you're right, let's say he's fictional, still, the words of his character made an impact on Europe and they followed his "teachings", including their repulse for becoming rich while the Jews were becoming landlords and bankers

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I don't think it's wrong

T. Calvinist

show me the way sensei shlomo

you can't help the godtards.

We don't. screwing people over to get rich is evil tho

When did HaShem ever commission that he be worshipped with money? Only stupid fucking brainless jews decided to do that. Only jews strived for material wealth to fortify their ego. Which is counter-intuitive of any word written in any religion states. Lmao dumb blind jew

jews have always valued education and higher education. until the west moves being educated to the forefront of their culture they will always be lagging behind.

>Something-something what profit a man to have the world, and lose his soul
and then i see your flag, and remember that you qualify for neither; at least not until the Reconciliation anyway.

>Only jews strived for material wealth to fortify their ego

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Most people only hate the rich because they equate being rich with being jewish. If there were no jews in the world then most people wouldn't care about if somebody is rich or not.

Nice slave morality you got there, kid.

Jew too

He was Polish

>muh bible stories

Grow up

Avoiding taxes is a brazilian hobby. From jannies to executives.

Its a matter of morals

nobody doesn’t aspire to gain some wealth,

only a jew would sacrifice extra for it.

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Well, rich people are too immersed in material pleasures and the material world. They will never seek out God (except in time of great despair, illness, loss of loved ones)

You can be wealthy, but you must not cling to your riches, acknowledging that God gave them to you and can as easily take away everything, even your fragile life.

Why would God do anything for european countries when they have all abandoned Christianity? I don't know a single northen european country that is still christian. Europe should repent.

>I don't know a single northen european country that is still christian. Europe should repent.
Poland. Croatia. Hungary.

Sometimes I think about how Jews feed their children chocolate gold. The symbolic act of eating money. Inculcating that as a value in their children.

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Imagine there’s no heaven
Imagine you don’t take anything else with you when you die either...and you just lived your entire life as a poor person.