Marriage is Bullshit

Trying to knock my gf up but she wants to wait till we are married. I try to explain to her marriage is costly and we both have big families and it will cost 30k at least. We are better off spending that money towards our future home or a family car. She can't seem to comprehend this and is like a computer that's been programed. Am I wrong here.

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>Marriage is Bullshit
But coffee isn't.

Is it good for you by any chance?

>Marriage is expensive
but kids aren't.

If you bail and somehow escape child support, maybe.

Is coffee good for you?

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You don't have to have an expensive wedding, but it can be difficult to convince her, because some women consider the amount of money spent to be the same as devotion, sacrifice. Not all of these ideas are good if you want a more traditional wedding, but see what you can do. The venue and catering will be the Achilles heel.

I like to think the enjoyment of seeing your child grow up through your life is priceless one day ceremony to please your family is not.

>marriage is costly
Just wait until the divorce LOL

That should tell all you need to know about her, idiot.

OP, with a history of bad decisions, is making more bad decisions.

More news at 11.

Get a better women, Your wife is an attention whore.
Mine didn't care about that shit, she just wanted her immediate family there, mother, father, sister.

Ask her to split the bill 50/50, if you want to hear a demon shriek. Ringing subspace like two black holes colliding.

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>Am I wrong here
no, there are good reasons for a man not wanting to get married, and I don't mean like fucking around with other woman, but the threat of loosing everything you have if your wife decides she doesn't want to be married anymore

Women figured out that their retirement check from the government predominantly floats on how well the richest man in their life does.

So there's a perverse incentive for the woman to marry as many me as possible throughout her life.

It's statistically likely you're dealing with a gold digger op. You have no idea about taxes and why this deal is only bad for you and only good for her.

Ask her to pay for you even steven (70/30) and watch her vanish like a puff of smoke. Don't marry and don't cave. If she doesn't like it, she can find a lower value man to be her next in line.

Marriage is only a bad thing for men, and only a good thing for women. The entire institution was made to protect the children.

Tell her to increase sucktion on her pre-existing male she ran into the ground.

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Are you looking for reasons to stay out of the marriage trap or just save money?

Just cum inside. Who cares about what she wants. As soon as she is pregnant her nest building instinct will kick in and she will submit.

You are not wrong.

But if you haven't deprogramed her by now though it's your own fault and you will pay the price by having this costly wedding.

You failed her

Now THAT is a woman built for BBC.

No way that little pink dicked white boi could ever satisfy her lol

>Am I wrong here.
Yes of course you are, you chose to mate with someone because of how they look now how they think. Once those looks fade you are going to be left with a withered ugly old moron, because thats what you chose, because you are also a moron. And your kids will be morons too.

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Women love marriage because if legally puts the government on their side. When she gets bored of you, she’ll divorce you, take half your money, all while she fucks a Chad.

Everything you say is right, and everything she is saying is agenda driven.

You're reasoning with a parasite. The words that come out of her mouth are like the fluid that comes out of a mosquito's needle to prevent reporting to the host on what is going on.

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Most women are diseased or infertile. Total scam.

Getting married shouldn't cost anything. I told my husband that I don't want to have a cringe ceremony in front of family and friends, and he said that's great because he's also uncomfortable being in public. OP, it's almost like your girlfriend doesn't love you for you.

I went to my cousins wedding and it was 100 something dollars. However much it costed for the paperwork was how much it was

Imagine for one second.. that you tell your GF big weddings are a waste of money, that we should save for our future, and she fucking ignores you, telling you she wont marry you unless you spend a shit ton and invite the whole neighborhood, so she can peacock and feel like a princess for one day.
This is your fucking life.. a sad sad life. What is next she divorces you over some stupid shit.

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>Marriage is crap
>Money argument
>Posts thot
Your gf is an ugly whore who will cheat on you on her Bachelorette day.

My great grandfather died alone in bed just like the last picture because his wife died early due to pulmonary fibrosis.

you don't have to have an elaborate fairytale wedding faggot.

>Wanting to create bastards

Are you a nigger?

I had a wedding with 50 people. Cost was $500. Chair and table rentals being the most costly. Had a friend sing. Had a friend snap some pictures. Potluck for food. It was a great wedding. I don't understand the costs people talk about.

You're only wrong in the fact that you think a marriage must be extravagant and extensive. Honestly nothing wrong with a drive-thru wedding, as long as the right intentions are there then who really gives a fuck.

But yeah marriage is stupid.

Kind of. She is right really. Depends on the relationship. If you love her you’ll know because you’d jump straight in front of a train to save her without a thought or regret. Only happened to me once (love not a train splatting). She’s a nymphomaniac and my step sister so that didn’t work out.

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What kind of uncivilized mongrel family does she have? Her parents need to pay for the wedding and give you a dowry.

>everybody dies alone
Yeah, yeah, yeah same stupid cope argument every idiot makes, as if the last year or so is the only time that matters.

Most people, like OP, are bluepilled retards that wait until the bill comes to know the cost of things

bash her and tell her to fuck off. stop being a pussie user

>shit colored eyes
>shit hair genotype
>asymmetrical face
Look, I can give you a 5/10 and this one will be in the shelf for a long time.

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Yes bro offcourse and you're right. I hope you can convince your woman. But maybe your woman is not wrong either, because I can see that marriage is something that completes the transformation from two souls into one.

It is really hard, but make sure the woman remains happy.

You can have a small ceremony or a marriage outside the country (once the corona shite settles).

you would fuck her 24/7 if you were quarantined with he and cry when she leaves
you fool no one m8