Powerful statement

No truer words has been spoken

Attached: IMG_20200426_175048.png (720x545, 75.93K)

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You what's dirtier than a Frenchman?

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 10.92K)

Also the lgbt flag


Attached: 063D727C-AD11-4452-9BC0-6ABB98193CA8.jpg (818x434, 78.38K)

Go back to facebook, grandpa

>Also the lgbtqp flag


You posted this before, Rabbi, and got BTFO'd then.

None of the flags flown by Southerners are usually not the Confederate national flag.

The fat folds on an American woman?

CNN knew about Joe Biden sexually assaulting a staffer in 1993 and covered it up.

THey have deleted the entire episode of Larry King Live where the staffer's mother called in to talk about it.


Attached: CNN coverup.jpg (587x673, 99.16K)

The revel flag is the true American flag

w-we've got him now! It's over.

How does that conflict with American values exactly? The Confederate flag is easy because America doesnt support slavery anymore.

No I didnt, Muhammad

You already made a thread about this, sage

Shit was tight. Slaves in the South and in the North way less blacks. They had a containment zone and an orderly society with duels and cotillions and shit. Seems pretty comfortable. The South also legally separated from the North and then was met by a war of aggression to bring them to heel. It would be interesting to see an alternate timeline where in the South preserved itself. The just don't always win and that is history.

Perhaps that is true, and thus doing things disrespectful to the flag of the army that crushed the confederacy is now doubly wrong

Um, no, the confederacy were the bad ones, kind of like Voldemort from Harry Potter

I wish I was in the land of cotton
Old times there are not forgotten
Look away, look away, look away to Dixie Land
In Dixie Land where i was born
Early on one frosty morn
Look away, look away, look away to Dixie Land
I wish I was in Dixie
Away, away
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
In Dixie Land where i was born
Early on one frosty morn
Look away, look away, look away to Dixie Land
I wish I was in Dixie
Away, away
In Dixie Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie
Away, away, away down south in Dixie

Attached: lee.jpg (2560x1707, 784.3K)

Just stop

Attached: Confederate-Flag-Design.jpg (780x436, 70.73K)

it was more like voldemort from harry potter.

I unironically agree. But I'm not a southerner.

fuck america

Couldn't say it better

Attached: dixie.png (800x525, 100.09K)

Away down South in the land of traitors,
Rattlesnakes and alligators,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.
Where cotton's king and men are chattels,
Union boys will win the battles,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.

Then we'll all go down to Dixie,
Away, away,
Each Dixie boy must understand
That he must mind his Uncle Sam,
Away, away,
And we'll all go down to Dixie.
Away, away,
And we'll all go down to Dixie.

I wish I was in Baltimore,
I'd make Secession traitors roar,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.
We'll put the traitors all to rout.
I'll bet my boots we'll whip them out,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.

Oh, may our Stars and Stripes still wave
Forever o'er the free and brave,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.
And let our motto ever be --
"For Union and for Liberty!"
Right away, come away, right away, come away.

Attached: General_William_T._Sherman.jpg (1746x2118, 938.62K)

so edgy
so profund

>N-No! not the majestic flag of the Jewnited States of Weimerica!

The spirit of revolution will never be crushed by tyranny

Attached: 4thenigger.jpg (328x154, 10.61K)

That's like saying the Scottish flag is disrespectful to the British flag. It's not.

They weren't traitors. The South seceded legally. You can't betray something that you are not a part of. Propaganda works both ways my guy.

Difference is, Scotland still exists joined the union to be part of the UK.

Forget about slavery, the American Civil War was the last stand of American identity against globalism. America was founded by Freemasons and peadophiles as a separate state, i.e. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin but the American ideal existed long before then and the CSA was the final expression of that identity. Anglo, White and True of Heart brimming with Honour.

They fought to get out and lost. Same with the confederates.

Sure joined. Not subjugated. Not colonized. Scotland has had stronger ties to the continent several points than it has had to the English.

But the Union exists because a Scottish House, the Stuarts, inherited the throne of England. Not to complain, though, the Stuarts were an ancient Brythonic House that had migrated from Britain to Britanny way back before the time of the Romans. That's why only faux-patriots support the foreign house of Windsor.