Tim Pool Anti Semite

"She's not white, she's Jewish"

Is Tim becoming anti-Semitic?

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His redpilling has been a joy to watch, albeit excruciatingly slow.


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timmy the bald has been a nazi for a long time, he "sits on the frence" so he doesn't get banned on youtube.

under that beanie is a swastika

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whites are not semites

>becoming anti-semetic
That would imply Timmy didnt have a deep,burning hatred already.

This pic makes me hard

You do realize your his target audience. The reason he puts out a billion videos a day all pro-Trump is because he knows you little shits will eat it up going to comments like “OOOOHHH SWALLOW THE REDPILL TIM, YOU CAN DO IT” he doesn’t even do journalism anymore all he does is read off some online new sites and speculate how this will end the Democratic Party.
Literally the other day he was talking about how the U.S will declare war on China next week, just absolute clickbait. he’s worse than Hannity at this point.

He's becoming more rational by the day and supporting Trump.

Tim reminds me of me, right before I took the redpill. Kid is genuinely smart, and doesn't seem like a bought-and-paid-for shill. He's been able to recognize that there's a transnational wealth-class that works against the common people. I had that understanding, too.

Just didn't want to accept that that wealth-class, were all Jewish. But eventually, I had to, because it's clearly true, and if this kid is as honest with himself as he claims to be, he'll have to admit it too.

He’s being honest

He is slowly losing his mind. Soon he will replace his beanie with a tin foil hat.

people hate on alt light e celebs, but really they are a good gateway and feeder tube for the JQ, white nationalism etc.

Based Zyklon Beanie

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This guy is becoming /ourguy and start to see through the lies.


I'm proud of him, he needs to search more.

Oh fuck off, he isn't some plant trying to promote Trump when he makes videos saying what Trump says is dumb. Lefties have the most retarded conspiracies.


>She's not white, she's Jewish
Nigga jews say the same thing all the time.

underrated post and already making r/the donald er i mean Yas Forums seethe

It's okay when they do it. But when others do it's a "hate crime".

based episode
he committed anutha shoah in that ep

yes but I love the fucking dude and his journey is an example of what happening all over the world

thats why i dont believe the shills and the demoralization, WE ARE WINNING

Tim Poolitty is Tucker with a wet treflip

Discord kikes gonna kike.


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Muh shekels

>Literally the other day

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He is and you can see it. As everyday passes you can see him become less coherent and muttering to himself more about conspiracies than actual news. Eventually he will become like Terry Davis, homeless and insane posting videos outside.

I can feel the seeth. Please never stop.

He's a grifter. He's only in it for the money. He'll vote for Trump to protect his money and then tell you he didn't vote at all.


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>Hey guys before I start be sure to donate to my patron. Okay so earlier today the Washington Post put out an article saying that the Democrats said that, get this, Trump is a bad president, I mean don’t get me wrong I don’t like trump I like yang or that tulsi-whatever, anyways I believe this is the beginning of the end for the corrupt DNC, in fact this may end in full out civil war. Anyways be sure to donate to my patreon. See you tomorrow

If you see an anti-Semitic person you can always trust that person to tell the TRUTH

These are the 2 cathegories of people:


This, all youtubeniggers are limited handout disinfor kikebots

tim pool is the definition of everything that is wrong with modern journalism. All he does is read out loud cherry-picked articles from sensationalist right-wing journalist websites. It doesn’t matter if he’s r/the_donald or /ptg/, he’s still a fucking idiot and so is everyone who actually admires him

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