Why do degenerates love these so much?

Why do degenerates love these so much?

Attached: 6e3bb5c6-3ae0-44d6-84d2-5f8fa6b281ea.jpg (780x838, 33.64K)

Idk, duty boots are much better, you can't run or move in those at all

Didn't these end in 1992?

idiots are attracted to glossy surfaces



Lesbian melee boots.

Attached: 6bac28e2ff1ca3c55f343968d72bea39.png (471x488, 262.5K)

Not politics

Solivair is better. Docs are chinkshit, even though I am wearing a pair right now.

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The quality of this board has been shit for years m8. This is a little bit better than all the other shit.

they're not for degenerates, they are awesome. I have been wearing Docs since 1992. Wear them everyday, have several pairs, they last a long time, super comfy, durable, broken in to my feet, a thousand styles, have dressy docs for work, casual for home, wear them on the motorcycle and just working in the garage.

they're not for degenerates, they're for everyone

carried by many shops, wide enough for my square foot, and doesn't change its shape every year like meme/fa/.


Attached: 1587862597936.jpg (809x1522, 631.34K)

Since 81 for me
Exactly, haven’t changed


crazy leftists are crazy

keep wearing your plastic made in vietnam lesbian tranny boots, faggots

you sure can run in them, they have bouncing soles

Why do sjws love wearing these? The guy that made them was a literal former Nazi lmao

>they last a long time,
i've had them wear out in 6 months, that's why i stopped buying them

They aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

For all the fags that want to know what a real boot made by white men in America looks like:

Attached: mpm1hl-7.jpg (6240x4160, 1.31M)

Dr martins are made in China, they used to be made in England

The only Doc you should ever consider buying.
Padded ankles, steel toe, around $100s.
Current pair are 10 years old and still my primary work boots.

Attached: Doc.png (293x398, 57.1K)

This is amazing thank you

OG 1460 and 1461 made in UK only
Let me guess, you wear nigger basketball shoes

There from England you brainlet.

>Work boots
>10 years
This is office work you are talking about??
I wear out boots every 6 months doing light outdoor work

Docs are pretty good boots. They just need to be made with more durable soles


Look at the tag, they say made in China. They out sourced the work years ago

my docs are steel toed, padded ankle, and rubber soled for stepping on electricity. cost me $300 to get them imported because they're out of circulation now but fuck they're great

Yeah man, I used to have a pair back around the year 2000. I liked them a lot. A few years ago I wanted to get me some again so I ordered them from Amazon but they were total fucking garbage. The quality was definitely no longer the same.

There english.

Fuck yeah mine are 8 years old. Put a little goop around the thread and they stay together no matter how much you weld.wish the stitchinf around the pull loops was stronger

I just buy whatever steel toes I can find at Walmart. Lasts me usually 4-5 months of labor

Both correct
You can still buy OG made in England
Cost roughly double, but worth the quality

Docs have been outsourced to asia since 2003 aside from like 2% of their total product

White American?

The factory's still here you fucking brainlet.

Whites liking them is a big no-no!
It needed to be (((fixed)))

Poor people like these because they're cheap and hard to wear down.

Ive been to the factory LMFAO

i'm a say... quality.

i better see you in all of the "is x based" and "redpill me on x" threads sending people to /trash/ too

mods wont clean this board, the least you can do is shitpost fruitlessly at them

Nigel, most docs aren't made in the UK, Solivair is what docs used to be. They used to make them for Doc Martens until the company outsourced.

Attached: solivair.jpg (474x474, 16.13K)