Why should I vote for Trump in 2020?
He didn't build the Wall, he didn't put China its place, and he gave billions to Israel and recognized Jerusalem as their capital.
Why should I vote for Trump in 2020?
He didn't build the Wall, he didn't put China its place, and he gave billions to Israel and recognized Jerusalem as their capital.
Wow user. You've stepped it up from being a single issue voter to being a 4 issue voter. Good job.
There’s nothing wrong with supporting Israel.
>a leaf
Israel is evil
Just trust the plan. Trump is playing 5d 200 IQ chess. It will all work out.
There's been decent enough wallin' for a start.
In his second and third terms, he'll have more flexibility.
imagine having a real gf this qt
1 term president loser
Wall is funded and being built.
We're now largely involved in wars.
Taxes reduced.
Lowest unemployment until recently, but I can't think of a politician who would do anything differently responding to the virus.
Fourth term might be dicey, but 2nd and 3rd are in the bag.
I'm starting to doubt he'll be reelected
Taxes for the rich. I still pay the same.
Joe Biden raped Tara reade and likes to smell children.
>Lowest unemployment
>until recently
>He didn't build the Wall
I'm not voting for Biden under any conditions
Reminder to you ancaps that this girl is like 15-16.
You have to support him because he deprived millions of health insurance, created the greatest unemployment in US history, dragged his heels on covid because it was only NY Jews and LA blacks dying, and gave the super-rich their biggest tax cut ever.
you do realize its all an act right? and act and 10 pounds of makeup
Even if that's where you stand, which one of those do you think Biden will fix?
>he still thinks his goyim opinion bubble sheet actually matters
Reddit leave
What is good for israel is bad for america and europe.
With all the wars that Israel has directly or indirectly caused and 6 million dead arabs, makes millions more refugees, often not directly from the arab world but also and mostly from sub saharan africa, using wars caused by israel as a proxy to reach europe.
Terrorists are often embedded within these refugees and has made the world a less safer place.
The american soldiers who fight to make america safer is costing american taxpayers billions and is also making america a less safer place to be in since now all the arabs in the world with half a braincell left will forever hate all americans and desperately wish for another 9/11 all the while being freely able to travel across borders as if it was nothing (also a very jewish idea)
Jews are also heavily involved with the smuggling of people directly and supporting these jihadis directly.
The money america is paying Israel may or may not go to the Sinai ISIS terrorist group with fights to prevent trade between hamas and egyptians.
People were set on fire to protect Israel.
Millions are dead and millions more will die, as Israel fights to prevent those Israel fights to get back on their feet as they will inevitably commit acts of vengeance against their oppressors an evil circle of infinite death, destruction and misery initiated by Israeli jews who under Hitler would probably have Israel in a far more inclusive, better and more peacefull way and more jews would've been saved if hitler would've won the war, that is why whites must save jews from themselves and obliterate israel.
No,... they being in their own little country has no affect on us apart from what we agree to do with them. Now secular jews in america,.... there's your evil you mentioned.
Cause Joe Biden may actually forget what he is doing while he’s on the job...’who is the president now? Oh it’s me...’
A vote for Biden is a vote for his VP.
Can’t wait to vote for him AGAIN.
>that k-pop poster in the back
Immediate redflag
Bit tryhard in this webm
Because Biden's cabinet will be full of anti-white niggers.
This is why it's pointless arguing with leftist shills. They never extrapolate or acknowledge the realpolitik of the situation. They just fixate on a handful of elements that Trump didn't do perfectly, then expect you to vote for the anti-white, anti-gun shitskin party or just let it go unopposed.
>he didn't build the wall
he did (pic related btw)
this is the truth and nu soi pol refuses to see it.
>He didn't build the Wall,
STILL coping, I see
>he didn't put China its place
Yes he did, Chang
>he gave billions to Israel
Absolutely based
>recognized Jerusalem as their capital.
Absolute state of discord shills.
>dragged his heels on covid because it was only NY Jews and LA blacks dying
Sounds based.
Also I thought the narrative was he wanted to defend NY Jews at all costs. Pick one please.
Decent enough?
Get outta here fucktard
>With all the wars that Israel has directly or indirectly caused and 6 million dead arabs, makes millions more refugees
>Arabs/Shitslamists are not violent and prone to strife - ITZ DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOZ
STFU schlomo
He's reducing immigration, didn't start any wars, reduced taxes, got out of the paris agreement
Wish our leader did things like that
I bet you thought Corbyn would be PM too.
>imagine having a real gf
He’s the biggest Jew loving President we’ve ever had. Vote for your race, vote for Biden
I apologize, you're right-- he has done more wallin' than any other person on the planet could or would have possibly done. I was damning with faint praise, and that was wrong.
low iq take
But they arent in their own nation, they consistently bomb palestinians, they consistenly bomb Syria, who has not harmed them, they consistently bomb Iran, they consistently cause strife and conflict in the region, which causes constant instability in the region.
5% of fence is being built with $ reprogrammed from the military. Literally any other leader wouldn't have said to inject bleach after saying it was a hoax that would magically go away by April, that we'd be open by Easter, or that you could kill it with fish tank cleaner.
All of America is now Trump University. A bankrupt rotting hulk of a casino surrounded by dead junkies in the heavy, stinking air of Atlantic City. Are you better off than 4 years ago? No. No you're not.
Hi Rabbi
>in options
He moved the embassy to Jerusalem. Gave additional $$ on top of 38 billion Dems allotted to Yidrael. Gave Botswana gay sex. Need more?