My mother is seriously concerned that the Covid-19 vaccine will put a microchip in us and thst it is the mark of the...

My mother is seriously concerned that the Covid-19 vaccine will put a microchip in us and thst it is the mark of the beast.
What do I tell her? Is she becoming a degenerate antivaxer?

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say thanks mom and do what she tells you

mother knows best

tell her she shouldnt worry about it, the Microchip will make life a lot easier, reduce and prevent crime and thanks to digital identity criminals wont be able to continue with their shit.
basically life becomes better for everyone.

Religious beliefs aside, we are human beings and not cattle. We do not get chipped


certificate of vaccination 2019

I wouldn't trust the first vaccine that comes out for corona and I'm not even an antivaxer.

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It's not all about life on earth

my parents are religious and said this shit like 10 times. just say that if it is the mark of the beast, it has to be this way or just do an hero already.

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yes its obviously the mark of the beast. dont be a retard, please, for the love of God. dont examplify to the rest of the world that you have literally zero thought capacity of your own.

Fucking nu/pol/ pussies. Yas Forums has always been anti vax, you degenerate subhumans. Im going to bump this thread just so my post is seen. Thanks for helping get my message out there, shills.

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>What do I tell her?
Shes right

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Imagine your mom being more based and redpilled than you. Just fucking imagine it.

We alraedy have the chip.
It is called a "smartphone" and not only did they not have to force you to take it but you also pay for it yourself, enriching them to spy on you.

Tell her that

1. that takes place in a prophecy that takes place in the future, because everything else that has to happen first has not happened yet

2. The "mark" is not even copied right, many manuscripts have "616" instead, casting doubt on whether it is even coherent as scripture

3. John is not even that John, but some lunatic who got banished to Patmos.

4. Eusebius did not want Revelation in the bible at all because it's crazy talk

If all that fails, tell here that the holy rollers made this same beef about social security numbers, so the mark of the beast is already issued, and her babushka ass didn't get one.

The vaccine will be a placebo with a tagging payload to ease 5G tracking development

It might not be the mark of the beast but it's definitely being pushed by actual real life satanists


I don't believe in any flat-earth-obama-fema-camp-jews-shrank-my-penis conspiracy theories, but I'm never getting chipped. Fuck that. That being said, theres no fucking way for them to put a secret microchip in a vaccine, that's retarded.

Enjoy your Polio

obey your mother she sounds cool and you seem like a stupid whiny little faggot

Go take your vaccine, faggot.

Ignorance is bliss so you are unironically enjoying your reduced cognitive function

That's where you have not been paying attention.


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Exactly. They do it to dogs... why can’t they do it to humans???


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