Should this even be legal? If it doesn’t impact her quality of work why is it the boss business what she does in her private time?
Should this even be legal...
You could say the same thing about saying racist things on social media
Yes it affects the dynamics of the work environment, faggot.
She's posting nude pictures of herself online. That's not private.
Shut up Idubbbz
Of course has tattoos...
pro tip master tech at dealers means fuck all
i wouldn't want a whore working for my company either. a whore with a day job is a terrible whore. why would i want to have them work for me when they are bad at a job that has only 1 requirement?
When you accept employment at a company, when signing paperwork, there is usually fine print indicating that as a representative of the company, you shall not engage in “xyz”. People get fired for less on social media. A lot of these you g girls chasing the quick buck are going to have a very hard lesson later in life.
This could led to interest conflict and screw the company
Come on boys where are the pics?
>On track to become...
It's the left's way of avoiding saying that a person is not important at their job
Digits demand that the pics be shown
>never judge a book by it's cover
literally a whore lel
They said the same thing about operating heavy machinery while under the influence of marijuana.
I've been engineering the internet while stoned for decades and look how great we're all doing!
Businesses often have clauses/rules that stipulate about non-workplace behavior -- such as producing porn.
Their business, their rules.
Exactly, but they are like most other people, total hypocrites. People only have such 'principles' when it suits their biases and not other times.
>Plz come pay for my ugly selfies
Typical excuse of a bootlicker. Bosses under no circumstances should be into the private life of any of their employees if they don't allow it, it's tirany behavior and anti freedom
You dont need to be racist to make ends meet
Valid comparison, but I wouldn't want to take that to a jury in this day and age. This is already in the media, so you know whose side they're going to be on and right or wrong they pull a lot of weight. I see her getting a big ass out of court settlement. The genius who fired her should of handled it internally, let it blow over, and let her go on her way amicably, but whatever.
>Firing people because they expressed a non-left wing view on social media or on video
>Firing prostitutes because you don't want a litteral whore in your workplace
My thoughts exactly. Fucking disgusting. How can any simp give money to a woman like that is beyond me.
It should be mandatory
>private life
>posting porn on the internet for everyone to see
Are you retarded or just a spic?
>internet porn
Are you retarded?
Please keep reinforcing the meme that wetbacks are intellectually inferior. Thx
>the internet
On what basis? Being a porn star isn't a protected class, and if the employment is at-will you can be fired without cause.
>be technician
>still have to whore yourself out on the internet to afford rent
Do mutts really do this?
Also what's her onlyfans/modelhub link.
Internet as whole can't be classified as part of public of private life
> tfw no coworkers with onlyfans
What I'd give to see some nudes of some of my coworkers
>all of these posts and no noodz
I gotta coom bros
it's not a healthy work environment
also get fucked skank, I wouldn't employ anyone who encourages the rest of the workers to engage in immoral behaviour
It wasn't an issue until her coworkers got involved in it, that's a serious breach of workplace ethics. If she was fucking her coworkers and got fired, would it be in question? Not even a little bit.
You wanna be a professional or a pornstar? Pick one.
Retard confirmed
On the basis of keeping his business open? He won't like how much he'll have to pay to settle it now
women are lazy and have no morals. They're the nigger of the two genders. If they see easy for having to do low effort sex work, they're going to whore themselves out.
Yes I do
If kids can be expelled from school for exercising their free speech rights, then this is allowed to.
"Free speech is not the same as freedom from consequences" goes all ways, not just the way you like.
It's about freedom and entrepreneurship. But she should have known that her boss was based and was going to thot patrol her. I'm sure there should have been a warning about this in her employment contract.
based and niggerpilled
I don't think it's right that she got fired
But I think the employer has the right to hire or fire anyone for any reason
holy shit guys he really is retarded
It's very common for employers to have policies against moonlighting especially if the other job impacts the performance at their main job. Her fansonly site is a distraction in the garage. The boss had two choices, fire her or fire everyone who saw the site.
as much as i hate whores, why deprive her of doing a shit job that prevents her from being more of a whore?
>getting promoted due to porn
>get sacked
Pick two.
Before we pass judgement we, as Scholars and Gentlemen, must see the nudes.
I assume a master technician is in charge of pleb technicians in which case yes it is very relevant
I'm a lawyer, not specialist in technology but my word is solid iron on the court, so I know more about laws than you
Because work is literally on an at-will basis and employers can hire and fire you for literally any reason (Unless it's because you're black or whatever).
THOT STATUS: PATROLLED!!! Roasties should neither work or whore themselves out. Robots are the future, meatcunts are doomed.
To be fair there’s an old tranny at my work that used to stream and bought his daughter a car using the money. Hasn’t caused any problems at work as far as I know besides people laughing at him.
>women are lazy
But this particular one had an actual job as a technician so she did either because she's a roastie who wanted more money or her pay is so shit she can't afford living expenses.
You misspelled 'tyranny'.
Kids in that pic unironically either belong in federal prison for at least 5 years or ought to be sentenced to get beaten by a big buff strong black man with HIV and then federal prison for 3 years. Racism against blacks and other People of Color is not okay.
kek. get fucked and fired stupid whore. you sluts dont deserve these short cuts in life while we all work our asses off
only shame is that she will probably get $900/wk unemployment now
larp retard confirmed
So if she were doing it for free, it'd be impermissible?
Did she have customer contact?
If yes, depending on the severity and the public image of the company, the company has a certain point.
Yes it should be legal. A boss should be able to fire any employee for any reason, just as an employee should be able to quit for any reason.
Nobody should be forced to do something they don't want to do. Working against your will is slavery even if compensated, and paying for something you don't want is theft, even if a service is provided yet unwanted.
Thot exterminated
>But this particular one had an actual job
uhhh having a job doesn't make you not lazy dude. What kind of leap of logic is this?
There are thousands of girls on that site. How did her co-workers find out about her being there? With the large number of feeds, doubt it was random. She almost certainly told someone at the business and then it got around to everyone else.
The goal of the owner of the business is to make a profit. Their goal isn't to become a whore prevention force. Her parents failed. No reason for the business owner to have to make up for that parenting failure.
Tatted-up thot with a 4th grade education. It should be news when she doesn't get fired.
They were in the wrong here. Pathetic.
You always get some cuck that pays and says "it's only $5 a month anyway and I support quite a few girls". There's bound to be one around if you cast the net far enough.
I'm sure if it's his business, then he's probably done his research before removing her roastie ass. Got to have all the t's crossed and i's dotted to run the business.
You likely already have whites working for you
>lawyer in argentina
>thinks he knows how laws work in every country on the planet
>thinks he's smart because he's a lawyer in a country full of retards
>still too retarded to realise that posting porn of yourself on the internet isn't doing something in private
After reading the Buzzfeed article it looks like she was fired for violating company policy, and then the owner declined to say what part of the policy. Walking that back was a poor choice on his part, but regardless I still cannot find a legal basis for a lawsuit from the facts so far. Being a sex worker is not a protected class.
I run a small business, i never hire holes or shitskins regardless of their qualifications, its a lawsuit waiting to happen
for my bad
>#1 rule of the internet c. 1996 - do not post rl information online
It's not that fucking difficult
>Be a whore online
>All male coworkers have seen her naked
>Productivity immediately dips every time she has a shift
Actions have consequences. Whether you're aware of them or like them.
leftist shitbag detected. faggot id check verified.
If she is going to be a partial whore, why not force her to decide to go one way or another? Either stop being a whore, or be a full fledged whore. Wear the scarlet letter, so-to-speak
>How did her co-workers find out about her being there?
How young are you? Maybe you're just stupid, but anything posted on the internet will come back to haunt you one day, especially porn. If nobody you know sees it some autist will send it to everyone you know anyway because that's how the internet works retard
THOT status: patrolled
When they stop firing Nazis I'll agree with them.
If you have or have had a job as a porn star, that is your only value now. It would be wrong to let her live that down.
ok boomer
I have been coding for years and have chose to just create and sell things instead of working for someone.
It does not seem fair that someone on welfare has more rights than me when I'm paying taxes, so if anyone wants to make money off me they can beg me for a job
No, it should not be legal for women to work on cars. After 20 years in the business, they just end up making the men pick up their slack in the shop.
Nice quints
>people have a right to express themselves freely, as long as they don't harm anyone directly - free of repercussions
This doesn't hold up in a corporate world. When you market products, you want to reach the largest consumer base possible. This means knowing your target audience, and trying to balance between pandering to your specific target while also being open enough as to potentially tap other demographics as well - cast the widest net, essentially. In today's information era, people will also get a reductive sense of each company (you can see the CEO's and his employee's social media profiles, getting a sense of what's what in a given company). If one person says racist shit, it will inevitably be brought up as a marker of the company he's working in, thereby branding them as "racist enabling", or indeed just "racist". So while you're entitled to saying whatever you want, you're directly compromising your employer's ability to cast a wide net by alienating segments of the target demographic.
You'd have to teach people to be mature grown ups and separate individuals' opinions from their crafts, but that requires a functioning educational apparatus.
You know I'm right nigger. Racism against people of color needs to be punished harshly or else these white degenerates will never learn.
>Productivity immediately dips every time she has a shift
Totally a myth, productivity can't be legally measure, less alone be pinpoint to a single factor, if you say she is the cause of loss of productivity then prepare for a lawsuit because you can't prove its her or lack of water /a close window/ sunlight / smog in the city, productivity it's just an abstract concept and nothing more
she would have made more money being a waitress.
Can confirm, its the same in my machine shop. That hole just texted on her phone all day, getting rid of the cunt almost got me sued
This and got damn
Sorry but there was a serious danger of her turning the other workers into simps and simps are unreliable. Better to fire one employee than lose all the others
the owner is liable if she complains of sexual harassment, that's why fucking brainlet
Maybe her employer felt as though her co-workers would be a bit less concentrated if they were aware that they are working alongside a literal porn star.
I guess it was either her or the rest of the team.