How much cognitive dissonance do modern Commies have to experience to obfuscate the fact that their entire movement benefits hyper-capitalists and Jewish oligarchs?
>Attacks all categories as illegitimate, like male and female, foreign born and native born, citizen and non-citizen, etc. to destroy all attempts for the working class to organize themselves.
>Champion socially destructing degenerate movements like LGBT to destroy communities and allow the capitalist class and Jews to exploit them.
>Attack every attempt by white Americans to shut down immigration as racist, thereby destroying the ability for labor to unionize.
>Organize antifa, BLM, and other forms of lumpenproletariat to terrorize all whites who dare to challenge the ruling class.
>Literally championed in the media and by the capitalist class. They share all of the values of the ruling class and exist to uphold the taboo structure manufactured by the ruling class.
I mean, seriously. Why are Communists so inept?
Modern Commies are Hypercapitalists
I used to be a communist before I realised multiculturalism was a disaster and that socialism works best among ones own kind. This was part of what made me shift.
Notice how this slides even though we know those people you described are posting bait here 24/7? They know they're corporate asspuppets and they don't care
It doesnt. The stonetoss comic at least have a semi valid point but you're just rambling. Say what you will about the modern left, but the one consistent position across the board is higher taxes and regulatory bounds for hyper-capitalists and jewish oligarchs..
They combine their sensible economic policy with their ridiculous social hedonism, making it impossible for the working class to support them. They're funded by oligarchs.
>higher taxes and regulatory bounds for hyper-capitalists and jewish oligarchs
Only on the national level. International corporates give a flying fuck ... they are even happy that the smaller sharks are pressured more. It is their competition after all.
There is bad stuff and good stuff. The general principles that all citizens shall be treated pretty more or less the same and private matters that do affect others shall be legal are sound, and obviously superior in practice to the insane bullshit Yas Forums likes to larp, would it ever be put into effect.
Open borders, toddler transvestite theatre - or whatever the boogieman of the hour - is the is retarded, but luckily not very common.
No, the only positions with some merit that the right has are:
>it wouldnt be the end of the world to lower immigration for a while
>morality isnt a bad thing
Unfortunately for the Right, their followers are usually MORE degenerate and nihilistic than the average lefttard, not less
A fine example of kikes trying to demoralize any attempt to take their money
>yes yes goyim, didnt you know that if you try to tax us it only HELPS us
>so you see, whatever you do WE WIN
>dont you think you better GIVE UP
extra bonus points for the picture of two sniveling kikes meant to disguise the fact that you are one yourself...
>Unfortunately for the Right, their followers are usually MORE degenerate and nihilistic than the average lefttard, not less
You can't possibly believe this.
you cant possibly have been here more than a week without believing it
>superior in practice to the insane bullshit Yas Forums likes to larp
Don't people told you? Yas Forums is NOT only one person.
Because they can't think more then one step ahead.
>whites who dare to challenge the ruling class.
[Fictional Event]
I encourage everyone in this thread to come up with a Socialist Alternative.
what the FUCK is your point, retard?
What are you talking about memeflaggot
Unironical Fascism
Unironical National Socialism
uhhhh you niggers are commies, go fuck yourselfs
Fren ... don't even try that one with me ;)
the average Yas Forumstard lacks empathy and morals, or mostly lacks
How terrible.
>no no no, you see, you people are actually the degenerates. Not we, who support LGBTQP anal sex for toddlers.
Go away.
You're all bootlickers.
only if you think that a lack of morals is a bad thing.. Which Yas Forums of course doesnt really think.
Like all reactionary movements Yas Forums cares about morality only as a tool to control people, and as a veil behind which to enact 120 days of sodom. I fully expect some anons from here to grow up to become adrenochrome drinking satanist pedos.
Stone Toss is a Nazi.
>You're all bootlickers
Whoever isn't? Really.
>Why are Communists so inept?
Their movement was the first one to get hijacked. The same way "conservatism" was hijacked in the US during and after the 60s. What you are seeing now with the likes of Charlie Kirk is basically the last stretch of the effort. People think that fighting him and what he represents will get them to "real conservatism" but in reality it will just get them the previous iteration of the subversion process. Then they'll wait another 10 years and just try again.
>regulatory bounds for hyper-capitalists
>ohh noooo. i'm a multinational big corporation that's going to be taxed!
>wait a minute! that means the small upstarts can't compete with me, else they face a heavy tax burden only of which I can bear the weight of!
>Me being a multinational corporation is now going to virtue signal for those who wish to tax me, so I can get good boy points, and they can voluntarily kneecap my competition!
>Oh no! I'm a multinational corporation and I'm being taxed out of existance. peace! i'm moving elsewhere.
>Oh no! I'm a large corporation being taxed out of existance. peace! i'm moving elsewhere.
>oh no! i'm a medium-sized corporation being taxed out of existance. peace! I'm moving elsewhere
>o no! i'm a small-sized corporation being taxed out of existance. peace! I'm moving elsewhere.
>oh no! i'm a medium-sized business being taxed out of existance. peace! i'm moving elsewhere.
>oh no! [...]
pick one.
>boogieman of the hour
>not every common
Your denial is retarded. If you think tranny worship don't run the left then say a statement against them in your left-wing social media and lets see how quickly you are completely disowned and blacklisted from the movement. Go ahead, show us how uncommon and unimportant toddler tranny worshipping is.
A left winger will have an easier time arguing for lower taxes for rich people than arguing against the castration of "trans children."
Gee, I wonder if that was intentional.
>please dont tax rich kikes
>please dont regulate rich kikes
>please dont tax rich kikes
>please dont regulate rich kikes
>please dont tax rich kikes
>please dont regulate rich kikes
>please dont tax rich kikes
>please dont regulate rich kikes
the political right wing is so predictable, it eventually gets boring. I guess that's why you're pivoting wildly between crazy eyed literal lolbertarianism and crazy eyed literal nazism
When all you really want to do is let rich kikes exploit the masses whichever fucking way they please and without getting taxed doing it
I like it the other way. If someone like Jeff Bezos fuck over millions of workers, you send him a bullet.
If someone like Elon Musk get rich by innovation and creativity, you give him a billion $ of taxpayer money just for him to make more good shit.
i mean the left are basically neo-cons at this point.
change the name of the department of war to the department of defense (politically correct language) to make themselves sound more virtuous than those who would criticize them.
Then work to start war after war to "liberate" foreign lands (for the left its domestic) and install the can-never-do-no-wrong democracy puppet (lets make sure those who are in charge are "virtuous" just like us) in place. This leader then proceeds to destroy any competition he has in the nation, all because he's protected by the neo-cons. Oh no!!! To our surprise, the democracy turns into a totalitarian dictatorship!!! Welp. Let's get the boys to assassinate their leader, and we the neo-cons (the now left) will look like heroes.
while we're at it, let's make sure our "frontline heroes" do tic tok videos and we get people to compare them to marvel heroes.
you are working for the rich kikes, you moron
jews win again!
>If you think tranny worship don't run the left then say a statement against them in your left-wing social media
Equal rights for everyone who hurts no one but themselves is a sound principle. By going against it you're complicit in spreading the so called tranny worship as normal reasonable people run to defend their basic rights as citizens, instead of putting them back in the memory hole